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Crawling around with no motivation for shit...


Crawling around with no motivation for shit...
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How to make cracked games look like you own them (Steam)

  1. Go to your library
  2. Click "Add a Game", then "Add a Non-Steam Game..." and then "Browse..."
  3. Browse to the root of your cracked game and select the .exe
  4. Go to and search for the cracked game you're trying to style
  5. Select and copy the game description
  6. Enter Steam, go to the page of your cracked game
  7. Click "New Note", paste in the description and click "Save and Close"
  8. Return to SteamDB, go to "App info", and go down to "Assets"
  9. Now right click, and "Save linked content as..." for the "clienticon", "clienttga" and all of the "library_assets" (you can save the "library_assets" wherever and delete them after, you need to keep the "clienticon", and the "clienttga" tough)