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Last active February 28, 2021 00:28
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  • Save Bluscream/4bf1baf682e88f7404dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Bluscream/4bf1baf682e88f7404dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Resilience mIRC Bot
on *:JOIN:%bot_rc_chan: {
if (%bot_rc_halt == 1) {
set %bot_rc_status 0
echo %bot_rc_chan Bot off because of banned user joined.
.timerbotoffonbanned 1 900 set %bot_rc_status 1
alias rcbot { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot has been turned on!,echo -a Bot has been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_status 1,set %bot_rc_status 0) }
alias rcbotbans { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot bans have been turned on!,echo -a Bot bans have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_botbans 1,set %bot_rc_botbans 0) }
alias rcbotjoin { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot join MSG's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot join MSG's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_join 1,set %bot_rc_join 0) }
alias rcbotjoinshort { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot join MSG's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot join MSG's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_join_short 1,set %bot_rc_join_short 0) }
alias rcbotquit { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot quit MSG's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot quit MSG's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_quit 1,set %bot_rc_quit 0) }
alias rcbotquitshort { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot quit MSG's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot quit MSG's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_quit_short 1,set %bot_rc_quit_short 0) }
alias rcbotwelcome { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot welcome MSG's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot welcome MSG's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_welcome 1,set %bot_rc_welcome 0) }
alias rcbotnick { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot quit MSG's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot quit MSG's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_nick 1,set %bot_rc_nick 0) }
alias rcbotcmds { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot CMD's have been turned on!,echo -a Bot CMD's have been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_extcmds 1,set %bot_rc_extcmds 0) }
alias rcbottest { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot's Test mode has been turned on!,echo -a Bot's Test mode has been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_test 1,set %bot_rc_test 0) }
alias rcbotdebug { $iif($1 == on,echo -a Bot's debug mode has been turned on!,echo -a Bot's debug mode has been turned off!) | $iif($1 == on,set %bot_rc_debug 1,set %bot_rc_debug 0) }
alias runcmd { echo -a Executing 7 $+ $1- $+  in the Windows CMD | /run cmd.exe /k $1- && exit }
alias restartpc { /run cmd.exe /k shutdown -r /f -t 0 | echo -a 4Restarting Computer NOW }
alias shutdownpc { /run cmd.exe /k shutdown -s /f -t 0 | echo -a 4Shutting Computer down NOW }
alias bot_rc_antiflood { if (!$($+(%,antiflood,.,$1),2)) { set -u5 $+(%,antiflood,.,$1),2)) on } | else { msg $nick §c Wait a bit between IRC Commands! | halt } }
alias bot_rc_opchk if (!$nick(#,$nick,~&)) { .notice $nick You are not allowed to use this command | halt }
alias bot_rc_ownerchk if ($istok(%bot_rc_ownernicks,$nick,44)) { set %nick_rc_isOwner 1 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(9OwnerNick) } }
alias bot_rc_moderatorchk if ($istok(%bot_rc_moderatornicks,$nick,44)) { set %nick_rc_isModerator 1 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(9ModeratorNick) } }
alias bot_rc_supporterchk if ($istok(%bot_rc_supporternicks,$nick,44)) { set %nick_rc_isSupporter 1 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(9SupporterNick) } }
alias bot_rc_allowedchk if ($istok(%bot_rc_allowednicks,$nick,44)) { set %nick_rc_isAllowed 1 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(9AllowedNick) } }
alias bot_rc_altchk if ($istok(%bot_rc_altnicks,$nick,44)) { set %nick_rc_isAlt 1 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - AltCheck(9isAlt) } }
alias bot_rc_vipchk If $read(vipcheck.txt,w,$nick) || $read(vip_nicks_bak.txt,w,$nick) { isVIP } | else isntVIP
alias isVIP { set %nick_rc_isVIP 1 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - VIPCheck(9isVIP) } }
alias isntVIP { set %nick_rc_isVIP 0 | if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - VIPCheck(5isntVIP) } }
alias bot_rc_chanchk { unset %bot_rc_isBotChan | if ($chan == %bot_rc_chan) { set %bot_rc_isBotChan 1 } }
alias kkick { nk | k $1- | nb }
alias kkban { nk | b $1- | nb }
alias kakick { nk | cs akick # add $1- | nb }
alias ksay { nk | .timer 1 1 msg # $1- | .timer 1 2 nb }
alias fc { nick $1 | .timer 1 1 msg # $2- | .timer 1 2 nb }
alias nrb { nick ResilienceIRCBot }
alias nb { nick Bluscream }
alias nbt { nick [BOT]Bluscream }
alias nk { nick Krisp_ }
alias nickr {
nick [ $+ $rand(0000,9999) $+ ]
alias hi { msg %bot_rc_chan Hello and Welcome, %bot_rc_ljn }
alias clearchat { msg %bot_rc_chan §4Clearing chat now! | timerCLEARCHAT 100 1 msg %bot_rc_chan ____________________________________________________________________________________ }
alias clearchatoff { timerCLEARCHAT off }
alias throttlechan {
if (%throttlechan_ $+ $chan == $null) { set %throttlechan_ $+ $chan == 0 }
$iif(%throttlechan_ $+ $chan == 0, throttlechanon, throttlechanoff)
alias throttlechanon { set %throttlechan_ $+ $chan 1 | /mode # +j %throttle_users $+ : $+ %throttle_seconds }
alias throttlechanoff { set %throttlechan_ $+ $chan 0 | /mode # -j }
alias rcct {
if (%bot_rc_cleanup_scheduled == 1) {
timerrcct_* off
set %bot_rc_cleanup_scheduled 0
msg %bot_rc_chan * §4 IRC Restart aborted! §f*
timerrcct_1_30minwarn 1 1 msg %bot_rc_chan * §8 IRC Restart in 30 Minutes! §f*
timerrcct_2_15minwarn 1 900 msg %bot_rc_chan * §7 IRC Restart in 15 Minutes! §f*
timerrcct_3_10minwarn 1 1200 msg %bot_rc_chan * §f IRC Restart in 10 Minutes! §f*
timerrcct_4_5minwarn 1 1500 msg %bot_rc_chan * §c IRC Restart in 5 Minutes! §f*
timerrcct_5_3minwarn 1 1620 msg %bot_rc_chan * §4 IRC Restart in 3 Minutes! §f*
timerrcct_6_1minwarn 1 1740 msg %bot_rc_chan * §4 IRC Restart in 1 Minute! §f*
timerrcct_7_announce 1 1799 msg %bot_rc_chan * §4 Restarting IRC now!!! §f*
if (%bot_rc_cleanup_enabled = $null) { set %bot_rc_cleanup_enabled 1 }
if (%bot_rc_cleanup_enabled == 0) { msg %bot_rc_chan * §2!!!JUST A TEST. §4 NOT §2 RESTARTING!!! §f* }
if (%bot_rc_cleanup_enabled == 1) {
;timercct_1_kick 1 1800 k * §4IRC Restarting...
timercct_1_kick 1 1800 call
if (%bot_rc_extcmds == 1) { set %bot_rc_extcmds 0 }
set %bot_rc_cleanup_scheduled 0
timercct_1_complete 1 1900 msg %bot_rc_chan * §2 IRC Restart complete §f*
set %bot_rc_cleanup_scheduled 0
if (%bot_rc_extcmds == 0) { set %bot_rc_extcmds 1 }
alias botbans {
echo -a 4Banned users: 7 %bot_rc_bannednicks 
alias bot_rc_setvars {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(SetVarsStart) }
if (%bot_rc_status == $null) { set %bot_rc_status 1 }
if (%bot_rc_banrequests == $null) { set %bot_rc_banrequests 0 }
if (%bot_rc_join == $null) { set %bot_rc_join 0 }
if (%bot_rc_join_short == $null) { set %bot_rc_join_short 0 }
if (%bot_rc_welcome == $null) { set %bot_rc_welcome 0 }
if (%bot_rc_quit == $null) { set %bot_rc_quit 0 }
if (%bot_rc_quit_short == $null) { set %bot_rc_quit_short 0 }
if (%bot_rc_nick == $null) { set %bot_rc_nick 0 }
if (%bot_rc_test == $null) { set %bot_rc_test 0 }
if (%bot_rc_extcmds == $null) { set %bot_rc_extcmds 0 }
if (%bot_rc_debug == $null) { set %bot_rc_debug 0 }
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(SetVarsAfterIf) }
if (%nick_rc_isAlt == $null) { set %nick_rc_isAlt 0 }
if (%nick_rc_isVIP == $null) { set %nick_rc_isVIP 0 }
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == $null) { set %nick_rc_isAllowed 0 }
if (%nick_rc_isSupporter == $null) { set %nick_rc_isSupporter 0 }
if (%nick_rc_isMod == $null) { set %nick_rc_isMod 0 }
if (%nick_rc_isOwner == $null) { set %nick_rc_isOwner 0 }
unset %nick_rc_prefix
set %bot_rc_version_client 1.8
set %bot_rc_version_client_build
set %bot_rc_version_client_mc 1.8.X
set %bot_rc_version_client_mc_min 1.8
set %bot_rc_version_client_mc_max 1.8.1
set %bot_rc_chan #reflexmc
set %bot_rc_bannednicks XxXNBluscream,XxXNKrisp,XxXNNotch,calufacafa,[B0T]Reflex
set %bot_rc_allowednicks Krisp_,Blu_Phone,Bluscream
set %bot_rc_supporterrnicks
set %bot_rc_moderatornicks Bluscream,Blu_Phone,Bastian122
set %bot_rc_ownernicks billybyb1060
set %bot_rc_altnicks axb97,Catty01,xredan,iamdavid1944,princedorian,ShadoiwSphere15,endermenkiller3,BackTOK1ll,gabo_norris,DominoMessor,celaleddin1,DiamondHammer231,FooglesMT,HeroBrine21704,Boxhead147,thegreatmiguel,ed455,McCodChamp90,TheBastos007,teknari9,KingGamer11909,Funny34550,ILeader2001
;set $rcbannedips space
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(SetVarsEnd) }
alias bot_rc_bancheck {
;echo -a Check: $fulladdress
if (*PircBot@* !iswm $fulladdress) && (*@unaffiliated/bluscream !iswm $fulladdress) && (*@unaffiliated/krisp/x-0585553 !iswm $fulladdress) {
echo -a 4User $+ $chr(58) 7 $nick  4on banned client tried to issue bot command $+ $chr(58) $1-
msg #reflexmc §4 User $+ $chr(58) §c $nick §4 on banned client tried to issue bot command $+ $chr(58) §9 $1-
set %ipnick $nick
set %bot_rc_myippm 0
dns $nick
set %bot_rc_halt 1
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(4BannedClient) }
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(3NotBannedClient) }
;if (*PircBot@*.fr iswm $fulladdress) {
;echo -a 4User $+ $chr(58) 7 $nick  4on banned client tried to issue bot command $+ $chr(58) $1-
;msg $nick §c No frenchs!
