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Last active June 5, 2023 12:53
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Linux live proxy patcher - A bash script that patches all running processes using GDB to either enable or disable proxy. Manage your proxy's state without having to logout anymore! You may have to restart your browser though :D
# The proxy url to use when enabled
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Set proxy to "" if arg is "off"
# If arg is neither "on" or "off", exit
[[ $1 = "off" ]] && proxy= || ([[ $1 = "on" ]] || exit)
# Ensure we are root
sudo true
proxy_state=$([[ $proxy ]] && echo Enabling || echo Disabling)
echo -e "$proxy_state proxy...\n"
echo -n "Configuring snap..."
sudo snap set system proxy.http="$proxy" > /dev/null
sudo snap set system proxy.https="$proxy" > /dev/null
sudo snap set system proxy.ftp="$proxy" > /dev/null
echo -e "\033[1;32m Done!\033[0m"
pids=($(ps -Ao pid --no-headers))
echo -n "Patching all running processes (${#pids[@]} gdb instances)..."
# Loop through all running processes to patch their proxy variables
# The pid of a process can also be obtained from `pidof <program_name>`
for pid in ${pids[@]}; do
sudo gdb -p $pid \
-ex "set confirm off" -ex "set pagination off" \
-ex "call (int) putenv (\"https_proxy=$proxy\")" \
-ex "call (int) putenv (\"http_proxy=$proxy\")" \
-ex "call (int) putenv (\"ftp_proxy=$proxy\")" \
-ex "call (int) putenv (\"HTTPS_PROXY=$proxy\")" \
-ex "call (int) putenv (\"HTTP_PROXY=$proxy\")" \
-ex "call (int) putenv (\"FTP_PROXY=$proxy\")" \
-ex quit > /dev/null &> /dev/null &
# Wait for all gdb background instances to complete
# Same as wait $(jobs -p)
echo -e "\033[1;32m Done!\033[0m"
# Restart Vivaldi
echo -n "Restarting Vivaldi..."
pkill vivaldi && i3-msg exec vivaldi-stable > /dev/null && echo -e "\033[1;32m Done!\033[0m" || echo -e "\033[1;33m Not opened :D\033[0m\n"
# Restart Slack
echo -n "Restarting Slack..."
pkill slack && i3-msg exec slack > /dev/null && echo -e "\033[1;32m Done!\033[0m" || echo -e "\033[1;33m Not opened :D\033[0m\n"
proxy_state=$([[ $proxy ]] && echo enabled || echo disabled)
echo -e "\033[1;35m\nProxy $proxy_state!"
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