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Created August 31, 2018 08:31
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chatterbot MongoDb editor - chatterbot-database
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
import pymongo
import re
def textUpdate():
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
mydb = myclient["chatterbot-database"]
mycol = mydb["statements"]
ID = input("ObjectId: ")
Id = ObjectId(''+ID+'')
TEXT = str(input("text: "))
return mycol.find_one({"_id":Id})#,{"in_response_to": 1,})
def responseUpdate():
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
mydb = myclient["chatterbot-database"]
mycol = mydb["statements"]
ID = input("ObjectId: ")
Id = ObjectId(''+ID+'')
TEXT = str(input("text: "))
return mycol.find_one({"_id":Id})#,{"in_response_to": 1,})
def Find():
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost:27017")
mydb = myclient["chatterbot-database"]
mycol = mydb["statements"]
print (mycol)
search = input("SEARCH: ")
regx = re.compile(search, re.IGNORECASE)
mydoc = mycol.find({"text": regx})
count = 0
for x in mydoc:
count = count +1
# limit query to 10 responces
if count <5:
def DeleteID():
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
mydb = myclient["chatterbot-database"]
mycol = mydb["statements"]
ID = input("ObjectId: ")
Id = ObjectId(''+ID+'')
mycol.delete_one({'_id': ObjectId(Id)})
def viewLAST():
COUNT = []
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("localhost:27017")
mydb = myclient["chatterbot-database"]
mycol = mydb["statements"]
count = 0
for x in mycol.find():
count = count +1
# append this count to list COUNT
print ("There is a total of :",COUNT[-1],"entries.")
print ("View the last N entries into MongoDB.")
Num = int(input("Enter Number to View: "))
mycol = mydb["statements"]
cont = 0
for x in mycol.find():
cont = cont +1
# COUNT is the total of all documents
# if the document count is greater tha all the documents minus 5
#print it
if cont < COUNT[Num]:
print ("-----------------------------------------------------------------")
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Edit the database created by chatterbot chatterbot-database

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