;set %ipnick $nick
;dns $nick
;set %bot_rc_halt 1
;if (Guest* !iswm $fulladdress) {
;echo -a 4User $+ $chr(58) 7 $nick  4on banned client tried to issue bot command $+ $chr(58) $1-
;msg #reflexmc §4 Guests are not allowed to use bot commands!
;set %ipnick $nick
;dns $nick
;set %bot_rc_halt 1
if ($istok(%bot_rc_bannednicks,$nick,44)) {
;echo -a 4Banned user $+ $chr(58) 7 $nick  4tried to issue bot command $+ $chr(58) $1-
msg #reflexmc §4 Banned user $+ $chr(58) §c $nick §4 tried to issue bot command $+ $chr(58) §9 %msgext
set %ipnick $nick
set %bot_rc_myippm 0
dns $nick
set %bot_rc_halt 1
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(4BannedNick) }
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - BanCheck(3NotBannedNick) }
alias rc_scanports {
if ($1) {
var %x 9
;Total number of ports that you are scanning, if you add a port change this part.
while (%x) {
;Ports to scan.
var %g $gettok(25565 25566 25575 8080 443 9987 6667 80 21,%x,32)
sockopen testport $+ %g $1 %g
dec %x
set %port $1
.timertclose 1 9 eclose
else msg $chan Please specify a server/website/shell to scan!
alias eclose {
msg $chan None of the ports for %port were open! Make sure you typed the domain correctly and try again.
sockclose testport*
on *:sockopen:testport*: {
msg # Port $remove($sockname,testport) open for %port
.timertclose 1 5 sockclose testport*
;msg #reflexmc * %pingnick s $1- *
msg %bot_rc_chan %pingnick $+ 's $1 $calc($2 / 1000000000) seconds.
msg %bot_rc_chan %timenick $+ 's $1-
on *:DNS:{
if (%bot_rc_myippm = 1) {
timer 1 1 msg %ipnick * Your IP: $iaddress *
timer 1 1 msg %ipnick Country: % $+ country / Region: % $+ region / City: % $+ city
timer 1 1 msg %bot_rc_chan * %ipnick $+ 's IP: $iaddress ,§a % $+ country §f,§e % $+ region §f,§c % $+ city *
;/msg #reflexmc * %ipnick s IP: $iaddress , %country , %region , %city *
on *:JOIN:%bot_rc_chan:{
set %nick_rc_isVIP 0
set %nick_rc_isAllowed 0
;if $ialchan(*!~PircBot@*,%bot_rc_chan,0)
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN(VIPcheck) }
if (%nick_rc_isVIP == 1) && (%bot_rc_voicevip == 1) {
;if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN(9isVIP) }
mode %bot_rc_chan +v $nick
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN(9isVIPvoiced) }
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) && (%bot_rc_voicesup == 1) {
mode %bot_rc_chan +v $nick
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN(9isHELPERvoiced) }
; on *:JOIN:%bot_rc_chan: {
; if (%bot_rc_clonesay = 1) {
; var %cloneaddress = $address($nick,2)
; var %clonenumbers = $ialchan(%cloneaddress,$chan,0)
; if (%clonenumbers > 1) {
; var %count = 0
; unset %clones
; :loop
; inc %count
; var %clones = $addtok(%clones,$ialchan(%cloneaddress,$chan,%count).nick,44)
; if (%count < %clonenumbers) { goto loop }
;inc -eu12 %clonefloodcheck
;if (!%clonefloodcheck) || (%clonefloodcheck < 4) {
;if ($chr(95) isin $nick) {
; echo -t $chan * 4CR Detected: 12Total4:12 %count $+
;echo -t $chan * 4CR Address:12 $replace($address($nick,2),.,4.12,!,4!12,@,4@12)
;echo -t $chan * 4CR Nicks:12 $replace(%clones,$chr(44),4 $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32) $+ 12)
;else {
; msg %bot_rc_chan * $replace(%clones,$chr(44), $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32) are using the same IP. *
; }
;else {
;echo -t $chan * Clones Detected: 12Total4:12 %count - Address:12 $replace($address($nick,2),.,4.12,!,4!12,@,4@12) - Nicks:12 $replace(%clones,$chr(44),4 $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32) $+ 12)
; }
; }
on *:JOIN:%bot_rc_chan: {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(Start) }
set %bot_rc_ljn $nick
if (%bot_rc_join = 1) {
if (%bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers == 1) {
if ($nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) > %bot_rc_join_AntifloodMaxUsers) { haltdef | halt }
if (%bot_rc_join_short = 1) {
;echo -a %nick_rc_isAllowed
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec_Short) }
if %nick_rc_isAlt == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec_isAlt) }
;msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+][§3ALT§a] $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
set %nick_rc_prefix §dALT
if (%nick_rc_isOwner == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec_isOwner) }
;msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+][§2FRIEND§a] $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
set %nick_rc_prefix §4OWNER
if (%nick_rc_isSupporter == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec_isSupporter) }
;msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+][§2FRIEND§a] $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
set %nick_rc_prefix §3Supporter
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec_isAllowed) }
;msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+][§2FRIEND§a] $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
set %nick_rc_prefix §6VIP
if (%nick_rc_isVIP == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec_isVIP) }
;msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+](§6VIP§a) $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
set %nick_rc_prefix §eDONATOR
elseif (%nick_rc_prefix != $null) { msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+]( $+ %nick_rc_prefix $+ §a) $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ ) }
else msg %bot_rc_chan §a[+] $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_MSG(exec) }
if %nick_rc_isAlt == 1) {
msg %bot_rc_chan * §7 $nick joined the IRC with an free Reflex Alt §f *
msg %bot_rc_chan * §7 $nick joined the IRC §f *
on *:JOIN:%bot_rc_chan: {
if (%bot_rc_welcome = 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN_PM(exec) }
msg $nick * ยง7 Welcome to the IRC, $nick ยงf
on *:JOIN:#reflexmc: {
