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Blueyescat /
Last active October 25, 2021 00:06
A script that registers AND/OR statements and Check expression to Skript.

⬇️ The script is at below ⬇️

This script registers AND/OR statements and Check expression to Skript using skript-mirror.

Doesn't mean to work exactly, but looks like it works. You will need to use brackets at many cases.

Thanks Pikachu for help on usage of the parse section.


Blueyescat /
Last active September 15, 2018 20:42
Have a server console channel in Discord with this script!
# If you want to use a font that doesn't exist on the system:
set {_font} to "Dialog"
set {_color} to color rgb(0, 128, 0)
set {_name} to "Blueyescat"
set {_discriminator} to "0733"
set {_avatarURL} to ""
set {_currentExp} to 1621
set {_requiredExp} to 3564
set {_place} to 16
on server list ping:
clear the hover list
loop all players:
add 1 to {_n}
if loop-player's group is "yonetici":
set {_color} to "&4"
else if loop-player's group is "yardimci":
set {_color} to "&2"
set {_color} to "&7"
Blueyescat /
Last active March 10, 2019 10:55
++ and -- operators in Skript (with skript-mirror)
function checkChangeability(expr: object, add: boolean) :: boolean:
if ChangerUtils.acceptsChange({_expr}, (ChangeMode.ADD if {_add} is true, else ChangeMode.REMOVE), number) is false:
Skript.error("%{_expr}% can't be %(""increased"") if {_add} is true, else ""decreased""%")
return false
function getSkriptColor(color: text) :: text:
replace all "_" with " " in {_color}
if {_color} is "green", "aqua" or "red":
return colored "<light %{_color}%>"
else if {_color} is "blue":
return "&9"
return colored "<%{_color}%>"
function jsonComponentToText(jso: jsonobject) :: text:
map json "%{_jso}%" to {_json::*}
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import ch.njol.skript.Skript;
import ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect;
import ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem;
import ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables;
* This is *not* similar to Skript's AsyncEffect class.
on load:
set {meteor::blockTypes::*} to redstone block, redstone ore, magma block, magma block, magma block, magma block and netherrack
expression [the] direction from %location% to %location%:
return type: direction
return new Direction(expr-2.toVector().subtract(expr-1.toVector()))
local effect combine %entity% with %entity% [with offset %-direction%]: