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Created August 7, 2014 20:10
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Save Blei/32d22fb92a3365da86b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rust GC Count -- Memmap
//based off
extern crate native;
extern crate rustrt;
use native::io::file;
use rustrt::rtio;
use rustrt::rtio::RtioFileStream;
use std::os;
enum State {
fn main() {
let path = "Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.67.dna_rm.chromosome.Y.fa".to_c_str();
let mut fd = file::open(&path, rtio::Open, rtio::Read).ok().expect("couldn't open file");
let stat = fd.fstat().ok().expect("couldn't stat file");
let mm = os::MemoryMap::new(stat.size as uint, &[os::MapFd(fd.fd()), os::MapReadable]).ok().expect("mmap failed");
let mut gc = 0u;
let mut at = 0u;
let mut state = Begin;
let data =;
for i in range(0, mm.len()) {
let c = unsafe{*((data as uint + i) as *mut u8)};
match c {
b'>' => {
if state == Begin {
state = Ignore;
b'\n' => {
state = Begin;
b'A' | b'T' => if state != Ignore { at += 1 },
b'G' | b'C' => if state != Ignore { gc += 1 },
_ => ()
println!("{:.10}", 100.0 * gc as f64 / (gc + at) as f64);
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It seems to me to me that the State enum includes a third state (Read) that isn't used... if it doesn't already, I wonder if removing that would allow LLVM to optimize out the branch (if state != Ignore) as addition of an integer (0 or 1)? If not, you could probably make it even faster by changing State to a CLike enum such that Begin = 1 and Ignore = 0, then just add state to at and gc. Of course, it's also possible that for a simple I/O bound program like this, CPU isn't enough of a bottleneck for this to make a difference :)

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