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Making NatSem compositional and denotational!
module Semwap.NatSem where
open import Prelude hiding (force)
open import Prelude.Extras.Eq
open import Prelude.Extras.Delay
import Level
open import Semwap.Expr
-- While language as extracted form Table 2.1
data While : Set where
_:=_ : Var → Aexp → While
skip : While
_∶_ : While → While → While
if'_then_else_ : Bexp → While → While → While
while_run_ : Bexp → While → While
-- kinda abirtaty
infix 2 _:=_
-- ∶ is right assosiative
infixr 1 _∶_
-- The actual natural semantic function as extracted from Table 2.1
-- Here Delay gives us the possibility of reasoning about non termination
Domain : Size → Set
Domain i = State → Delay State i
open import Codata.Thunk hiding (extract; cofix)
open import Relation.Unary
module _ {p} (P : Size → Set p) where
cofix : ∀[ Thunk P ⇒ P ] → ∀[ P ]
cofix f = f aux module Cofix where
aux = λ where .force → cofix f
-- aux : Thunk P _
-- aux .force = cofix f
-- defined separately because of some technicalites with pattern matching
-- lambdas
natSemLoop : ∀ {i} → While → Thunk (λ j → State → Delay State j) i → State → Thunk (Delay State) i
natSemLoop S rec s .force = ((Sₙₛ⟦ S ⟧ s) >>= force rec)
natSemLoopAux : ∀ {i} → While → Thunk (λ j → State → Delay State j) i → State → Delay State i
natSemLoopAux S rec s = later (natSemLoop S rec s)
whileSem : Bexp → While → ∀[ Thunk Domain ⇒ Domain ]
whileSem guard S rec s =
if ℬ⟦ guard ⟧ s
then natSemLoopAux S rec s
else now s
Sₙₛ⟦_⟧_ : ∀ {i} → While → State → Delay State i
Sₙₛ⟦ x := a ⟧ s = now (s [ x ↦ (𝓐⟦ a ⟧ s) ])
Sₙₛ⟦ skip ⟧ s = now s
Sₙₛ⟦ w₁ ∶ w₂ ⟧ s =
(Sₙₛ⟦ w₁ ⟧ s) >>= Sₙₛ⟦ w₂ ⟧_
Sₙₛ⟦ if' guard then S₁ else S₂ ⟧ s =
if ℬ⟦ guard ⟧ s
then Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s
else Sₙₛ⟦ S₂ ⟧ s
Sₙₛ⟦ while guard run S ⟧ s = cofix Domain (whileSem guard S) s
-- The natural semantic relation as defined in chapter 2. The relations says
-- that ⟨ S 、 s ⟩⇾ s' is valid if S executed with s terminates and the final
-- state is s' Here we encode it by saying that there exists a proof of
-- termination and the results is equivalent to s'
-- ⟨_⸴_⟩⇾_ : While → State → State → Set
-- ⟨_⸴_⟩⇾_ S s s' =
-- Σ (natSem S s ⇓) (λ d → Delay.extract d ≡ s')
record ⟨_,_⟩⇾_ (S : While) (s : State) (s' : State) : Set where
constructor nsTuple_
nsTuple' : Σ (Sₙₛ⟦ S ⟧ s ⇓) (λ d → extract d ≡ s')
open ⟨_,_⟩⇾_ {{...}} public
-- Utilies on Natural semantics tuple
-- Also Theorem 2.9
-- The resulting value of two semantic tuples with the same statement and
-- starting state are unique
result-sem-unique :
{S : While} {s s' s'' : State}
→ ⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s' → ⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s''
→ s' ≡ s''
result-sem-unique {S} (nsTuple (Sₗ⇓ , S⇾s')) (nsTuple (Sᵣ⇓ , S⇾s''))
rewrite ⇓-unique Sₗ⇓ Sᵣ⇓ = (sym S⇾s') ⟨≡⟩ S⇾s''
-- result-sem-unique' :
-- {S : While} {s s' s'' : State}
-- → ⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s' ≡ ⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s''
-- result-sem-unique' {skip} {s} = refl
-- Semantic rules as defined in Table 2.1
[assₙₛ] : ∀ {x a s} → ⟨ (x := a) , s ⟩⇾ (s [ x ↦ 𝓐⟦ a ⟧ s ])
[assₙₛ] {x} {a} {s} =
( now (s [ x ↦ (𝓐⟦ a ⟧ s) ])
, refl
[skipₙₛ] : ∀ {s} → ⟨ skip , s ⟩⇾ s
[skipₙₛ] {s} = nsTuple (now s , refl)
[compₙₛ] :
∀ {S₁ S₂ s s' s''}
→ (⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s') → (⟨ S₂ , s' ⟩⇾ s'')
→ ⟨ S₁ ∶ S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s''
[compₙₛ] {S₁} {S₂} {s} {s'} {s''}
(nsTuple ( S₁⇓ , S₁⇾s' ))
(nsTuple ( S₂⇓ , S₂⇾s'' ))
rewrite (sym S₁⇾s')
( bind-⇓ S₁⇓ S₂⇓
, (extract (bind-⇓ S₁⇓ S₂⇓)
≡⟨ extract-bind S₁⇓ S₂⇓ ⟩
extract S₂⇓
≡⟨ S₂⇾s'' ⟩
[ifₙₛᵗᵗ] :
∀ {S₁ S₂ s s' b}
→ (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ true) → ⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s'
→ ⟨ if' b then S₁ else S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s'
[ifₙₛᵗᵗ] {S₁} {S₂} {s} {s'} {b} ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true (nsTuple (S₁⇓ , S₁⇾s'))
rewrite (sym (cong (if_then Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s else Sₙₛ⟦ S₂ ⟧ s) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true)) =
nsTuple (S₁⇓ , S₁⇾s')
[ifₙₛᶠᶠ] :
∀ {S₁ S₂ s s' b}
→ (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ false)
→ ⟨ S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s'
→ ⟨ if' b then S₁ else S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s'
[ifₙₛᶠᶠ] {S₁} {S₂} {s} {s'} {b} ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false (nsTuple (S₂⇓ , S₂⇾s'))
rewrite (sym (cong (if_then Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s else Sₙₛ⟦ S₂ ⟧ s) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false)) =
nsTuple ( S₂⇓ , S₂⇾s')
[whileₙₛᵗᵗ] :
∀ {b S s s' s''}
→ (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ true)
→ ⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s'
→ ⟨ while b run S , s' ⟩⇾ s''
→ ⟨ while b run S , s ⟩⇾ s''
[whileₙₛᵗᵗ] {b} {S} {s} {s'} {s''} ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true (nsTuple (S⇓ , S⇾s')) (nsTuple (WS⇓ , WS⇾s''))
rewrite (sym S⇾s')
solve (later (bind-⇓ S⇓ WS⇓))
( extract {d = inner-recur} (later (bind-⇓ S⇓ WS⇓))
≡⟨ extract-bind S⇓ WS⇓ ⟩
extract WS⇓
≡⟨ WS⇾s'' ⟩
inner-recur : Delay State ∞
inner-recur = (natSemLoopAux S (Cofix.aux Domain (whileSem b S)) s)
reduction : (if ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s then inner-recur else now s) ≡ inner-recur
reduction = cong (if_then inner-recur else now s) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true
solve : (inner-recur⇓ : inner-recur ⇓)
→ extract inner-recur⇓ ≡ s''
→ ⟨ while b run S , s ⟩⇾ s''
solve ir⇓ gives-s'' rewrite (sym reduction) = nsTuple ( ir⇓ , gives-s'')
-- [whileₙₛᶠᶠ] :
-- ∀ {S s b}
-- → (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ false)
-- → ⟨ while b run S , s ⟩⇾ s
-- [whileₙₛᶠᶠ] {S} {s} {b} ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false =