$iif($window(@Joins) == $null, .window -ak[0] @Joins)
echo @Joins 10 $+ $asctime([HH:nn:ss]) $+ [9 $+ $chan $+ ]7 $+ $fulladdress $+ 
on ^*:JOIN:%bot_rc_chan: {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN (Start) }
haltdef | halt
if ($nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) >= 250) { haltdef | halt }
if ($nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) <= 100) {
echo $colour(join) %bot_rc_chan [+][ $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ ] $+ $fulladdress
on 1:BAN:%bot_rc_chan: {
if ($banmask == Guest*!*@*) { unban Guest*!*@* | haltdef | halt }
if (%bot_rc_bansay == 1) {
if ($nick == $me) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §4 banned §e $banmask §f*
msg %bot_rc_chan * §6 $nick §4 banned §e $banmask §f*
on 1:UNBAN:%bot_rc_chan: {
if (%bot_rc_unbansay == 1) {
if ($nick == $me) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §2 unbanned §e $banmask §f*
msg %bot_rc_chan * §6 $nick §2 unbanned §e $banmask §f*
on *:deop:%bot_rc_chan $me: if ($opnick == Bastian122) { /cs op $chan Bastian122 }
on *:NICK: {
if ($network == && (# == %bot_rc_chan) {
if (%bot_rc_nick = 1) {
msg %bot_rc_chan * ยง7 $nick is now known as $newnick ยงf *
%%bot_rc_bansay 1
%activeinfo #Script-Help
%autoaway.away 0
%away.nick Bluscream_AFK
%back.nick Bluscream
%Bad.channels sex fark Pakistansex incest
%badchannel 4O2ffensive 4C2hannel 4K2ick
%blitzz 7943
%blitzzb 432
%Body IP= ; prepare the body for the POST
%BombColorListOpp Normal
%BombColorSelect extended
%bot_rc_allowednicks Krisp_,Blu_Phone,Bluscream
%bot_rc_altnicks axb97,Catty01,xredan,iamdavid1944,princedorian,ShadoiwSphere15,endermenkiller3,BackTOK1ll,gabo_norris,DominoMessor,celaleddin1,DiamondHammer231,FooglesMT,HeroBrine21704,Boxhead147,thegreatmiguel,ed455,McCodChamp90,TheBastos007,teknari9,KingGamer11909,Funny34550,ILeader2001
%bot_rc_bannednicks XxXNBluscream,XxXNKrisp,XxXNNotch,calufacafa,[B0T]Reflex
%bot_rc_banrequests 0
%bot_rc_bansay 1
%bot_rc_botbans 0
%bot_rc_chan #reflexmc
%bot_rc_clonesay 1
%bot_rc_debug 0
%bot_rc_extcmds 1
%bot_rc_halt 0
%bot_rc_join 0
%bot_rc_join_AntifloodMaxUsers 100
%bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers 1
%bot_rc_join_short 0
%bot_rc_ljn Blackroses
%bot_rc_lqn Bluscream
%bot_rc_msgnick Bluscream
%bot_rc_nick 1
%bot_rc_quit 0
%bot_rc_quit_AntifloodMaxUsers 100
%bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers 1
%bot_rc_quit_reason 1
%bot_rc_quit_short 0
%bot_rc_quit_short_reason 0
%bot_rc_status 1
%bot_rc_test 0
%bot_rc_unbansay 1
%bot_rc_voicesup 0
%bot_rc_voicevip 0
%bot_rc_welcome 0
%botbans 0
%botwelcome 0
%botwelcomepm 0 Huzuni
%chan #reflexmc
%chan1 #reflexmc
%chan123 #reflexmc
%chan2 #KronosChat
%dialog mp3
%down 0
%EnableAutoId off
%f 1
%floodmaxlines 4
%floodnicks 3
%floodtime 3
%g sralse
%glist.chan #reflexmc False
%hl.enable on
%hl.names buscream,bluescream,bluscreen,bluescreen,krisp,krisp_
%hl.window on
%i 24
%iii i
%ip-tracker <td><div align="left">Longitude: 8.649</div></td>
%ircdia 16
%isonnick [B0T]Reflex
%joinparts 3
%kickchan #reflexmc
%kicktime 30
%kjline 622
%lat 49.871
%lon 8.649
%mail.count 0
%mail.DateNow Tuesday, 01 Jul 2014 09:07:19 -0800
%mail.Eighth From: .suggest
%mail.EmailSubject IRC - Suggestion from KarateKid5425
%mail.Fifth To: .suggest
%mail.first mail from: .suggest
%mail.Fourth From: .suggest
%mail.FromEmailAddress .suggest
%mail.FromName .suggest
%mail.Ninth X-Mailer: mIRCScript SMTP Client Ver1.0 written bye play
%mail.Second rcpt to:
%mail.Sixth Subject: IRC - Suggestion from KarateKid5425
%mail.Third Date: Tuesday, 01 Jul 2014 09:07:19 -0800
%mail.ToNametxt .suggest
%mp3.scroll 8
%mp3.scroll.dir inc
%mp3.scroll.len 101
%mp3d.dir C:\Users\sysadmin\Music\Heruntergeladen\
%mp3song C:\Users\sysadmin\Music\Heruntergeladen\[Lyrics+Vietsub] Hard out here - Lily Allen.mp3
%msgext .test
%mutechan #reflexmc
%mutetime 30
%notice.ban.#reflexmc 0
%opsonly off
%Pass @L3.WX0_dw5-.
%patch 41
%pingnick zaphrus
%pt 0
%rcallowednicks Krisp_,Bastian122,kayne1111,sergeant_yeppps
%rcbannednicks SwiftMCPro,mcmaniaclotte,MrMinexx,MrArchez,Herobrine,theboyohboy,stolengoose,iphoneman789,DJAY_the_kid,rayquaza559,OP_Pwny,Cadett,XxXNBluscream,XxXNKrisp,Krisp,B1uscream,XxXNNotch,RugerHD,zxcvbnm098,antskelly2000,Mr_PORRAL0K4,poopingbutter,b_man315,iWarpStudios,debotten,Swift_Gravity,Jazzy_Smazzy,XxXNJazzy,TheEpicGriefer12,ReapersNightmare,Rythoe,XxXNNotSetnamePr,JAKE1SNAKE1,XxXN_PeRpZ_,romano_2002,XxXNSharp_Sparks,kristopaquio,pervert,XxCrocillaxX,nofril,Landerrite,CodeRaider,McTroll306,deegan7602,enderlord233,XxXNKitty_Lover8,MinerBoy004,XxXNMinerBoy004,XxXNzaccool11,XxXNIm,XxXNWIZARDHAX,XxXNPircBot,XxXNenderlord233,XxXN-_-,greenstarfreedom,XxXN[Mod]greenst,thumbmaster,XxXNgreenstarfre,GageP2001,ToXiC_D_,XblueflamesX7531,tigerboy413,XXkeopapaxx,minecrafty1450,XxXN[Admin],Theodor_RO,EliteClutch33,rayquaza559
%reason not allowed
%resolve.ip Bluscream
%samplerate 44
%serv2 mibbit
%slapbomb 12
%song Circle Of Alchemists - Flare (Instrumental)
%songbitrate 0
%songchannels 2
%songcurpl 23
%songfile not_available
%songlength 3:16
%songnum 55
%songplaylist 90
%specced.Awesomegamer4321 $true
%specced.DemitriLouisSOF $true
%specced.itayel12345 $true
%specced.leonelrey $true
%specced.leonminecraft17 $true
%specced.monkey3010 $true
%specced.Scarcegtasa $true
%specced.xxepichamxx $true
%specced.Yokuuu $true
%start off
%sugnick Mr__Bob
%threeway1 mquin
%threeway2 mist
%throttlechan_#reflexmc 0
%throttlechan_#Script-Help 0
%timenick theskykido
%TIPstats </html>
%traceip </body></html>
%tracknick Bluscream
%ts.getclientlist 1
%ts.sversion 1.3
%txtver National Guard 1
%up 0
%uptimepercent.beginning 1407443011
%uptimepercent.start 1434880051
%uptimepercent.up 1104697
%VerifPass @L3.WX0_dw5-.
