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Created July 11, 2012 22:00
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A code fragment in the context of
import ivm._
import expressiontree._
import Lifting._
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import collection.TraversableLike
object OptimizationV1 {
val mergeMaps: PartialFunction[Exp[_], Exp[_]] = {
case MapNode(m@MapNode(coll, f), g) =>
(coll map (f andThen g))(m.cbf) //Here, g andThen f would be accepted by the compiler.
object OptimizationV2 {
//Some typechecking:
private def buildMergedMaps[T, U, V](coll: Exp[Traversable[T]], f: Fun[T, U], g: Fun[U, V]): Exp[Traversable[V]] =
(coll map (f andThen g)) //Here, g andThen f would be rejected.
val mergeMaps: PartialFunction[Exp[_], Exp[_]] = {
case MapNode(m @ MapNode(coll, f), g) =>
buildMergedMaps(coll, f, g)
object OptimizationV3 {
private def buildMergedMaps[
T, U, V, To <: Traversable[V] with TraversableLike[V, To]](coll: Exp[Traversable[T]],
f: Fun[T, U], g: Fun[U, V],
cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, V, To with TraversableLike[V, To]]): Exp[To] =
coll map(f andThen g)(collection.breakOut(cbf))
val mergeMaps: PartialFunction[Exp[_], Exp[_]] = {
case m @ MapNode(MapNode(coll, f), g) =>
buildMergedMaps(coll, f, g, m.c)
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