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Last active April 17, 2021 10:11
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Playing with Fibonacci
Fixpoint fib n :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S n =>
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S m =>
fib n + fib m
Require Import Omega.
Lemma fibPos n: fib n > 0.
Proof. induction n; cbn; try omega; destruct n; omega. Qed.
Lemma incFib n: n > 0 -> fib n < fib (S n).
intros; destruct n as [|n]; cbn in *; try omega.
pose proof (fibPos n); omega.
Require Import ssreflect.
From Coq.Arith Require Import PeanoNat.
Import Nat.
Lemma fibPow2 m: forall n, n > 0 -> n <= m -> fib n < Nat.pow 2 n.
induction m; intros n Hnpos Hnm; first omega.
destruct n; cbn; first omega.
destruct n; cbn; first omega.
destruct n; cbn; first omega.
(* Hacky way to refold fib's expansion to fib. *)
remember (fib (S (S n)) + fib (S n)) as x eqn:Heqx.
pose proof Heqx as Heqx'.
simpl in Heqx'.
(* ssreflect syntax to chain rewrites *)
rewrite -Heqx' Heqx. clear Heqx Heqx' x.
(* now, omega can do all trivial inequality manipulations, but it does no
simplification. So first we must add all inequalities to combine to the
context. *)
(* The underscores turn assumptions into shelved goals *)
epose proof incFib (S n) _ as Hinc.
epose proof IHm (S (S n)) _ _ as Hn2.
(* Simplify, but don't reduce fib *)
cbn -[fib] in Hn2.
(* Rewrite ?x + 0 -> ?x (for any x) in both Hn2 and the goal. This is also
ssreflect syntax. *)
rewrite !add_0_r in Hn2 |- *.
(* (* At this point, we could finish with: *) *)
(* Unshelve. *)
(* all: omega. *)
(* But let's look closer at what happens. *)
(* Use "transitivity" (not quite), to reduce to the two inequalities used in Beware oemga needs no such
crutches. *)
apply (lt_le_trans _ (fib (S (S n)) + fib (S (S n))) _); omega.
(* Turn shelved assumptions into goals. *)
all: omega.
Lemma fibPowOld m: forall n, n > 0 -> n <= m -> fib n < Nat.pow 2 n.
induction m; intros n Hnpos Hnm; first omega.
destruct n; cbn; first omega.
destruct n; cbn; first omega.
destruct n; cbn; first omega.
(* Hacky way to refold fib's expansion to fib. *)
remember (fib (S (S n))) as x.
assert (fib (S (S n)) = x) as Heqx' by auto. simpl in Heqx'.
(* ssreflect syntax to chain rewrites *)
rewrite Heqx' Heqx. clear Heqx Heqx' x.
remember (fib (S n)) as x.
assert (fib (S n) = x) as Heqx' by auto. simpl in Heqx'.
rewrite Heqx' Heqx. clear Heqx Heqx' x.
epose proof (IHm (S n) _ _) as Hn1.
epose proof (IHm (S (S n)) _ _) as Hn2.
Unshelve. all: try omega.
SearchPattern (?a < ?b -> ?b <= ?c -> ?a < ?c).
apply (lt_le_trans _ (2 ^ S n + 2 ^ S (S n)) _).
- omega.
(* Optional *)
(* repeat rewrite -> add_0_r. *)
simpl; omega.
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mukeshtiwari commented Jan 20, 2019

What do you think about this one ? Never mind, I realized it's < rather than <=.

Require Import Psatz.
Require Import FunInd.

Fixpoint fib n :=
  match n with
  | 0 => 1
  | S n =>
    match n with
    | 0 => 1
    | S m => 
      fib n + fib m

Functional Scheme fib_ind := Induction for fib Sort Prop.

Lemma powfn : forall n, fib n <= Nat.pow 2 n.
  induction n.
  + cbn; auto.
  + cbn; destruct n.
    ++ cbn; auto.
    ++ (* don't simplify *)
      (* all I need to show that fib n <= fib (S n) *)
      assert (Ht : forall m, fib m <= fib (S m)).
      induction m.
      +++ cbn. lia. 
      +++ cbn. destruct m.
          ++++ cbn. lia.
          ++++ lia.
      +++ specialize (Ht n).

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