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Last active May 21, 2024 11:53
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Generic Voicemeeter Potato in-memory patch
import os
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import traceback
from pymem import Pymem, process, exception
# This is an in-memory patch that launches and patches Voicemeeter Potato in memory on startup.
# It will not actually properly activate Voicemeeter but by supressing the activation popup after the trial period expires
# it behaves as if it has been activated for all intents and purposes.
# The most recent versions of Voicemeeter Potato validate their own binary integrity by checking the digital file signature
# so it is no longer possible to simply apply the patch to the binary itself and I couldn't be bothered to figure out how to bypass the signature check.
# This patch was developed for version but it should work for newer versions as long as no major changes are made to the activation popup.
# For this to work as an autorun you can create a Task Scheduler Task with high privileges that launches this python script on logon.
# You have to pass the full exe path and file name of the Voicemeeter exe you want to patch as the only argument.
# The script will launch Voicemeeter and then immediately patch its memory.
patches = [
("voicemeeter8x64.exe", b"\xb9\x2c\x01\x00\x00", b"\xb9\x00\x00"),
("voicemeeter8.exe", b"\x3d\x2c\x01\x00\x00", b"\x3d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7e\x0a\xb8\x00\x00"),
def main(voicemeeter_exe_path):
# Select the correct patch based on the executable name
selected_patch = next((sig, patch) for handle, sig, patch in patches if handle.lower() in voicemeeter_exe_path.lower())
# Launch Voicemeeter with idle priority
proc = subprocess.Popen([voicemeeter_exe_path], cwd=os.path.dirname(voicemeeter_exe_path))
pid =
if not selected_patch:
print("- No patch found for the given executable.")
sig, patch = selected_patch
pm = Pymem(pid)
except exception.ProcessNotFound:
print("- Process not found, even though it should have been launched.")
print(f"+ Found Voicemeeter with PID {pm.process_id}")
for i in range(10):
module = process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, os.path.basename(voicemeeter_exe_path))
if module is not None:
print(f"- Could not resolve main module")
print("* Aborting...")
address = pm.pattern_scan_module(sig, module)
if address is None:
print(f"- Couldn't find signature 0x{sig.hex()}")
print("* Aborting...")
print(f"+ Found signature at address 0x{address:02x}")
pm.write_bytes(address, patch, len(patch))
print(f"+ Voicemeeter successfully patched")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
main(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
print(f"Usage: python {os.path.basename(__file__)} <path/to/voicemeeter8[x64].exe>")
except Exception:
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I used this and another activator for a while, but decided to permanently activate Voicemeeter. So I wrote a keygen for Voicemeeter Potato and the VAIO extensions.

It is available here if you're interested:
A reference implementation of the key generation is available here (it is very simple)

(pinging @j3yps because you seemed interested in a VAIO extension activator)

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j3yps commented Mar 27, 2024

I used this and another activator for a while, but decided to permanently activate Voicemeeter. So I wrote a keygen for Voicemeeter Potato and the VAIO extensions.

It is available here if you're interested: A reference implementation of the key generation is available here (it is very simple)

(pinging @j3yps because you seemed interested in a VAIO extension activator)

Awesome, i'll check it out!

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Awesome! This is obviously a much better solution. Go use that instead!

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L it got DMCA'd

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repo got remove, any plans to repost?

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You can still use it on web archive as it was a client-only javascript library and there is a working snapshot before the takedown.

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archive can be found here

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