-- solve (now s)
-- refl
-- where
-- inner-recur : Delay State ∞
-- inner-recur = later (natSemLoop b S s)
-- reduction : (if ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s then inner-recur else now s) ≡ now s
-- reduction = cong (if_then inner-recur else now s) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false
-- solve : (inner-recur⇓ : now s ⇓)
-- → extract inner-recur⇓ ≡ s
-- → ⟨ while b run S , s ⟩⇾ s
-- solve ir⇓ gives-s'' rewrite (sym reduction) = nsTuple ( ir⇓ , gives-s'')
-- private
-- x y z : Var
-- x = 0
-- y = 1
-- z = 2
-- _ : ⟨ (x := 𝕟 1) , ε ⟩⇾ (ε [ x ↦ 1 ])
-- _ = [assₙₛ]
-- module _ where
-- private
-- s₀ s₁ s₂ s₃ : State
-- s₀ = (ε [ x ↦ 5 ]) [ y ↦ 7 ]
-- s₁ = s₀ [ z ↦ 5 ]
-- s₂ = s₁ [ x ↦ 7 ]
-- s₃ = s₂ [ y ↦ 5 ]
-- ex-2-1 : ⟨ ((z := 𝕧 x ∶ x := 𝕧 y) ∶ y := 𝕧 z) , s₀ ⟩⇾ s₃
-- ex-2-1 = [compₙₛ] ([compₙₛ] [assₙₛ] [assₙₛ]) [assₙₛ]
-- module _ where
-- private
-- s₀ : State
-- s₀ = ε [ x ↦ 3 ]
-- ex-2-2 : ⟨ (y := 𝕟 1 ∶ while !' (𝕧 x ==' 𝕟 1) run (y := 𝕧 y *' 𝕧 x ∶ x := 𝕧 x -' 𝕟 1)) , s₀ ⟩⇾ (s₀ [ y ↦ 6 ] [ x ↦ 1 ])
-- ex-2-2 = [compₙₛ] [assₙₛ]
-- ([whileₙₛᵗᵗ] refl
-- ([compₙₛ] [assₙₛ] [assₙₛ])
-- ([whileₙₛᵗᵗ] refl
-- ([compₙₛ] [assₙₛ] [assₙₛ])
-- ([whileₙₛᶠᶠ] refl)))
-- module _ where
-- private
-- s₀ : State
-- s₀ = ε [ x ↦ 17 ] [ y ↦ 5 ]
-- ex-2-3 : ⟨ (z := 𝕟 0 ∶ while 𝕧 y <=' 𝕧 x run (z := 𝕧 z +' 𝕟 1 ∶ x := 𝕧 x -' 𝕧 y)) , s₀ ⟩⇾ _
-- ex-2-3 = [compₙₛ] [assₙₛ]
-- ([whileₙₛᵗᵗ]
-- refl
-- ([compₙₛ] [assₙₛ] [assₙₛ])
-- ([whileₙₛᵗᵗ]
-- refl
-- ([compₙₛ] [assₙₛ] [assₙₛ])
-- ([whileₙₛᵗᵗ]
-- refl
-- ([compₙₛ] [assₙₛ] [assₙₛ])
-- ([whileₙₛᶠᶠ] refl))))
-- -- Semantic equivalence
-- record _≡ₙₛ_ (S₁ S₂ : While) : Set where
-- constructor ns-eq
-- field
-- S₁⇒S₂ : ((s s' : State) → ⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s' → ⟨ S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s')
-- S₂⇒S₁ : ((s s' : State) → ⟨ S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s' → ⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s')
-- ≡ₙₛ-refl : {S : While} → (S ≡ₙₛ S)
-- ≡ₙₛ-refl =
-- ns-eq (λ s s' t → t) (λ s s' t → t)
-- ≡ₙₛ-sym : {S₁ S₂ : While} → S₁ ≡ₙₛ S₂ → S₂ ≡ₙₛ S₁
-- ≡ₙₛ-sym (ns-eq to from) = ns-eq from to
-- ≡ₙₛ-trans : {S₁ S₂ S₃ : While} → S₁ ≡ₙₛ S₂ → S₂ ≡ₙₛ S₃ → S₁ ≡ₙₛ S₃
-- ≡ₙₛ-trans (ns-eq to from) (ns-eq to' from') =
-- ns-eq (λ s s' S₁ → to' s s' (to s s' S₁))
-- (λ s s' S₃ → from s s' (from' s s' S₃))
-- -- ≡ₙₛ-cong {S₁ S₂ S₃ : While} (f : → S₁ ≡ₙₛ S₂ → S₂ ≡ₙₛ S₃ → S₁ ≡ₙₛ S₃
-- -- If we know that a ⟨ while b run S , s ⟩⇾ s'' holds and that the boolean
-- -- guard is true in s then we can extract the proofs used to construct said
-- -- statement. That is, there exists a state `s'` such that `⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s'` and
-- -- `⟨ while b run S , s' ⟩⇾ s''`
-- [whileₙₛᵗᵗ]-elim :
-- {b : Bexp} {S : While} {s s'' : State}
-- → ⟨ while b run S , s ⟩⇾ s'' → ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ true
