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Last active December 18, 2015 14:49
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# Generate a changelog between the v1 and v2 tags
# See the "pretty formats" section of the git manual if you want to customize the output:
git log --no-merges --format="%an: %s" v1..v2
Blake Gardner: Fixed broken composer.json
Blake Gardner: Added a list of keywords to the composer.json
Blake Gardner: Updated the example code in the README file
Blake Gardner: Ignore the vendor folder and composer.lock
Blake Gardner: Added PHP-CS to the require-dev section of the composer.json file
Blake Gardner: Updated package name
Blake Gardner: Updated composer.json file with minimum PHP version, license, and PSR-0 autoloader information
Blake Gardner: Added composer.json generated by the composer init command
Blake Gardner: Updated example PHP file to reflect the new class name, name space, and method names
Blake Gardner: Broke the valid MAC address characters into two lines
Blake Gardner: Fixed whitespace issues
Blake Gardner: Lowercased null values
Blake Gardner: Lowercased all true booleans
Blake Gardner: Lowercased all false booleans
Blake Gardner: Converted class, and methods to use Allman style braces
Blake Gardner: Converted all tabs to spaces
Blake Gardner: Camel cased all of the method names to conform to the PSR-1 standard
Blake Gardner: Put the class into a vendor level name space and re-named the class to match the file name
Blake Gardner: Moved the class file to match the directory structure expected by PSR-0
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