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Last active July 8, 2020 01:30
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Hang In There Boilerplate

Blake Donnelly

Dennis Clark

Goals and Expectations for the Project:

  • Dennis and I agree that our goals for this project are to learn how to effectively and competently create a functional webpage. For this to be possible we will need to learn how JavaScript, HTML, and CSS interact with each-other in a dynamic website.

  • As a team, we want to push each-other to thrive on our first "real" turing project. We will help each-other grasp new concepts, do deep research on our own, and collaborate to produce code that displays our understanding of these new concepts.

  • Our measure of success will rely on understanding new concepts in this project, and figuring out how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript interact on a fundamental level.

Team strengths & collaboration styles:

  • B - My strength of intuitive conceptual will help connect dots in this project. Staying calm and cool will allow to not be overwhelmed when it gets stressful. Love for moderation will help to write DRY code.

  • D - My Imaginitive-Insirational side allows me to learn from pass mistakes and implement new strategies for current solutions. My can-do attitude helps me stay positive and get the job done.

How we can use our strengths to overcome obstacles:

  • We will use our strengths to tackle the problem from opposite ends when we get stuck , we will stay positive. We will make an effort to do a chunk of the project every day and not put work off until the last minute.

Schedule Expectations (When are we available to work together and individually?:

  • Dennis and I agree that direct communication will work best for us, a video, voice, or screen-share call where we can both look at the same screen and actively discuss concepts. Weekdays we are mostly free to work on a call together, but may need to schedule specific blocks of time on weekends for this. We have agreed that a rotating driver-navigator style of collaboration will work best for this project.

Communication Expectations:

  • We will talk to each-other each day to touch base on our thoughts on the project, we will put a couple hours each day after class in an attempt to systematically finish this project. We will have slack to keep communication open at any time if needed. We will be following the driver-navigator style so making decisions will be a fully collabaorative effort.

  • Dennis presented a wonderful idea of taking 5-10 minutes after every session to decompress, and go over our wins and thoughts moving forward. We can take this time to talk about emotional well-being or just hang out and have a nice off-topic conversation.

Abilities & Growth Expectations:

  • B- I feel strong about dabbled with HTML and CSS a bit, I feel pretty strong with Arrays and functionality. I still think interacting between the three of these is something I will need to improve a lot with.

  • D- I also feel strong having dabbled with HTML and CSS a bit. I feel pretty strong about accessing arrays. I still think interacting between the three of these is something I will need to improve a lot with.

Workload Expectations:

  • Dennis and I want to work together on as much of this project as possible. As most of these concepts are completely new to us we believe it would be beneficial to both be exposed to it.

Workflow Expectations:

  • As we have not had too much experience with git workflow in a collaborative environment, this will be a big weakness that we will have to focus heavily on. We will be utilizing our mentors and peers for some code review to try and get some ideas on where we can refine our code.

Pomodoro Break Schedule:

  • Dennis and I have agreed that poms can be had upon request, but at least every 45 minutes.

Expectations for giving and receiving feedback:

  • We want to focus on giving feedback to each-other with one mindset: empowering through teaching. Instead of giving each-other the answer, or stark criticism, we want to empower each-other to try and bring each-other up as much as possible.

Project management tools we will use (GitHub projects or Trello are popular tools):

  • Dennis and I did not get the chance to discuss this, but we will make a decision and update this information.

Day 1 Agenda:

  • Take the night off to finish homework, we will meet tomorrow to start fresh!
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