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BlueSpaceCanary / pihole-FTL.log
Created December 1, 2020 00:08
pihole ftl segfault
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.597 2793/T2797] FTL has been running for 18868 seconds
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] FTL branch: master
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] FTL version: v5.3.1
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] FTL commit: e1db31d
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] FTL date: 2020-11-28 21:59:12 +0100
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] FTL user: started as pihole, ended as pihole
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] Compiled for armv7hf (compiled on CI) using arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18) 6.3.0 20170516
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] Process details: MID: 2793
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] PID: 2793
[2020-11-30 15:57:37.598 2793/T2797] TID: 2797
BlueSpaceCanary /
Created February 27, 2020 05:34
cryptographically secure pronouns
import secrets
def pronouns():
rand = secrets.randbelow(100)
if rand < 45: # 45%
return "he/him"
elif rand < 65: #20%
return "they/them"
else: # 35%
return "she/her"
local RED="%{$fg[red]%}"
local BLUE="%{$fg[blue]%}"
local GREEN="%{$fg[green]%}"
local CYAN="%{$fg[cyan]%}"
local MAGENTA="%{$fg[magenta]%}"
local YELLOW="%{$fg[yellow]%}"
local RESET="%{$reset_color%}"
# nothing if it's good, red "WRONG" if it's bad lol
local goodbad="%(?,,${RED}WRONG!!${RESET})"

Drink every time...

  1. Trump calls a woman a bitch
  2. There's a stupid question about emails
  3. There's a stupid question about Benghazi
  4. The wall's mentioned
  5. The moderators let Trump repeat gross slanders against the Clintons

Finish your drink if...

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bluespacecanary on github.
  • I am bluespacecanary ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAgx7k70VwKIZNuabrnwDSYxQP5XI5EP0pYMzccuZBzLwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

BlueSpaceCanary / gist:3d36ca381338c87c8f73
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Birthday problem redux
import random
year = [0]*365
def genBirthday():
return random.randrange(365)
def main():
groupSize = 365
numTrials = 1000