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Last active October 20, 2021 18:11
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For serum anchor

For Mac M1 installation with issue try updating rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup component add rustfmt

Install anchor and anchor-cli

cargo install --git --tag v0.17.0 anchor-cli --locked
# installing via npm causes issue


anchor build

Update config

$ solana address -k ./target/deploy/<app-name>-keypair.json
# update declare_id()
# update Anchor.toml [programs.localnet]
# top up test wallet with token - solana airdrop 1
# update Anchor.toml [provider] wallet 

Fix for Mac M1: coral-xyz/anchor#95 (comment) Following the instructions here, but not running solana-install init worked:

Then go to sdk/cargo-build-bpf from the project root. From there, run the following:

$ cargo install --path .

This will install the cargo-build-bpf program to ~/.cargo/bin. Next in ~/.cargo/bin create a symlink to the sdk folder in the project’s bin folder, like this:

$ ln -s $PROJECT_ROOT/bin/sdk ~/.cargo/bin/sdk

Replace $PROJECT_ROOT with your Solana project folder.


$ anchor test

For resolving file not found, add npx to test in Anchor.toml e.g. test = "npx mocha -t 1000000 ./tests/"


$ anchor deploy
$ solana program show <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>
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