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Created July 8, 2023 07:30
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#region Header
// San Diego Gas And Electric Parser >San Diego Gas And Electric Parser >ISql.cs\n Copyright (C) Adonis Deliannis, 2019\nCreated 26 08, 2019
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace San_Diego_Gas_And_Electric_Parser {
public interface ISql {
/// <summary>
/// Inserts data into the specified table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table to modify</param>
/// <param name="data"><see cref="KeyValuePair{TKey,TValue}"/> to insert into <see cref="table"/></param>
/// <remarks>The <see cref="data"/> parameter must match the table's structure else it will throw an error.</remarks>
Task InsertInto(string table, Dictionary<string, dynamic> data);
/// <summary>
/// Updates given data to the specified <see cref="table"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table to modify</param>
/// <param name="newData"><see cref="KeyValuePair{TKey,TValue}"/> to update in the <see cref="table"/></param>
/// <param name="queryColumn">The query to use for WHERE</param>
/// <param name="queryData">The data to use for WHERE</param>
/// <remarks>The <see cref="newData"/> parameter must match whatever you are updating else it will throw an error.
/// <see cref="queryColumn"/> and <see cref="queryData"/> refer to the WHERE clause such as 'WHERE <see cref="queryColumn"/>=<see cref="queryData"/>'
/// </remarks>
Task Update(string table, Dictionary< string, dynamic > newData, string queryColumn, dynamic queryData);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the element by <see cref="index"/> from the <see cref="table"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table to modify</param>
/// <param name="index">The index of the element you want to remove</param>
Task Delete(string table, int index);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the element by <see cref="query"/> from the <see cref="table"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table to modify</param>
/// <param name="query">The query specification to select the element you want to remove</param>
Task Delete(string table, string query);
/// <summary>
/// Opens a connection
/// </summary>
Task Connect();
/// <summary>
/// Closes the connection
/// </summary>
Task Disconnect();
// #define DRYRUN
#region Header
// San Diego Gas And Electric Parser >San Diego Gas And Electric Parser >Sql.cs\n Copyright (C) Adonis Deliannis, 2019\nCreated 26 08, 2019
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using log4net;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
// ReSharper disable CSharpWarnings::CS8625
namespace San_Diego_Gas_And_Electric_Parser {
internal class Sql : ISql {
private readonly SqlConfig _config;
private readonly MySqlConnection _con;
private readonly ILog _log = LogManager.GetLogger("SQL");
public Sql(SqlConfig config) {
_config = config;
_con =
new /*Server=string;Port=int;Database=string;Uid=string;Pwd=string*/
private async Task< int > Execute(string query) {
var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, _con);
return await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
_log.Info($"DRY: {query}");
await Task.CompletedTask;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new reader of the data specified by the <see cref="query"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">The MYSQL Query to send to the server</param>
/// <returns>A new <see cref="DbDataReader"/></returns>
private async Task< DbDataReader > ExecuteReader(string query) {
var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, _con);
return await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
#region Implementation of ISql
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task InsertInto(string table, Dictionary< string, dynamic > data) {
// data.Values.Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x}, {y}");
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,dynamic> k in data) {
sb.Append(long.TryParse(Convert.ToString(k.Value), out long v)
? $"`{k.Key}`={v},"
: $"`{k.Key}`='{k.Value}',");
Execute($"INSERT INTO {table.EscapeString()} ({data.Keys.Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x.EscapeString()}, {y.EscapeString()}")}) VALUES ({data.Values.Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x}, {y}")})");
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Update(string table, Dictionary< string, dynamic > newData, string queryColumn, dynamic queryValue) {
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string,dynamic> k in newData) {
sb.Append(long.TryParse(Convert.ToString(k.Value), out long v)
? $"`{k.Key}`={v},"
: $"`{k.Key}`='{k.Value}',");
string query =
$"UPDATE {table.EscapeString()} set {sb.ToString().TrimEnd(",".ToCharArray())} WHERE `{queryColumn}`='{queryValue}'";
await Execute(query);
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Delete(string table, int index) {
await Delete(table, $"INDEX=`{MySqlHelper.EscapeString(index.ToString())}`");
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Delete(string table, string query) {
await Execute($"DELETE FROM `{table}` WHERE `{query}`;");
public async Task< bool > Exists(string table, string column, dynamic entry) {
bool ret = false;
long te = Global.ToUnixTime(entry);
DbDataReader reader = await ExecuteReader($"SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE `{column}`='{te}'");
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
dynamic ts = reader.GetFieldValueAsync< dynamic >(0);
if (await ts != te) continue;
ret = true;
return ret;
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Connect() {
await _con.OpenAsync();
/// <inheritdoc />
public async Task Disconnect() {
await _con.CloseAsync();
public async Task< int > GetUsername() {
DbDataReader db = await ExecuteReader($"SELECT `userid` FROM `userdb` WHERE `username`='{_config.Username}'");
await db.ReadAsync();
int ret = (int) db[ 0 ];
return ret;
// ReSharper disable CS8625
public async Task< List< object > > GetEntry(string table, string column, string queryColumn = "",
dynamic queryValue = default) {
string query = queryColumn.IsEmpty()
? $"SELECT {column} from `{table}`"
: $"SELECT {column} from `{table}` where `{queryColumn}`='{queryValue}'";
DbDataReader reader = await ExecuteReader(query);
List< object > lst = new List< object >();
await reader.ReadAsync();
object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount];
// while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
// object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount];
// reader.GetValues(values);
// lst.Add(values);
// }
return lst;
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