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Created February 23, 2023 16:59
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Half-baked unity patcher that doesn't support the most recent versions
import os, sys, shutil, ctypes, time, re, operator
# Usage:
# This script always makes sure it makes backups of everything it changes so you can always revert by renaming the backup files to their original names.
# If you only have one version of unity installed it will just search for the first unity version it can find there and try to patch that if you run it.
# You can adjust the default_path variable inside this script if necessary.
# Alternatively you can just drag and drop the Unity.exe onto this script if you have properly associated the python script file extension with a working interpreter.
# Or you can pass the path to the Unity.exe as the only argument to the script in a shell by hand.
# I have only tested this script on windows and I haven't checked if even the signatures could work on other platforms. But probably not.
patches = (
# ("2021.2.2", '4c 8d 05 1e 76 f7 00 48 8d 55 84 48 8b 4c 24 60 e8 c0 b0 43 fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2021.2.1", '4c 8d 05 fe 68 f7 00 48 8d 55 84 48 8b 4c 24 60 e8 e0 d6 43 fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2021.2.0", '4c 8d 05 4e 61 f7 00 48 8d 55 84 48 8b 4c 24 60 e8 f0 72 44 fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2021.1.28", '48 8d 4d 18 e8 99 d0 7d fe 90 48 8d 4c 24 60 e8 8e d0 7d fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2021.1.5", '48 8d 4d 18 e8 e9 ae 7c fe 90 48 8d 4c 24 60 e8 de ae 7c fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2021.1.0", '48 8d 4d 18 e8 19 54 7d fe 90 48 8d 4c 24 60 e8 0e 54 7d fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.3.22", '48 8d 4d 28 e8 b0 ef b5 fc 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 a6 ef b5 fc 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.3.0", '48 8d 4d 28 e8 c0 fa c2 fc 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 b6 fa c2 fc 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.2.7", '48 8d 4d 28 e8 50 58 c3 fc 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 46 58 c3 fc 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.2.0", '48 8d 4d 28 e8 30 72 c4 fc 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 26 72 c4 fc 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.1.17", '48 8d 4d 30 e8 e2 b9 11 fd 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 d8 b9 11 fd 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.1.10", '48 8d 4d 30 e8 92 64 13 fd 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 88 64 13 fd 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2020.1.0", '48 8d 4d 30 e8 f2 9d 15 fd 90 48 8d 4d b8 e8 e8 9d 15 fd 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2019.4.32", '48 8d 4d 30 e8 2f 9b 75 fe 90 48 8d 4d e8 e8 25 9b 75 fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2019.x-2020.x", '48 8d 4d 0b001..000 e8 . . . 0b11111... 90 48 8d 4d 0b1.1.1000 e8 . . . 0b11111... 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2018.4.36", '48 83 7d 30 00 76 0a 48 8d 55 48 e8 81 75 4b fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2018.2.0", '48 83 7d 30 00 76 0a 48 8d 55 48 e8 27 b0 4d fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
# ("2018.1.0", '48 83 7d 30 00 76 0a 48 8d 55 48 e8 d5 df 75 ff 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
("2021.2.7+", (('48 8B 4C 24 60 E8 10 53 43 fe 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),)),
("2021.x", (('48 8B 4C 24 60 E8 . . . FE 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),)),
("2020.3.25+", (('48 8d 4d 28 E8 . . . FE 90 48 8D 4D B8 E8 . . . FE 90', '0F B6 C3', 'B0 01 90'),
('A1 64 00 00 33 FF 40 84 F6', '0F 84', '90 E9'),)),
("2020.1", (('48 8B CB E8 DA 2D 00 00 84 C0', '75', 'EB'),)),
("2020.2-3", (('48 8B CB E8 8D 34 00 00 84 C0', '75', 'EB'),)),
default_path = r"C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor"
def main(arg):
os.system("title GENERIC UNITY 2020-21 PATCHER")
print("### GENERIC UNITY 2020-21 PATCHER ###")
if not os.path.isfile(arg):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath("Unity.exe")):
arg = os.path.abspath("Unity.exe")
elif os.path.isdir(default_path):
candidates = sorted(os.listdir(default_path), reverse=True)
for candidate in candidates:
candidate = os.path.join(default_path, candidate, "Editor/Unity.exe")
if os.path.isfile(candidate):
arg = candidate
if not arg:
raise FileNotFoundError("Couldn't find a valid unity installation.")
