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Last active January 7, 2021 08:30
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Functions to compute Simpson's and Sorensen's betas from taxa lists from different sites
#returns biodiversity components a, b, and c from two vectors with taxa names.
#x: character vector, taxa list of one site
#y: character vector, taxa list of another site
abc <- function(x, y){
#list to store output
out <- list()
#filling the list
out$a <- length(intersect(x, y))
out$b <- length(setdiff(x, y))
out$c <- length(setdiff(y, x))
#returning the output
#returns the Sorensen's beta from the output of abc()
sorensen_beta <- function(x){
x$bsor <- round(2 * x$a / (2 * x$a + x$b + x$c), 3)
#returns the Simpson's beta from the output of abc()
simpson_beta <- function(x){
x$bsim <- round(min(x$b, x$c) / (min(x$b, x$c) + x$a), 3)
#returns the biodiversity components a, b, and c and the betadiversity indices of Sorensen and Simpson
#x: character vector, taxa list of one site
#y: character vector, taxa list of another site
betadiversity <- function(x, y){
abc(x, y) %>%
sorensen_beta() %>%
#computes betadiversity indices for a set of sites of an arbitrary size stored in a long-format data frame
#x: data frame with at least two columns: site.column, with the site name, and taxa.column, with the taxon name. The data frame ought to have one row per site and taxon.
#site.column: character, name of the column in x with the site names.
#taxa.column: character, name of the column in x with the taxa names.
betadiversity_multisite <- function(
site.column, #column with site names
taxa.column #column with taxa names
#get site combinations
site.combinations <- utils::combn(
x = unique(x[, site.column]),
m = 2
#iterating through site pairs
betadiversity.df <- foreach::foreach(
i = 1:ncol(site.combinations),
.combine = 'rbind'
) %do% {
#site names <- site.combinations[1, i]
site.two <- site.combinations[2, i]
#getting taxa lists <- x[x[, site.column] %in%, taxa.column]
taxa.list.two <- x[x[, site.column] %in% site.two, taxa.column]
beta <- betadiversity(
x =,
y = taxa.list.two
#adding site names
beta$ <-
beta$site.two <- site.two
#returning output
#remove bad rownames
rownames(betadiversity.df) <- NULL
#reordering columns
betadiversity.df <- betadiversity.df[, c(
#returning output
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