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Created September 11, 2011 04:07
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Brainfuck interpreter in clojure!
(ns brain.fuck
(def ptr (atom 0)) ; Initialize the pointer to 0
(def cells (atom (vec (repeat 30000 0)))) ; Plenty of room!
(defn start [place commands]
(loop [brackets 1]
(when-not (== brackets 0)
(swap! place inc)
(case (nth commands @place)
\] (recur (dec brackets))
\[ (recur (inc brackets))
(recur brackets)))))
(defn end [place commands]
(loop [brackets 1]
(when-not (== brackets 0)
(swap! place dec)
(case (nth commands @place)
\] (recur (inc brackets))
\[ (recur (dec brackets))
(recur brackets)))))
(defn exec-command [commands place]
(case (nth commands @place)
\> (swap! ptr inc) ; Apply inc to ptr
\< (swap! ptr dec) ; Apply dec to ptr
\+ (reset! cells (assoc @cells @ptr (inc (get @cells @ptr)))) ; assoc makes new array with inc
\- (reset! cells (assoc @cells @ptr (dec (get @cells @ptr)))) ; assoc makes new array with dec
\. (print (char (get @cells @ptr))) ; Get the cell, turn it into a char, and print
\, (reset! cells (assoc @cells @ptr (int (char (. System/in read)))))
\[ (if (== (get @cells @ptr) 0)
(start place commands))
\] (if-not (== (get @cells @ptr) 0)
(end place commands))
(defn interpret [commands]
(loop [place (atom 0)]
(exec-command commands place)
(swap! place inc)
(if-not (= @place (count commands))
(recur place))))
(defn -main [& args]
(if (nth args 0)
(interpret (slurp (nth args 0)))
(println "Please specify a file"))
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icefox commented Sep 20, 2011

When I run this through clojurescript it complains about recur inside the case statements, would this be something missing in clojurescript?

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I've never tried to run it in clojurescript, I'll check it out and see if I can find a solution.

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