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Last active December 28, 2022 21:34
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UDP Latency Check
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Save results to a psql database
function Save-Result {
param (
Process {
$sqlStatement = $json | jq --raw-output @"
{ "src": ( .address | capture("(?<ip>.*):(?<port>.*?$)") ) } +
(.message | capture("(?<date_reported>[0-9/]+ [0-9:]{8}): ?(?<message>.*?)[ms]{0,2}$"; ""))
| "INSERT INTO pings (ip, port, message, date_reported) VALUES ('\(.src.ip)', \(.src.port), '\(.message)', '\(.date_reported)');"
Write-Host $sqlStatement
psql --dbname stats -c "$sqlStatement"
./latency-check.ps1 `
-Server `
-AesKey ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("REDACTED_B64_AES_KEY")) `
-ListenPort 11001 `
-ReceiveTimeout 3000 | Save-Result
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
Param (
# Port number to listen on
[int] $ListenPort = 11000,
# Port number to send data to
[int] $SendPort = 11000,
# Timeout in milliseconds for sending data
[int] $SendTimeout = 1000,
# Timeout in milliseconds for receiving data
[int] $ReceiveTimeout = 1000,
# Address to send data to
[string] $SendAddress = "",
# Message to send
[string] $Message = "Hello",
# Base64-encoded message to send
[string] $MessageBase64 = "",
[string] $HmacKey = "changeit",
[byte[]] $AesKey,
[switch] $RunServer
$AES = [System.Security.Cryptography.Aes]::Create()
if ($null -ne $aesKey)
$AES.Key = $aesKey
$encoder = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
function Test-Latency {
param (
[System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient] $client
if ( $MessageBase64 -ne "" )
$sendBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($MessageBase64)
Write-Debug $ListenPort
# use ascii message
$sendBytes = $encoder.GetBytes($Message)
if ($null -ne $aesKey)
$sendBytes = ( $AES.IV + $AES.EncryptCbc($sendBytes, $AES.IV) )
# Measure the time it takes to send and receive data
Measure-Command {
# Send the message
$transmittedBytes = $client.Send($sendBytes, $sendBytes.Length, $SendAddress, $SendPort)
# Check if the message was sent successfully
if ($transmittedBytes -gt 0)
$RemoteIpEndPoint = [System.Net.IPEndPoint]::new([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0)
# Receive the response message
$receiveBytes = $client.Receive([ref]$RemoteIpEndPoint);
# Convert the response message to a string
$returnData = $encoder.GetString($receiveBytes);
# Check if the response message contains any non-printable characters
if ( $returnData -cmatch '[^\x20-\x7F]' )
# Found non-printable chars, use base64 to encode.
$returnData = [Convert]::ToBase64String($receiveBytes)
Write-Debug "This is the message you received: `"$returnData`""
Write-Debug "This message was sent from $($RemoteIpEndPoint.Address) on their port number $($RemoteIpEndPoint.Port)."
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Debug "Caught exception -> $_"
} | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output "$(Get-Date): $($_.TotalMilliseconds)ms"
function Test-Server {
param (
[System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient] $client
$RemoteIpEndPoint = [System.Net.IPEndPoint]::new([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0)
while ($true) {
$receiveBytes = $null
$receiveBytes = $client.Receive([ref]$RemoteIpEndPoint)
if ($null -ne $aesKey)
$iv = New-Object byte[] 16
$ciphertext = New-Object byte[] ($receiveBytes.Length - 16)
[Array]::Copy($receiveBytes, $iv, 16)
[Array]::Copy($receiveBytes, 16, $ciphertext, 0, ($receiveBytes.Length - 16))
$receiveBytes = $AES.DecryptCBC($ciphertext, $iv)
Write-Debug "Caught Receive Exception"
if ($receiveBytes -gt 0)
$client.Send($receiveBytes, $receiveBytes.Length, $RemoteIpEndPoint.Address, $RemoteIpEndPoint.Port) | Write-Debug
$returnData = $encoder.GetString($receiveBytes)
if ( $returnData -cmatch '[^\x20-\x7F]' ) {
# Found non-printable chars, use base64 to encode.
$returnData = [Convert]::ToBase64String($receiveBytes)
# Uses the IPEndPoint object to determine which of these two hosts responded.
Write-Output "{`"message`":`"$returnData`",`"address`":`"$($RemoteIpEndPoint.Address):$($RemoteIpEndPoint.Port)`"}"
try {
$client = [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient]::new($ListenPort)
$client.Client.SendTimeout = $SendTimeout;
$client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = $ReceiveTimeout;
if ( $RunServer )
Test-Server $client
Test-Latency $client
finally {
create table public.pings
ip inet not null,
port integer not null,
message varchar,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
date_reported timestamp with time zone not null,
primary key (date_reported, ip, port)
alter table public.pings
owner to postgres;
-- insert only permissions to my user
grant insert on public.pings to jsteel;
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