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BlakeDonn /
Last active May 25, 2020 17:46
PAIRIN results

Pairin results below

BlakeDonn /
Last active July 8, 2020 01:30

Hang In There Boilerplate

Blake Donnelly

Dennis Clark

## Let's set up our dotfiles
### Part 1: Set up your dotfile repository
1. cd to your root directory (cd)
2. create a dotfiles directory (mkdir dotfiles)
2.5 run (git init) to initialize it as a git repository
3. run either a (touch .zsh_profile.zsh) file or a (touch .bash_profile) file
- zsh/bash depends on your shell. run (echo $SHELL ) in order to find out what shell you have
- if you already have a {zsh,bash}_profile file in your root directory, copy over the contents
BlakeDonn /
Last active August 25, 2020 02:50

UserRepository stores all User-related objects in an array.

On load it will be the catalyst for all methods (pulls ID from somewhere)

  • let allUsers = new UserRepository(userData)

  • let currentUser = returnUserData(ID)

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings

BlakeDonn /
Last active November 18, 2020 22:11

Canvas Setup (slicing the image)

We agreed that utilizing the slicing feature on the drawImage() canvas method would allow us to split our image into segmented pieces to be interacted with by the user. Below are the documented decisions that were made in the initial steps of this process

  • Initial attempt was to target html ref="canvas" and utilize accordingly as is traditionaly done in vanilla JS, this threw the below error from React

Screen Shot 2020-11-18 at 4.03.16 PM

  • Second attempt will be to utilize useRef() or createRef() as recommended above