-- → Σ State (λ s' → (⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s') × ⟨ while b run S , s' ⟩⇾ s'')
-- [whileₙₛᵗᵗ]-elim {b} {S} {s} {s''} (nsTuple (WS⇓ , WS→s'')) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true
-- rewrite ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true =
-- s'
-- , ((nsTuple (Sₙₛ⟦S⟧s⇓ , refl))
-- , (solve))
-- where
-- bind⇓ : bind (Sₙₛ⟦ S ⟧ s) (Sₙₛ⟦ while b run S ⟧_) ⇓
-- bind⇓ with inspect WS⇓
-- ...| (later d , _) = d
-- Sₙₛ⟦S⟧s⇓ : Sₙₛ⟦ S ⟧ s ⇓
-- Sₙₛ⟦S⟧s⇓ = bind-⇓-injₗ bind⇓
-- s' : State
-- s' = extract Sₙₛ⟦S⟧s⇓
-- extract-bind⇓≡s'' : extract bind⇓ ≡ s''
-- extract-bind⇓≡s'' with inspect WS⇓ | inspect WS→s''
-- ...| (later d , ingraph WS⇓≡later) | (WS→s'' , _)
-- rewrite WS⇓≡later = WS→s''
-- Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓ : Sₙₛ⟦ while b run S ⟧ s' ⇓
-- Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓ = bind-⇓-injᵣ {d = (Sₙₛ⟦_⟧_ S s)} bind⇓
-- extract-Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓≡s'' : extract Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓ ≡ extract bind⇓
-- extract-Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓≡s'' =
-- extract-bind-⇓-injᵣ≡extract-bind-⇓ {d = (Sₙₛ⟦_⟧_ S s)} bind⇓
-- solve : _
-- solve with inspect (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s')
-- ...| (false , ingraph ℬ⟦b⟧s'≡false) =
-- nsTuple ( Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓ , (trans extract-Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓≡s'' extract-bind⇓≡s''))
-- ...| (true , ingraph ℬ⟦b⟧s'≡true) =
-- nsTuple (bind-⇓-injᵣ {d = (Sₙₛ⟦_⟧_ S s)} bind⇓
-- , (trans extract-Sₙₛ⟦while⟧s'⇓≡s'' extract-bind⇓≡s''))
-- [ifₙₛᵗᵗ]-elim :
-- {b : Bexp} {S₁ S₂ : While} {s s' : State}
-- → ⟨ if' b then S₁ else S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s' → ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ true
-- → ⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s'
-- [ifₙₛᵗᵗ]-elim {b} {S₁} {S₂} {s} {s'} (nsTuple (if⇓ , if→s')) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true
-- rewrite ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true = nsTuple (if⇓ , if→s')
-- [ifₙₛᶠᶠ]-elim :
-- {b : Bexp} {S₁ S₂ : While} {s s' : State}
-- → ⟨ if' b then S₁ else S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s' → ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s ≡ true
-- → ⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s'
-- [ifₙₛᶠᶠ]-elim {b} {S₁} {S₂} {s} {s'} (nsTuple (if⇓ , if→s')) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true
-- rewrite ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true = nsTuple (if⇓ , if→s')
-- [compₙₛ]-elim :
-- {S₁ S₂ : While} {s s'' : State}
-- → ⟨ S₁ ∶ S₂ , s ⟩⇾ s''
-- → Σ State (λ s' → ⟨ S₁ , s ⟩⇾ s' × ⟨ S₂ , s' ⟩⇾ s'')
-- [compₙₛ]-elim {S₁} {S₂} {s} {s''} (nsTuple (C⇓ , C⇾s'')) =
-- s'
-- , nsTuple (S₁⇓ , refl)
-- , (nsTuple ((bind-⇓-injᵣ {d = (Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s)} C⇓)
-- , trans (extract-bind-⇓-injᵣ≡extract-bind-⇓ {d = (Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s)} C⇓) C⇾s'')
