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Last active July 24, 2019 12:58
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function getSkriptColor(color: text) :: text:
replace all "_" with " " in {_color}
if {_color} is "green", "aqua" or "red":
return colored "<light %{_color}%>"
else if {_color} is "blue":
return "&9"
return colored "<%{_color}%>"
function jsonComponentToText(jso: jsonobject) :: text:
map json "%{_jso}%" to {_json::*}
set {_text} to ""
loop {_json::extra::*}:
loop {_json::extra::%loop-index%::*}:
if loop-index-2 is "color":
set {_color} to getSkriptColor(loop-value-2)
else if loop-index-2 is "text":
if {_color} is not set:
set {_color} to ""
set {_text} to "%{_text}%%{_color}%%loop-value-2%"
return {_text}
function getJsonComponent(message: text) :: jsonobject:
set {_component::text} to {_message}
return json of listvar {_component::*}
on packet event play_server_chat:
set {_component} to "chatcomponent" pjson 0 of event-packet
if {_component} is not set:
# test
set {_message} to jsonComponentToText({_component})
replace all "§" with "&" in {_message}
set chatcomponent pjson 0 of event-packet to getJsonComponent({_message})
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