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Last active July 15, 2022 01:32
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Get all AWS EC2 Instances that lack a cloudwatch metric or composite alarm
#Originally created by Liz Clements in 2022
#License: MIT
$AWSRegion = 'us-west-2'
$AWSProfileLocation = ("$env:USERPROFILE\.aws\credentials")
$AWSProfileName = 'default'
#Grab all alarms, that have instance ids directly associated with them
$AlarmData = (Get-CWAlarm `
-ProfileLocation $AWSProfileLocation -ProfileName $AWSProfileName -Region $AWSRegion) `
| Where-Object { $_.Dimensions.Name -eq 'InstanceId' }
#Parse the InstanceIds and store the type of alarms that are associated to each
$InstanceAlarmMap = @{};
$InstanceAlarmCountMap = @{};
try {
ForEach($Alarm in $AlarmData)
$Alarm_InstanceId = $Alarm.Dimensions `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "InstanceId" } `
| Select-Object Value -ExpandProperty Value
#Store the Alarm type
$InstanceAlarmMap[$Alarm_InstanceId] = $true # update this to include composites
#Store the count
if($InstanceAlarmCountMap.ContainsKey($Alarm_InstanceId) -eq $true)
$InstanceAlarmCountMap[$Alarm_InstanceId] = $InstanceAlarmCountMap[$Alarm_InstanceId] + 1
$InstanceAlarmCountMap[$Alarm_InstanceId] = 1
catch {
Write-Error "Grabbing alarm data failed!!"
Exit 1
$ListOfAllInstances = `
(Get-EC2Instance -Region $AWSRegion -ProfileLocation $AWSProfileLocation -ProfileName $AWSProfileName).Instances `
$ListOfInstances_WithAlarmData = $ListOfAllInstances `
| Select-Object `
@{ `
Name="ServerAlias"; `
Expression= { `
$_.Tags | Where-Object Key -eq "Name" | Select-Object Value -ExpandProperty Value `
} `
} `
, @{ `
Name="State"; `
Expression={ $_.State.Name } `
} `
, @{ `
Name="AlarmType"; `
Expression= { `
if($InstanceAlarmMap[$_.InstanceId]) { "Metric" } `
else { "None" } `
} `
} `
, @{ `
Name="AlarmCount"; `
Expression= { `
if($InstanceAlarmCountMap.ContainsKey($_.InstanceId) -eq $false) { "0" } `
else { $InstanceAlarmCountMap[$_.InstanceId] } `
} `
}, InstanceId, PrivateIpAddress
#$ListOfInstances_WithAlarmData | Sort-Object -Property AlarmType, State, ServerAlias | Format-Table
$Gridview_Selection = $ListOfInstances_WithAlarmData | Sort-Object -Property AlarmType, State, ServerAlias | Out-Gridview -PassThru
#Output the selection
$Gridview_Selection | Format-Table
#Copy to clipboard all of the private ip addresses
Set-Clipboard -Value $Gridview_Selection.PrivateIpAddress
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