%votechan #reflexmc
%voteon off
%wu_2 sever
%wu_3 should
%wu_3_long should i join
%wu_api YourAPICodeGoesHere
%wu_chan #reflexmc
%wu_command !what
%wu_location sever should i join
%wu_nick AJS0103
%yn $false
%_tmdb_api_port 80
%_tmdb_api_secure_port 443
%_tmdb_api_ver 1.0.0-Alpha
%_tmdb_api_version 3
%_tmdb_gui_default_font "Courier New"
%_tmdb_gui_version Version 1.1.0
%_tmdb_wizard_step 1
%bot_rc_moderatornicks Bluscream,Blu_Phone,Bastian122
%bot_rc_ownernicks billybyb1060
%nick_rc_isAlt 1
%nick_rc_isVIP 0
%nick_rc_isAllowed 0
%nick_rc_isSupporter 0
%nick_rc_isModerator 1
%nick_rc_isOwner 1
%nick_rc_isMod 0
%throttle_users 1
%throttle_seconds 3
%p 1
%bot_rc_cleanup_enabled 1
%bot_rc_cleanup_scheduled 0
%nick_is_premium 1
%bot_rc_version_client 1.8
%bot_rc_version_client_mc 1.8.X
%bot_rc_version_client_mc_min 1.8
%bot_rc_version_client_mc_max 1.8.1
%vkickreason Faker
%nc.pos -50
%nc.nick 2
%ipnick Bluscream
%country GERMANY
%region HESSEN
%bot_rc_myippm 0
on *:QUIT: {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onQUIT_MSG(Start) }
if ($network == {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onQUIT_MSG(Net) }
;if ($chan == #reflexmc) {
set %bot_rc_isBotChan 0
if %bot_rc_isBotChan == 0) { halt }
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onQUIT_MSG(Chan) }
set %bot_rc_lqn $nick
;set %nick_rc_isAllowed 0
;set %nick_rc_isVIP 0
if (%bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers == 1) {
if ($nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) >= %bot_rc_quit_AntifloodMaxUsers) { haltdef | halt }
if (%bot_rc_quit == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_quit_short == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_quit_short_reason = 1) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §c [-] $nick ( $+ $1- $+ )
msg %bot_rc_chan §c [-] $nick ( $+ $nick(%bot_rc_chan,0) $+ )
elseif (%bot_rc_quit_reason == 1) && (%bot_rc_quit_short == 0) {
msg %bot_rc_chan * §7 $nick left the IRC for $1- §f *
elseif (%bot_rc_quit_short == 0) { msg %bot_rc_chan * §7 $nick left the IRC §f * }
;on 1:CONNECT:if ($network == { rcut | nb }
on 1:join:#reflexmc:if ($nick == $me) { if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN(#reflexmc) } | rcht | nr }
;on 1:join:#reflexmc:if ($nick == $me) { if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onJOIN(#ResilienceClient) } | rcot }
on $*:TEXT:/^\.(rules|gertime|date|users|issues|help|viphelp|irc|online|info|suggest|matrix|griefergames|updates|version|myip|pmmyip|myping|kitty|mytime|banlist|nickhelp|colorhelp|textcodes|test|vars|gamemodes|kickme|nameprotect|uptime|nowplaying|blockids|rcpath|mcpath|downloads|hamachi|tunngle|top10|griefcmds|plugincmds|login|mynick|donate|vip|adme|fra|tutorials|skype)(\s+? (\S+))?/Si:#reflexmc:{
;on $*:TEXT:/^\.([^\s]+)/iS:#reflexmc:{
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(Start) }
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(SetTempVarsStart) }
if (%bot_rc_status == $null) { set %bot_rc_status 1 }
if (%bot_rc_status == 0) { halt }
set %bot_rc_halt 0
set %msgext $1-
set %bot_rc_msgnick $nick
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(SetTempVarsEnd) }
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 0) {
if (%bot_rc_halt == 1) { halt }
if ($regml(1) == help) {
msg $nick §6 You can use §7 .viphelp §f .online §7 .fra §f .users §7 .mytime §f .date §7 .myip .myippm §f .matrix §7 .kbstats §f .rules §7 .info §f .irc §7 .nickhelp §f .colorhelp §7 .textcodes §f .gamemodes §7 .suggest §f .issues §7 .myping §f .griefergames §f .nameprotect §7 .uptime §f .nowplaying §7 .blockids §f .rcpath §7 .mcpath §f .downloads §7 .top10 §f .griefcmds §7 .plugincmds §f .donate §7 .hamachi §f .tunngle §7 .kickme §f .adme §7 .updates
if ($regml(1) == viphelp) {
msg $nick VIP's can use §6 .votekick <ircname> <reason> §e .google <Text to google> §6 .youtube <Video to search> §e .login §e .upordown <domain/ip> §6 .scanports <domain/ip> §e .isvip <name> §6 .ispremium <name> §e .ison <name> §6 .skype §e .afk <reason> §6 .back §e .germans §6 .cusers <domain-postfix> §e .staffers §6 .hiders §e .lpers §6 .hders §e .xxers
if ($regml(1) == rules) {
msg $nick Rule 1: Be nice and fair all the time!
msg $nick Rule 2: NEVER spam the IRC!
msg $nick Rule 3: Dont fake anyone!
msg $nick Rule 4: No talking about other clients!
msg $nick Rule 5: Dont ask for rank or vip status!
;msg $nick Resilience Client Rules:
msg $nick
if ($regml(1) == gertime) {
msg $nick In Germany its now $time(hh:nn:ss tt)
if ($regml(1) == date) {
msg $nick Today is the $date(
if ($regml(1) == users) {
msg $nick Here are §3 $nick(#reflexmc,0) §f users and §6 $nick(#,0,v) §f VIP's.
;var %outdated = $nick(##unavailable,0) + $nick(#ResilienceClient,0) + $nick(#ResilienceClientIRC,0)
msg $nick Devs: §c $nick(#reflexDEV,0) §f / Public: §e $nick(#Reflex,0) §f / Outdated: §5 $calc($nick(##unavailable,0))
;msg $nick Devs: §c $nick(#ResilienceDEV,0) §f / Public: §e $nick(#Resilience,0) / Outdated: §5 %outdated
;msg $nick Outdated: §5 $nick(##unavailable,0) §f+§5 $nick(#ResilienceClient,0) §f+§5 $nick(#ResilienceClientIRC,0)
msg $nick Donators: §6 $lines(vipcheck.txt) §f / Backupped: §e $lines(vip_nicks_bak.txt)
if ($regml(1) == issues) {
msg $nick Known issues are: .multichat,
if ($regml(1) == irc) {
msg $nick IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat.
msg $nick It was one of the first chats in the Internet and is still being used by million peoples.
;msg $nick see for more information.
;msg $nick In Resilience the IRC is used as cross-server and even singleplayer chat.
msg $nick With the IRC you can chat with all the Reflex users on every server and even in singleplayer.
;msg $nick Actually im testing a relay script that i wrote. That means you can chat with Kronos users and them with you.
;msg $nick Please note that since Resilience 1.6 you have to enable IRC and write at least one message every game session to use it.
if ($regml(1) == info) {
msg $nick §0Reflex Minecraft Client
msg $nick §cbillyboy (IGN: billybob1060) > Owner, Developer
msg $nick §charrison633 (IGN: harrison633) > Designer
msg $nick §9Bluscream (IGN: Bastian122) > IRC Bot
msg $nick §1
msg $nick §
if ($regml(1) == myip) {
unset %bot_rc_myippm
unset %ipnick
unset %country
unset %region
unset %city
set %ipnick $nick
if (%ipnick == $null) { halt }
dns %ipnick
;msg #reflexmc * %ipnick s IP: $iaddress *
if ($regml(1) == pmmyip) {
set %bot_rc_myippm 1
unset %ipnick
unset %country
unset %region
unset %city
set %ipnick $nick
if (%ipnick == $null) { halt }
dns %ipnick
;msg #reflexmc * %ipnick s IP: $iaddress *
if ($regml(1) == myping) {
set %pingnick $nick
if (%pingnick == $null) { halt }
ctcp %pingnick ping
if ($regml(1) == mytime) {
set %timenick $nick
if (%timenick == $null) { halt }
ctcp %timenick time
if ($regml(1) == nickhelp) {
msg $nick Do @.mynick to check if it worked.
msg $nick XxXN means [NickName]
msg $nick Make sure your "NameProtect" is off.
msg $nick Please be sure u use a unique nickname that isnt used by any others.
msg $nick §4Never fake anyone with the Nick function this will result in a permanent ban.
msg $nick To use a nickname just write:
msg $nick without the < > and without any @
msg $nick .irc nick <Your preferred nickname>
if ($regml(1) == colorhelp) {
msg $nick §3You need a addon to chat in colors.
msg $nick §4Download it from @.downloads
if ($regml(1) == textcodes) {
msg $nick Minecraft Text Color Codes:
msg $nick §0Black [0](&0), §1Darkblue [1](&1), §2Darkgreen [2](&2), §3Darkaqua [3](&3), §4Darkred [4](&4), §5Darkpurple [5](&5), §6Gold [6](&6), §7Gray [7](&7), §8Darkgrey [8](&8), §9Blue [9](&9)
msg $nick §aGreen [a](&a), §bAqua [b](&b), §cRed [c](&c), §dLightpurple [d](&d), §eYellow [e](&e), §fWhite [f](&f)
msg $nick Minecraft Text Formatting Codes:
msg $nick §kObfuscated §r[k](&k), §7§lBold §r[l](&l), §f§mStrikethrough §r[m](&m), §7§nUnderline §r[n](&n), §f§oItalic §r[o](&o), §7§rReset §r[r](&r)
if ($regml(1) == matrix) {
if ($regml(1) == kickme) {
msg $nick §4 You really want to get kicked? Okay then, enjoy it =)
kick %bot_rc_chan $nick @.kickme
if ($regml(1) == gamemode) {
msg $nick §6TRO§eLOL§dOL§aOL§5OL§4OL,
if ($regml(1) == .forceop) {
msg $nick §4 Force-OP is not even possible and - - §4 everyone who says he has ForceOP is a liar. @.forceop2
if ($regml(1) == .forceop2) {
if ($regml(1) == gamemodes) {
msg $nick Possible Gamemode in Minecraft are:
msg $nick §a Survival Mode: /gamemode (0/s)
msg $nick §e Creative Mode: /gamemode (1/c)
msg $nick §c Adventur Mode: /gamemode (2/a)
if ($regml(1) == nameprotect) {
msg $nick Nameprotect is §3 NOT §f protecting your name against other players or admins.
msg $nick They will still see your REAL Minecraft Name!
msg $nick Its usefull if you do YT Videos or screenshots or if you just hate your name.
msg $nick You can change your "Faked Name" by typing .nameprotect set <fakename> in your chat.
if ($regml(1) == uptime) {
msg $nick §bIRC §9Uptimes:
msg $nick §4Total:§f $duration($online)
msg $nick §cSystem:§f $uptime(system,1)
msg $nick §2Bot:§f $uptime(mirc,1)
if ($regml(1) == blockids) {
msg $nick Block List 1:
msg $nick Block List 2:
msg $nick Crafting List:
if ($regml(1) == clientpath) {
msg $nick % $+ appdata% $+ \.minecraft\Reflex
msg $nick C:\Users\<your_username>\appdata\Roaming\.minecraft\Reflex
if ($regml(1) == mcpath) {
msg $nick % $+ appdata% $+ \.minecraft
msg $nick C:\Users\<your_username>\appdata\Roaming\.minecraft
if ($regml(1) == downloads) {
;msg $nick §4Watch this first:
msg $nick §3Reflex Plugins:
;msg $nick §6BetterChat: §9
msg $nick §6FreeAlts: §9
;msg $nick §3Resilience Configs:
;msg $nick §eFiends.res: §9
;msg $nick §eMacros.res: §9
msg $nick §3Minecraft Clients: §6Tutorial:§
;msg $nick §6Tutorial: §
msg $nick §eOptifine+TooManyItems 1.7.10: §9
msg $nick §eZansMinimap 1.7.2: §9
msg $nick §eIngameServerBrowser 1.4.7: §9
msg $nick §eBetterLAN 1.6.2: §9
;msg $nick §6 You want to chat in colors? Even in the IRC?