print(f'patching "{arg}"...')
with open(arg, "r+b") as f:
data =
for ver, patterns in patches:
patch = Patch(ver, patterns)
if patch.prepare(data):
print(f"found matching patch for unity {patch.ver}")
if not os.path.isfile(arg + ".bak"):
shutil.copyfile(arg, arg + ".bak")
if patch.disable_licensing:
lic_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(arg), "Data/Resources/Licensing")
if os.path.isdir(lic_path):
print("disabling licensing...", end="")
os.rename(lic_path, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lic_path), "Licensing_disabled"))
print(" done")
print("this unity version is not supported")
except PermissionError as e:
if not is_user_admin():
print("re-trying with admin permissions...")
input("press any key to exit")
class Sig:
def __init__(self, sig, orig, patch):
self.orig, self.orig_bits = self.parse_sig(orig)
self.orig: bytes = self.escape_sig(self.orig)
self.patch: str = patch
self.sig, self.sig_bits = self.parse_sig(sig)
self.length = len(bytes.fromhex(self.sig.replace(".", "00").replace("?", "00")))
self.sig: bytes = self.escape_sig(self.sig)
self.found_offsets: list[int] = []
def parse_sig(sig) -> tuple[str, dict[int, tuple[int, int]]]:
bit_sigs = {}
sig_list = sig.split(" ")
for i, ele in enumerate(sig_list[:]):
if re.fullmatch(r"0b[\d.?]{8}", ele):
match_mask = 0
ignore_mask = 0b11111111
for k, c in enumerate(ele[2:]):
if c == "." or c == "?":
ignore_mask -= 1 << (7 - k)
elif c == "1":
match_mask += 1 << (7 - k)
bit_sigs[i] = (match_mask, ignore_mask)
sig_list[i] = "."
return ' '.join(sig_list), bit_sigs
def escape_sig(sig) -> bytes:
return b".".join(map(re.escape, map(bytes.fromhex, sig.split("."))))
def offset(self):
if not self.found_offsets:
raise Exception("No offsets")
return self.found_offsets[0]
def get_match_offsets(self, data) -> list[int]:
for m in re.finditer(self.sig + self.orig, data):
for i, ele in enumerate(m[0].split(b" ")):
if i in self.sig_bits:
if (int(ele, 16) & self.sig_bits[i][1]) != self.sig_bits[i][0]:
return self.found_offsets
def exists_patched(self, data) -> bool:
return bool( + self.escape_sig(self.patch), data))
class Patch:
def __init__(self, ver: str, patch_sigs: tuple[tuple[str, str, str], ...], disable_licensing: bool = True):
self.ver: str = ver
self.sigs: list[Sig] = [Sig(*patch) for patch in patch_sigs]
self.sigs_to_apply: list[Sig] = []
self.disable_licensing = disable_licensing
def prepare(self, data) -> bool:
for sig in self.sigs:
offsets = sig.get_match_offsets(data)
if len(offsets) == 1:
elif not offsets:
if not sig.exists_patched(data):
return False
print(f"Signature {sig.sig.hex()} of {self.ver} already patched")
elif len(offsets) > 1:
print(f"Signature for {self.ver} is ambiguous (offsets: {hex(offsets[0])}, {hex(offsets[1])})")
return False
return True
def apply(self, f):
for sig in sorted(self.sigs_to_apply, key=operator.attrgetter("offset")):
print(f"patching {sig.orig.hex()} to {sig.patch.replace(' ', '').lower()} at offset {hex(sig.offset + sig.length)}") + sig.length)
def is_user_admin():
return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin()
return False
def run_as_admin():
ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", sys.executable,
" ".join(f'"{x}"' for x in sys.argv), os.getcwd(), 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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