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Prework Article Reflection

First Reflection: 29 Behaviors

The first behavior that resonates with me happens to be the first on the list. When problem solving or fact checking I'm the first person within my friend group to utilize Google! The next quality that resonates with me is the idea that code is cheap. If I'm ever in a sunk cost fallacy position I will usually allow for a flexible and efficient approach when creating decisions. The third and final quality that resonates with me is the I don't know. I have always been a voracious life learner and curious about the world around me. Never afraid to admit my ignorance so that I can learn something new!

Second Reflection: Checklist Manifesto

An incredible articel behind an incredible author. Atul Gawande brings to light the importance and efficiency of adhering to a protocol, manifesto, or checklist. Many industries already utilize this aide but others do not potentially because of an admittance to weakness. We are all human thus making us fallible operating organisms, which can be minimized and mitigated at least through our approach by utilizing checklist at different points throughout our performance. I use checklist in my every day life in order to offset the enormous amount of data retrieval that is neccessary to operate in today's fast-paced world.

Third Reflection: Stengths

I am familiar with Strength based leadership and heavily agree with the approach it encourages our society to take. The only question that I would have for this topic is the ability to implement legally and effectively through job hiring. I would also like to know the process and procedure of doing so. My top strengths are my ability to empathize and process within a diverse group of individuals. I'm more of less confident in this ability because I'll often find myself watching people interact and hearing them argue over a misinterpretation of what the other person was trying to convey. I hope that my ability to empathize will be very helpful when working on group projects that involve a diverse group of people from different backgrounds to come together and work efficiently and cohesively.

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