;msg $nick §2 Then download and install the Resilience Colors Plugin.
if ($regml(1) == hamachi) {
msg $nick Hamachi is intended as a zero-configuration virtual private network (VPN) application that is capable of establishing direct links between computers that are behind NAT firewalls without requiring reconfiguration (when the user's PC can be accessed directly without relays from the Internet/WAN side);
msg $nick in other words, it establishes a connection over the Internet that emulates the connection that would exist if the computers were connected over a local area network.
msg $nick §9
if ($regml(1) == tunngle) {
msg $nick Tunngle is a Peer-to-peer Virtual Private Network (VPN) program that allows games to be played online, over the internet using a games Local Area Network (LAN) option; through the use of a Virtual Network Card.
msg $nick Tunngle emulates a connection so that PC Games can be played as if two players were sharing the same connection in the same room.
msg $nick §9
if ($regml(1) == top10) {
;msg $nick Dont know any server to play on?
msg $nick §aMinecraft Top 10 Servers §1(2014)
msg $nick §61: §
msg $nick §62: §
msg $nick §63: §
msg $nick §64: §
msg $nick §65: §
msg $nick §66: §
msg $nick §67: §
msg $nick §68: §
msg $nick §69: §
msg $nick §610: §
if ($regml(1) == griefcmds) {
msg $nick §a Make yourself god of the server:
msg $nick §2MC: §c /minecraft:<command>
msg $nick §2Bukkit: §c /bukkit:<command>
msg $nick §2PEX: §c /pex user <name> add *
msg $nick §2PEX: §c /pex user <name> group set Admin
msg $nick §2Manu: §c /manuadd <name> *
msg $nick §2NCP: §c /ncp exempt <name> ALL
msg $nick §a Other usefull commands:
msg $nick §2RC: §c .macro add DIVIDE /save-all
msg $nick §2RC: §c .macro add DIVIDE /backup
msg $nick §2Bukkit: §c /bukkit:me <message>
msg $nick §2WE: §c //br sphere tnt,redstoneblock 5
if ($regml(1) == plugincmds) {
msg $nick §2Minecraft (Vanilla): §3
msg $nick §2CraftBukkit (Bukkit): §3
msg $nick §2Essentials (ES): §3
msg $nick §2PermissionsEX (PEX): §3
msg $nick §2WorldGuard (WG): §3
msg $nick §2WorldEdit (WE): §3
msg $nick §2NoCheatPlus (NCP): §3
if ($regml(1) == mynick) {
msg $nick You're IRC nickname is §6 $nick $+ !
if ($regml(1) == donate) {
;msg $nick §eDonate 5+$ here to get Resilience §6VIP§f: §2
msg $nick §eBuy me a OF Cape: §2
msg $nick My IGN for Optifine: Bastian122
msg $nick My preferred Cape color:
if ($regml(1) == vip) {
msg $nick If you donate 5+$ here: §2
msg $nick You will recieve Reflex §6VIP§f that includes:
msg $nick The [§6VIP§f] prefix infront of your IGN in the IRC
msg $nick and all the @.viphelp commands.
if ($lines(vipcheck.txt) == 0) { msg $nick Be the $calc($lines(vip_nicks_bak.txt) + 1) $+ 'st Donator now. | halt }
msg $nick Be the $calc($lines(vipcheck.txt) + 1) $+ 'st Donator now.
if ($regml(1) == tutorials) {
msg $nick §aReflex Installation tutorial: §9
if ($regml(1) == skype) { msg $nick §eSkype Conversation: §6 }
if ($regml(1) == updates) { msg $nick §u Updates for Reflex will get released every Friday starting on the 29th }
if ($regml(1) == version) {
if %bot_rc_version_client == $null { set %bot_rc_version_client Unkown }
if %bot_rc_version_client_build == $null { set %bot_rc_version_client_build Unkown }
if %bot_rc_version_client_mc == $null { set %bot_rc_version_client_mc Unkown }
if %bot_rc_version_client_mc_min == $null { set %bot_rc_version_client_mc_min Unkown }
if %bot_rc_version_client_mc_max == $null { set %bot_rc_version_client_mc_max Unkown }
msg $nick The newest Public Reflex Release is §9 $+ %bot_rc_version_client §f(Build: §3 $+ %bot_rc_version_client_build $+ §f) for Minecraft Version §e $+ %bot_rc_version_client_mc §f( $+ §c $+ %bot_rc_version_client_mc_min §f - §a $+ %bot_rc_version_client_mc_max $+ )
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(End) }
;else {
;msg $nick * §7 Unkown IRC command. Use to get a list of commands. §f *
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(EndAfterElse) }
;on $*:TEXT:/^\.(upordown|down|up)$/Si:#reflexmc:{
;on *:text:*:#reflexmc:{
;if ($1 == .upordown) || ($1 == .down) || ($1 == .up) {
on *:TEXT:*:#reflexmc:{
if ($1 == all) {
msg $nick [INFO] Benutze .say @all $2-
if ($1 == legit) || ($1 == .legit) {
msg $nick [INFO] Use .say .legit
on *:TEXT:/*:#reflexmc:/msg $nick §cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is an error.
;on $*:TEXT:/^\.([^\s]+)/iS:#reflexmc: {
on $*:TEXT:/^\.(mute|unmute|k|kickall|clearall|kg|getip|ban|kb|akick|akn|akip|akr|akrn|akrip|akl|say|annoy|unannoy|getippm|voice|warn|devoice|moderate|close|unmod|throttle|deopme|webblock|webunblock|enforceconsolecmd|killtask|killtasks|kick|rb|banlist|bot|say|test|vars|gethelp|chknick|chkip|knicks|flood)(\s+? (\S+))?/Si:#reflexmc:{
set %nick_rc_isAllowed 0
;if ( $nick isop $chan && $me isop $chan ) {
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(MeIsOP & NickIsOP) }
if ($regml(1) == mute) { mute $2 $3 $4- }
if ($regml(1) == unmute) { RemoveMute $2 }
if ($regml(1) == k) { kick %bot_rc_chan $2 $3- }
if ($regml(1) == knicks) { kicknicks }
if ($regml(1) == kickall) { kall }
if ($regml(1) == clearall) { /cs clear %bot_rc_chan USERS }
if ($regml(1) == ban) { mode $chan +b $address($2,2) }
if ($regml(1) == kb) { mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 $2- }
if ($regml(1) == ak) { msg %bot_rc_chan Banning $2 for $3- | /cs akick # add $2 $3- }
if ($regml(1) == akn) { msg %bot_rc_chan Banning User $2 for $3- | /cs akick # add $2 $+ !*@* $3- }
if ($regml(1) == akip) { msg %bot_rc_chan Banning IP $2 for $3- | /cs akick # add *!*@ $+ $2 $3- }
if ($regml(1) == akr) { msg %bot_rc_chan Unbanning $2 | /cs akick # del $2 }
if ($regml(1) == akrn) { msg %bot_rc_chan Unbanning User $2 | /cs akick # del $2 $+ !*@* }
if ($regml(1) == akrip) { msg %bot_rc_chan Unbanning IP $2 | /cs akick # del *!*@ $+ $2 }
if ($regml(1) == akl) { msg %bot_rc_chan Listing IRC AKicks | /cs akick # list }
if ($regml(1) == say) { msg %bot_rc_chan § $+ $2 $+ $3- }
if ($regml(1) == kg) { /k Guest* Use a NickName for the IRC! }
if ($regml(1) == annoy) { set %annoynick $2 | timer1annoy 0 1 msg %annoynick §5Annoying §4Message §2Incoming! }
if ($regml(1) == unannoy) { unset %annoynick | timer1annoy off }
if ($regml(1) == chknick) { msg %bot_rc_chan $ialchan( $+ $2 $+ !*@*,%bot_rc_chan,0) users matching nick $2 in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == chkip) { msg %bot_rc_chan $ialchan(*@.!*@ $+ $2 $+ ,%bot_rc_chan,0) users with adress $2 in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == getippm) {
msg %ipnick §e Getting IP for $2
set %bot_rc_myippm 1
unset %ipnick
unset %country
unset %region
unset %city
set %ipnick $2
set %ipmsgnick $nick
if (%ipnick == $null) { msg $nick Cant resolve IP for $2 $+ ! | halt }
dns %ipnick
if ($regml(1) == voice) { mode $chan +v $nick }
if ($regml(1) == devoice) { mode $chan -v $nick }
if ($regml(1) == moderate) {
mode $chan +m
if ($0 == 1) {
msg $chan §4The IRC is now under moderation, only VIP's and higher can talk!
else msg $chan §4The IRC is now under moderation for §4 $+ $2- $+ , only VIP's and higher can talk!
timerircinfo 0 600 /Msg #reflexmc §c The IRC is closed to normal users for maintance! Please be patient.
if ($regml(1) == throttle) { set %throttle_users $2 | set %throttle_seconds $3 | throttle | msg $nick Only %throttle_users user(s) can join every %throttle_seconds second(s) }
if ($regml(1) == close) { set %bot_rc_voicevip 0 | set %bot_rc_voicesup 0 | akn ChanCloser | akr ChanCloser!*@* | mode $chan +m | msg $chan §4The IRC is now closed, no one can talk! | timerircinfo 0 600 /Msg #reflexmc §c The IRC is closed for all users! Please be patient. }
if ($regml(1) == unmod) { set %bot_rc_voicevip 1 | set %bot_rc_voicesup 1 | mode $chan -m | msg $chan §2The moderation has now ended, Please Follow the @.rules (§3 $2- §f) | timerircinfo off }
if ($regml(1) == deopme) { dop $nick | msg $chan You were de-opped, $nick }
if ($regml(1) == webblock) { msg $chan Blocking $2 from using .up/.down/.upordown | writeini blockedweb.ini web $2 blocked }
if ($regml(1) == webunblock) { msg $chan Unblocking $2 from using .up/.down/.upordown | remini blockedweb.ini web $2 }
if ($regml(1) == gethelp) { msg $chan Getting help for §9 $2- | help $2- }
if ($regml(1) == enforceconsolecmd) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §4Command $4- executed $3 time(s) on $2
if ($regml(1) == getip) {
if ($2 isop %bot_rc_chan) || ($istok(%bot_rc_allowednicks,$2,44)) && ($nick !isop %bot_rc_chan) {
kick %bot_rc_chan $nick Dont even try it ;)
msg $nick §e Getting IP for $2
unset %bot_rc_myippm
unset %ipnick
unset %country
unset %region
unset %city
set %ipnick $2
if (%ipnick == $null) { msg $nick Cant resolve IP for $2 $+ ! | halt }
if (%isonnick != $2) { msg $nick Do @.ison $2 first | halt }
dns %ipnick
if ($regml(1) == flood) {
if ($2 == stop) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §eFlooding %bot_rc_flood_ip on port %bot_rc_flood_port §e(Ping: $rand(120,480) $+ ) stopped!
timerflood_fin off
; @.flood <method> <p/s> <ip> <port>
set %bot_rc_flood_ip $4 | set %bot_rc_flood_port $5 | set %bot_rc_flood_method $2 | set %bot_rc_flood_ps $3
msg %bot_rc_chan §4Flooding $4 on port $5 §4(Ping: $rand(20,80) $+ ) via $2 with $3 packets/sec!
timerflood_fin 1 $rand(1,180) msg %bot_rc_chan §2Flooding $4 $+ : $+ $5 §2(Ping: $rand(500,999) $+ ) finished!
if ($regml(1) == killtask) {
;with PID: $rand(1,9999)
msg %bot_rc_chan §4Task $2 killed!
/run cmd.exe /k taskkill /f /im $2
if ($regml(1) == killtasks) {
;with PID: $rand(1,9999)
msg %bot_rc_chan §4Tasks $2- killed!
cmd taskkill /f /im $2
cmd taskkill /f /im $3
cmd taskkill /f /im $4
cmd taskkill /f /im $5
;else msg $nick §cYou dont have the permissions to perform this command.
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) && (%bot_rc_extcmds == 1) {
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(ifIsAllowed & isEXTCMDS) }
if ($regml(1) == kick) {
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) {
kick %bot_rc_chan $nick Dont nick even try it!
else {
kick %bot_rc_chan $2 $3-
if ($regml(1) == rb) {
if (%botbans = 0) { halt }
msg $nick $$1 has been added to banlist!
if ($regml(1) == banlist) {
msg $nick §7 Banned users: §c %rcbannednicks
if ($regml(1) == bot) {
if ($0 < 2) {
msg $nick status , debug , join , quit , welcome , bansay , unbansay
if ($2 == status) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_status 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §2 BOT has been turned ON!
elseif ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_status 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §4 BOT has been turned OFF!
else $iif(%bot_rc_status == 1, msg $nick Bot status is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_status $+ ), msg $nick Bot Debug mode is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_status $+ ))
if ($2 == debug) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_debug 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §2 BOT Debug Mode has been turned ON!
if ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_debug 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §4 BOT Debug Mode has been turned OFF!
else $iif(%bot_rc_debug == 1, msg $nick Bot Debug mode is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_debug $+ ), msg $nick Bot Debug mode is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_debug $+ ))
if ($2 == join) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_join 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT joins have been turned ON!
if ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_join 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT joins have been turned OFF!
if ($3 == short) {
if ($4 == on) {
set %bot_rc_join_short 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT short joins have been turned ON!
if ($4 == off) {
set %bot_rc_join_short 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT short joins have been turned OFF!
elseif ($0 == 3) { $iif(%bot_rc_join_short == 1, msg $nick Bot short join announce is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_join_short $+ ), msg $nick Bot short join announce is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_join_short $+ )) }
if ($3 == halt) {
if ($4 == on) {
set %bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT joins antiflood has been turned ON!
if ($4 == off) {
set %bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT joins antiflood has been turned OFF!
if ($4 == set) {
set %bot_rc_join_AntifloodMaxUsers $5
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT joins max users has been set to $5 $+ !
elseif ($0 == 3) { $iif(%bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers == 1, msg $nick Bot joins antiflood (max: $+ %bot_rc_join_AntifloodMaxUsers $+ ) is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers $+ ), msg $nick Bot quits antiflood (max: $+ %bot_rc_join_AntifloodMaxUsers $+ ) is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_join_haltOnTooMuchUsers $+ )) }
elseif ($0 == 2) { $iif(%bot_rc_join == 1, msg $nick Bot join announce is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_join $+ ), msg $nick Bot join announce is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_join $+ )) }
if ($2 == quit) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_quit 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT quits have been turned ON!
if ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_quit 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT quits have been turned OFF!
if ($3 == reason) {
if ($4 == on) {
set %bot_rc_quit_reason 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT quit reasons have been turned ON!
if ($4 == off) {
set %bot_rc_quit_reason 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT quit reasons have been turned OFF!
elseif ($0 == 3) { $iif(%bot_rc_quit_reason == 1, msg $nick Bot quit reasons are §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_reason $+ ), msg $nick Bot quit reasons are §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_reason $+ )) }
if ($3 == short) {
if ($4 == on) {
set %bot_rc_quit_short 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT short quits have been turned ON!
if ($4 == off) {
set %bot_rc_quit_short 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT short quits have been turned OFF!
if ($4 == reason) {
if ($5 == on) {
set %bot_rc_quit_short_reason 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT short quit reasons have been turned ON!
if ($5 == off) {
set %bot_rc_quit_short_reason 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT short quit reasons have been turned OFF!
elseif ($0 == 4) { $iif(%bot_rc_quit_short_reason == 1, msg $nick Bot short quit reasons are §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_short_reason $+ ), msg $nick Bot short quit reasons are §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_short_reason $+ )) }
elseif ($0 == 3) { $iif(%bot_rc_quit_short == 1, msg $nick Bot short quit announce is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_short $+ ), msg $nick Bot short quit announce is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_short $+ )) }
if ($3 == halt) {
if ($4 == on) {
set %bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT quits antiflood has been turned ON!
if ($4 == off) {
set %bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT quits antiflood has been turned OFF!
if ($4 == set) {
set %bot_rc_quit_AntifloodMaxUsers $5
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT quits max users has been set to $5 $+ !
elseif ($0 == 3) { $iif(%bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers == 1, msg $nick Bot quits antiflood (max: $+ %bot_rc_quit_AntifloodMaxUsers $+ ) is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers $+ ), msg $nick Bot quits antiflood (max: $+ %bot_rc_quit_AntifloodMaxUsers $+ ) is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit_haltOnTooMuchUsers $+ )) }
elseif ($0 == 2) { $iif(%bot_rc_quit == 1, msg $nick Bot quit announce is §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit $+ ), msg $nick Bot quit announce is §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_quit $+ )) }
if ($2 == welcome) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_welcome 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT welcomes have been turned ON!
if ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_welcome 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT welcomes have turned OFF!
else $iif(%bot_rc_welcome == 1, msg $nick Bot welcome msgs are §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_welcome $+ ), msg $nick Bot welcome msgs are §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_welcome $+ ))
if ($2 == bansay) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_bansay 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT bansays have turned ON!
if ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_bansay 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT bansays have turned OFF!
else $iif(%bot_rc_bansay == 1, msg $nick Bot ban announces are §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_bansay $+ ), msg $nick Bot ban announces are §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_bansay $+ ))
if ($2 == unbansay) {
if ($3 == on) {
set %bot_rc_unbansay 1
msg %bot_rc_chan §a BOT unbansays have turned ON!
if ($3 == off) {
set %bot_rc_unbansay 0
msg %bot_rc_chan §c BOT unbansays have turned OFF!
else $iif(%bot_rc_unbansay == 1, msg $nick Bot unban announces are §aon §f( $+ %bot_rc_unbansay $+ ), msg $nick Bot unban announces are §coff §f( $+ %bot_rc_unbansay $+ ))
;if ($regml(1) == helptimeron) {
;timerrct2help 0 900 /msg #reflexmc * §7 Use to get a list of IRC Commands §f *
;timerresetrcht 0 3600 rcht
;msg %bot_rc_chan §a Help timer has been turned ON!