-- )
-- where
-- S₁⇓ : Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s ⇓
-- S₁⇓ = bind-⇓-injₗ C⇓
-- s' : State
-- s' = extract S₁⇓
-- lem-2-5 : (b : Bexp) (S : While)
-- → (while b run S) ≡ₙₛ (if' b then (S ∶ while b run S) else skip)
-- lem-2-5 b S =
-- record { S₁⇒S₂ = while-to-unfold
-- ; S₂⇒S₁ = unfold-to-while
-- }
-- where
-- lhs = while b run S
-- rhs = if' b then (S ∶ while b run S) else skip
-- while-to-unfold : (s s'' : State) → ⟨ lhs , s ⟩⇾ s'' → ⟨ rhs , s ⟩⇾ s''
-- while-to-unfold s s'' (nsTuple (S⇓ , S→s''))
-- with inspect (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s)
-- ...| (false , ingraph ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false)
-- rewrite ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false
-- rewrite (sym (cong (λ z → if z then (bind (Sₙₛ⟦ S ⟧ s) (λ s₁ → if ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s₁ then later (natSemLoop b S s₁) else now s₁)) else (now s)) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false)) =
-- nsTuple (S⇓ , S→s'')
-- ...| (true , ingraph ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true ) =
-- let (s' , STuple , WhileTuple) = [whileₙₛᵗᵗ]-elim (nsTuple (S⇓ , S→s'')) ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true
-- in [ifₙₛᵗᵗ] ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true ([compₙₛ] STuple WhileTuple)
-- unfold-to-while : (s s'' : State) → ⟨ rhs , s ⟩⇾ s'' → ⟨ lhs , s ⟩⇾ s''
-- unfold-to-while s s'' (nsTuple (S⇓ , S→s''))
-- with inspect (ℬ⟦ b ⟧ s)
-- ...| (false , ingraph ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false)
-- rewrite ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false
-- rewrite trans (sym S→s'') (extract-now S⇓) =
-- [whileₙₛᶠᶠ] ℬ⟦b⟧s≡false
-- ...| (true , ingraph ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true)
-- rewrite ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true =
-- let (s' , bodyTuple , whileTuple ) = [compₙₛ]-elim {S₁ = S}
-- (nsTuple (S⇓ , S→s''))
-- in [whileₙₛᵗᵗ] ℬ⟦b⟧s≡true
-- bodyTuple
-- whileTuple
-- ex-2-6 : {S₁ S₂ S₃ : While} → (S₁ ∶ S₂ ∶ S₃) ≡ₙₛ ((S₁ ∶ S₂) ∶ S₃)
-- ex-2-6 {S₁} {S₂} {S₃} =
-- ns-eq (λ s s''' ⟨S₁∶S₂∶S₃,s⟩⇾s''' →
-- let (s' , ⟨S₁,s⟩⇾s' , ⟨S₂∶S₃,s'⟩⇾s''') = [compₙₛ]-elim ⟨S₁∶S₂∶S₃,s⟩⇾s'''
-- (s'' , ⟨S₂,s'⟩⇾s'' , ⟨S₃,s''⟩⇾s''') = [compₙₛ]-elim ⟨S₂∶S₃,s'⟩⇾s'''
-- in [compₙₛ] ([compₙₛ] ⟨S₁,s⟩⇾s' ⟨S₂,s'⟩⇾s'') ⟨S₃,s''⟩⇾s'''
-- )
-- (λ s s''' ⟨[S₁∶S₂]∶S₃,s⟩⇾s''' →
-- let (s' , ⟨S₁∶S₂,s⟩⇾s'' , ⟨S₃,s''⟩⇾s''') = [compₙₛ]-elim ⟨[S₁∶S₂]∶S₃,s⟩⇾s'''
-- (s'' , ⟨S₁,s⟩⇾s' , ⟨S₂,s'⟩⇾s'') = [compₙₛ]-elim ⟨S₁∶S₂,s⟩⇾s''
-- in [compₙₛ] ⟨S₁,s⟩⇾s' ([compₙₛ] ⟨S₂,s'⟩⇾s'' ⟨S₃,s''⟩⇾s''')
-- )
-- -- For later
-- ex-2-13 : {S₁ S₂ : While} → S₁ ≡ₙₛ S₂ → ((s : State) → Sₙₛ⟦ S₁ ⟧ s ≡ Sₙₛ⟦ S₂ ⟧ s)
-- ex-2-13 (ns-eq to from) = {!!}
-- --≡ₙₛ-refl : {S : While} {s s' : State} → (⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s' ≡ ⟨ S , s ⟩⇾ s')
-- --≡ₙₛ-refl = refl
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