;if ($regml(1) == helptimeroff) {
;timerrct2help off
;timerresetrcht off
;msg %bot_rc_chan §c Help timer has been turned OFF!
;if ($regml(1) == kitty) {
;msg %bot_rc_chan §5 Kitty_Lover890 is the most beautiful girl on earth <3 §4If you mess up with her you mess with me.
if ($regml(1) == test) {
;if (%bot_rc_test == 1) || (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) {
echo -a 101: 9ECHO -a test success!
echo %bot_rc_chan 10 2: 9ECHO test success!
msg %bot_rc_chan 10§9 3: 9§2 MSG test success!
msg $nick 10§9 4: 9§2 PM test success!
notice $nick 10§9 5: 9§2 NOTICE test success!
;} else {
;msg $nick §c You're not allowed to use this command!
if ($regml(1) == vars) {
if (%bot_rc_test == 1) || (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) {
msg $nick Status = %bot_rc_status / Test = %bot_rc_test
msg $nick ExtCMDs = %bot_rc_extcmds / Debug = %bot_rc_debug
msg $nick Halt = %bot_rc_halt
msg $nick BanRequests = %bot_rc_banrequests / Welcome = %bot_rc_welcome
msg $nick Join = %bot_rc_join / JoinShort = %bot_rc_join_short
msg $nick Quit = %bot_rc_quit / QuitShort = %bot_rc_quit_short
msg $nick Nick = %bot_rc_nick / Chan = %bot_rc_chan
msg $nick Banreq = %bot_rc_banrequests / Bans = %bot_rc_botbans
msg $nick CUEnabled = %bot_rc_cleanup_enabled = CUSheduled = %bot_rc_cleanup_scheduled
msg $nick LJN = %bot_rc_ljn / LQN = %bot_rc_lqn
msg $nick TNick = %tracknick / MyIPPM = %bot_rc_myippm
msg $nick Country = %country / Region = %region
msg $nick City = %city / MSGNICK = %bot_rc_msgnick
msg $nick ALT = %nick_rc_isALT / VIP = %nick_rc_isVIP
msg $nick Allowed = %nick_rc_isAllowed / Supporter = %nick_rc_isSupporter
msg $nick Mod = %nick_rc_isMod / Owner = %nick_rc_isOwner
;} else {
;msg $nick §c You're not allowed to use this command!
if ($regml(1) == warn) {
msg $2 §c[WARNING]§f ( $+ $3 $+ ) $4-
msg $nick $2 Has been warned for $4- ( $+ $3 $+ )
;else {
;msg $nick §c You're not allowed to use this command.
else msg $nick §4You dont have access to this command!
on $*:TEXT:/^\.(pm|skype|login|upordown|isvip|ispremium|ison|scmds|scanports|votekick|afk|back|germans|deutsche|cusers|staffers|hiders|lpers|hders|xxers)(\s+? (\S+))?/Si:#reflexmc:{
;on $*:TEXT:/^\.([^\s]+)/iS:#reflexmc: {
if (%bot_rc_status == $null) { set %bot_rc_status 1 }
if (%bot_rc_status == 0) { halt }
set %nick_rc_isAllowed 0
set %nick_rc_isVIP 0
if (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 0) {
if (%bot_rc_halt == 1) { halt }
if (%nick_rc_isVIP == 1) || (%nick_rc_isAllowed == 1) {
;|| (+ isin $nick(%bot_rc_chan,4).pnick)
if (%bot_rc_voicevip == 1) {
if (+ !isin $nick($chan,4).pnick) { mode %bot_rc_chan +v $nick }
if (%bot_rc_debug == 1) { checker $scriptline $nopath($script) - onTEXT(9isVIPvoiced) }
if ($regml(1) == pm) { msg $2 §6 $+ $nick $+ : §3 $+ $3- | halt }
if ($regml(1) == skype) { msg $nick §6Skype VIP Conversation: §6 | halt }
if ($regml(1) == afk) {
if ($2 == $null) {
msg $nick §cYou have to enter a reason!
unset %afkreason
set %afkreason $3-
msg %bot_rc_chan §6 $+ $nick §cis now AFK for $2- $+ .
if ($regml(1) == back) { msg %bot_rc_chan §6 $+ $nick §ais now back. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == germans) { msg %bot_rc_chan There are $ialchan(*!*@*.de, $+ %bot_rc_chan $+ ,0) germans in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == deutsche) { msg %bot_rc_chan Es sind $ialchan(*!*@*.de, $+ %bot_rc_chan $+ ,0) deutsche im IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == cusers) { msg %bot_rc_chan There are $ialchan(*!*@*. $+ $2 $+ ,%bot_rc_chan,0) users from $2 in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == staffers) { msg %bot_rc_chan There are $ialchan(*!**,%bot_rc_chan,0) staffers in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == hiders) { msg %bot_rc_chan There are $ialchan(*!*@unaffiliated/*,%bot_rc_chan,0) hiders in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == lpers) { msg %bot_rc_chan $ialchan(*LP!*,%bot_rc_chan,0) users ending with LP in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == hders) { msg %bot_rc_chan $ialchan(*HD!*,%bot_rc_chan,0) users ending with HD in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == xxers) { msg %bot_rc_chan $ialchan(xX*Xx!*,%bot_rc_chan,0) users starting and ending with xX in the IRC. | halt }
if ($regml(1) == login) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §7Welcome, $nick $+ .
if ($regml(1) == upordown) {
;msg $chan [Search]: Searching to see if $2 is up or it's just u
set %upordown $2
set %chan123 $chan
if ($regml(1) == isvip) { checkrcvip $2 }
if ($regml(1) == ispremium) {
unset %nick_is_premium
mccheck $2
timerrcpremiumcheck 1 1 if (%nick_is_premium == 1 ) { msg %bot_rc_chan §a $+ $2 has MC Premium }
if ($regml(1) == ison) {
if ($2 ison %bot_rc_chan) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §a $+ $2 is in the IRC and idling for §9 $+ $duration($nick($chan,$2).idle) $+ .
set %isonnick $2
else msg %bot_rc_chan §c $+ $2 is not in the IRC.
if ($regml(1) == scmds) {
msg $nick .damage <0-20>
msg $nick .rod <amount>
if ($regml(1) == scanports) {
rc_scanports $2-
if ($regml(1) == votekick) {
if ($me !isop $chan) {
if (%opsonly == $null) {
set %opsonly on
if (%opsonly == on) {
if ($nick !isop $chan) {
if ($2 == cancel) { set %vk_cancel 1 | halt }
if ($3 == $null) {
msg $nick §cYou have to enter a reason!
set %votechan #reflexmc
set %kicktime 30
set %exceptions
if (%isonnick != $2) { msg $nick Do @.ison $2 first | halt }
unset %vkickreason
unset %vk_cancel
set %vkickreason $3-
if ($2 isop %bot_rc_chan) || ($istok(%bot_rc_allowednicks,$2,44)) {
kick %bot_rc_chan $nick Dont even try it ;)
if (%voteon == on) {
msg %votechan §e $nick A vote is already taking place.
else {
set %nick $$2
set %voteon on
if (%voteon == on) {
.timer 1 %kicktime firetimer
.timer 1 %kicktime set %voteon off
.timer 1 %kicktime unset %voted
.timer 1 %kicktime set %up 0
.timer 1 %kicktime set %down 0
set %voteon on
msg %votechan §e Voting to kick %nick for %vkickreason $+ .
msg %votechan Type §a @.voteyes §f or §c @.voteno §f to vote.
else msg $nick §cGet VIP to use VIP commands.
;else msg %bot_rc_chan §c $+ $2 dont has MC Premium
alias poll dialog -mo poll poll
dialog poll {
option dbu
title "Poll Script"
size -l -l 150 90
edit "Option 1", 1, 5 40 80 10,autohs
edit "Option 2", 2, 5 50 80 10,autohs
edit "Option 3", 3, 5 60 80 10,autohs
edit "Option 4", 4, 5 70 80 10,autohs
button "New Poll" ,5,13 5 40 15,
button "End Poll" ,6,53 5 40 15,
box "", 7, 85 36 15 45
text "0" 8, 90 40 7 10
text "0" 9, 90 50 7 10
text "0" 10, 90 60 7 10
text "0" 11, 90 70 7 10
button "Show Results" ,12,93 5 40 15,
edit "Question", 13, 5 20 130 10,autohs
on *:Dialog:Poll:*:*: {
if ($devent == init) {
if (%vote) {
did -ra $dname 8 $iif($hget(Vote,1),$v1,0)
did -ra $dname 9 $iif($hget(Vote,2),$v1,0)
did -ra $dname 10 $iif($hget(Vote,3),$v1,0)
did -ra $dname 11 $iif($hget(Vote,4),$v1,0)
did -ra $dname 13 $iif($hget(Vote,Question),$v1,Question)
did -ra $dname 1 $iif($hget(Vote,Question1),$v1,Option 1)
did -ra $dname 2 $iif($hget(Vote,Question2),$v1,Option 2)
did -ra $dname 3 $iif($hget(Vote,Question3),$v1)
did -ra $dname 4 $iif($hget(Vote,Question4),$v1)
did -b $dname 5
else did -b $dname 6
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 12) {
if ($hget(Vote,1)) {
msg %bot_rc_chan §e $+ $hget(Vote,Question)
if ($hget(vote,Question1)) msg %bot_rc_chan 15§a*** §8[§ePoll§8] 1: $hget(Vote,Question1) - $iif($hget(Vote,1),$v1,0)
if ($hget(vote,Question2)) msg %bot_rc_chan 15§2*** §8[§ePoll§8] 2: $hget(Vote,Question2) - $iif($hget(Vote,2),$v1,0)
if ($hget(vote,Question3)) msg %bot_rc_chan 15§c*** §8[§ePoll§8] 3: $hget(Vote,Question3) - $iif($hget(Vote,3),$v1,0)
if ($hget(vote,Question4)) msg %bot_rc_chan 15§4*** §8[§ePoll§8] 4: $hget(Vote,Question4) - $iif($hget(Vote,4),$v1,0)
else error You do not currently have any results, You must start a new poll and wait for people to vote.
if ($did == 6) {
unset %vote
msg %bot_rc_chan 15*** §8[§ePoll§8] §cPoll has closed!
msg %bot_rc_chan 15*** §8[§ePoll§8] §eTo view results type @.results
did -e $dname 5
did -b $dname 6
if ($did == 5) {
if ($did(2).text != Option 2) {
if ($hget(Vote)) hfree vote
msg %bot_rc_chan 15*** §8[§ePoll§8] §eA poll has started! §6To vote type <1-4>
msg %bot_rc_chan 15*** §8[§ePoll§8] §8The question is:10 $did(13).text
msg %bot_rc_chan 15*** §8[§ePoll§8] §9The options are 1 $did(1).text - 2 $did(2).text $iif($did(3).text,- 3 $did(3).text) $iif($did(4).text,- 4 $did(4).text)
hadd -m Vote Question1 $did(1).text
hadd Vote Question $did(13).text
hadd Vote Question2 $did(2).text
hadd Vote Question3 $did(3).text
hadd Vote Question4 $did(4).text
set %vote on
did -b $dname 5
did -e $dname 6
else echo %bot_rc_chan 15*** §8[§ePoll§8] §cYou must specify atleast two options!
on $*:TEXT:/^[.!@~]Vote/Si:%bot_rc_chan: {
tokenize 32 $replace($1-,one,1,two,2,three,3,four,4)
if (%vote) {
if ($2 isnum) {
if ($hget(Vote,Question $+ $2)) {
if ($hget(Vote,$iif($address($nick,2),$v1,$nick)) == $null) {
hadd Vote $iif($address($nick,2),$v1,$nick) $2
hinc -m Vote $2
if ($dialog(Poll)) did -ra Poll $calc($2 + 7) $hget(Vote,$2)
msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §aThank you for your vote, You have voted for option: $hget(Vote,Question $+ $2)
else msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §cSorry, you have already voted! Your vote was for, $hget(Vote,Question $+ $v1)
else msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §cSorry, there is no option $chr(35) $+ $2
else msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §cYou must vote for a number from 1-4
;else msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §cThere is currently no poll commencing.
on $*:TEXT:/^[.!@]Result/Si:%bot_rc_chan: {
if (!$timer(Poll $+ $nick)) {
if ($hget(Vote,Question)) {
.timerpoll $+ $nick 1 5 noop
notice $nick Current results for poll: $hget(Vote,Question)
if ($hget(vote,Question1)) msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §aOption 1: $hget(Vote,Question1) - $iif($hget(Vote,1),$v1,0)
if ($hget(vote,Question2)) msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §2Option 2: $hget(Vote,Question2) - $iif($hget(Vote,2),$v1,0)
if ($hget(vote,Question3)) msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §cOption 3: $hget(Vote,Question3) - $iif($hget(Vote,3),$v1,0)
if ($hget(vote,Question4)) msg $nick *** §8[§ePoll§8] §4Option 4: $hget(Vote,Question4) - $iif($hget(Vote,4),$v1,0)
else msg $nick There are currently no poll results.
on *:start:timerrc_vipcheck 0 600 /rcvipcheck
alias rcvipcheck {
if ($sock(rcvipchecker)) sockclose rcvipchecker
sockopen rcvipchecker 80
write -c vipcheck.txt
on *:SOCKOPEN:rcvipchecker:{
if ($sockerr) { echo -a Socket error: $sock(rcvipchecker).wsmsg }
var %s sockwrite -n $sockname
%s GET /Rerererencedonatorsx789 HTTP/1.1
%s Host: $sock($sockname).addr
%s Connection: close
%s $crlf
echo -a 14Reflex VIP's write success!
on *:SOCKREAD:rcvipchecker:{
if ($sockerr) { echo -a Socket error: $sock(rcvipchecker).wsmsg }
var %rcviptemp
sockread %rcviptemp
if ($regex(%rcviptemp,/.+OVER30CHAR(.+)/g)) write vipcheck.txt $regml(1)
alias checkrcvip {
if ($sock(rcvipchecker)) sockclose rcviptxtchecker
sockopen rcviptxtchecker 80
sockmark rcviptxtchecker $1
;on *:JOIN:#reflexmc,#ResilienceClient,#ResilienceClientIRC:mccheck $1
on *:SOCKOPEN:rcviptxtchecker:{
if ($sockerr) { echo -a Socket error: $sock(rcviptxtchecker).wsmsg }
var %s sockwrite -n $sockname
%s GET /Rerererencedonatorsx789 HTTP/1.1
%s Host: $sock($sockname).addr
%s Connection: close
on *:SOCKREAD:rcviptxtchecker:{
if ($sockerr) { echo -a Socket error: $sock(rcviptxtchecker).wsmsg }
var %rcviptxttemp
sockread %rcviptxttemp
if $regex(%rcviptxttemp,/.+OVER30CHAR(.+)/g) && $sock(rcviptxtchecker).mark == $regml(1) { msg %bot_rc_chan §a $+ $v2 has Reflex VIP. } else msg %bot_rc_chan §c $+ $v2 dont has Reflex VIP.
; | else { msg %bot_rc_chan $v2 has no Resilience VIP. }
;if ($sockerr) { echo -a Socket error: $sock(rcviptxtchecker).wsmsg }
;var %rcviptxttemp
;sockread %rcviptxttemp
;if (Content-Length: isin %rcviptxttemp) {
;If $regex(,/.+OVER30CHAR(.+)/g)
;If $regex(%rcviptxttemp,/.+OVER30CHAR(.+)/g) { echo 4 -sg $regml(1) }
;if ($gettok(%rcviptxttemp,2,32) == 4) { set %nick_rc_isVIP 1 }
;elseif ($gettok(%rcviptxttemp,2,32) == 5) { set %nick_rc_isVIP 1 }
;else { echo -a Error determining VIP status for $sock(rcviptxtchecker).mark $+ . | set %nick_rc_isVIP error }
;sockclose rcviptxtchecker
alias firetimer {
if (%vk_cancel == 1) { msg %votechan §4Votekick has been canceled! | halt }
if (%up > %down) {
msg %votechan §a Vote passed! §f Yes: %up - No: %down
/kick %votechan %nick You've been votekicked for %vkickreason $+ .
else {
msg %votechan §c Vote Failed! §f Yes: %up - No: %down
on *:text:+vkops:#: {
if ($nick isop $chan && $me isop $chan) {
set %votechan $chan
set %opsonly on
msg %votechan * §7 Only operators can votekick now. *
on *:text:-vkops:#: {
if ($nick isop $chan && $me isop $chan) {
set %votechan $chan
set %opsonly off
msg %votechan * §7 Everyone can votekick now. *
on $*:TEXT:/^\.(voteyes|voteno)(\s+? (\S+))?/Si:#reflexmc:{
if ($regml(1) == voteyes) {
if ($istok(%voted,$address,32)) {
msg $nick You have already voted.
if (%voteon == off) {
msg $nick There is no vote in progress.
else {
%voted = $addtok(%voted,$address,32)
inc %up 1
msg $nick §aYes: %up §f- §cNo: %down
if ($regml(1) == voteno) {
if ($istok(%voted,$address,32)) {
msg $nick You have already voted.
if (%voteon == off) {
msg $nick There is no vote in progress.
if (%voteon == on) {
%voted = $addtok(%voted,$address,32)
inc %down 1
msg $nick §aYes: %up §f- §cNo: %down
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