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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save BobBurns/14b2d3b4fbf4816184b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BobBurns/14b2d3b4fbf4816184b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bluetooth LE Broadcast ACI for Leaky Faucet Project
;new program to set up and test the nRF8001 blufruit module
;compile with gavrasm leaky_broadcast.asm
;flash with avrdude -c avrisp -p m168 -P /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 -b 19200 -U flash:w:leaky_broadcast.hex
; I/O pins:
; ** use PORTB except RDYN on PORTD **
; ** SCK on pin 5 configured as output **
; ** MISO on pin 4 configured as input with pullup **
; ** MOSI on pin 3 configured as output **
; ** REQN on pin 2 configured as output **
; ** RDYN on INT0(PD2) configured as input with pullup **
; ** RESET on pin 6 configured as output **
;---- defines ----
.device atmega168
.equ HAL_PORT = 0x05 ;PORTB
.equ HAL_DDR = 0x04 ;DDRB
.equ HAL_PIN = 0x03 ;PINB
.equ HAL_RESET = 6
.equ HAL_SCK = 5
.equ HAL_MISO = 4
.equ HAL_MOSI = 3
.equ HAL_REQN = 2
.equ MSG_FLG = 0
.equ RD_FLG = 1
;setup messages
.equ SETUP_M = 14
;UBBR value for USART from f_cpu 1000000
.equ UBBRvalue = 12
;RDYN on Interrupt pin PD2 // INT0
.equ INT_PORT = 0x0b
.equ INT_PIN = 0x09
.equ HAL_RDYN = 2 ;PD2
;*** some opcodes for nRF8001 ***
.equ C_TEST = 0x01
.equ C_ECHO = 0x02
.equ C_OpenAdvPipe = 0x1b
.equ C_SetLocalData = 0x0d
.equ C_Broadcast = 0x1c
.equ DS_EVT = 0x81 ;device started event
.equ C_RSP_EVT = 0x84 ;command response event
.equ ECHO_EVT = 0x82 ;echo event
;*** delay constant
.equ dlp_init = 50000
;---- registers
.def temp = r16
.def count = r17
.def temp2 = r18
.def flags = r20 ;used to keep track of if there is a message in the in buffer
.def credit = r21 ;global register for pipe credit
.def delayL = r24
.def delayH = r25
.def xL = r26
.def xH = r27
.def yL = r28
.def yH = r29
.def zL = r30
.def zH = r31
;---- Interrupt Vector ---
.org 0
rjmp reset
rjmp RDYN_L ;INT0 vector
;this is called when RDYN_L is low, meaning nRF8001 has something to say
sbrc flags,RD_FLG ;return if flag set/ message hasn't been read
push temp
push count
push temp2 ;preserve registers
in temp,SREG
push temp ;preserve status register
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;set up buffer pointer
cbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;lower line to acknowledge
ldi temp,0x00
rcall SPI_tradeByte ;first byte is throw-away
ldi temp,0x00
rcall SPI_tradeByte
tst temp ;if length == 0 store and return
brne continue
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) ;no message
st X,temp
rjmp done
mov count,temp ;second byte is length
st X+,temp
sbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) ;set message flag
rd_lp: ldi temp,0x00
rcall SPI_tradeByte
st X+,temp
dec count
brne rd_lp
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;raise line to end
pop temp
out SREG,temp
pop temp2
pop count
pop temp
sbr flags,(1 << RD_FLG) ;means message is waiting to be read
;Initialize Stack
ldi temp,low(RAMEND)
out SPL,temp
ldi temp,high(RAMEND)
out SPH,temp
;Init SPI
;** don't have to set phase or polarity. nRF8001 uses mode 0
in temp,SPCR
sbr temp,(1 << SPR0) ;divide f_cpu by 16, better for breadboards
sbr temp,(1 << MSTR) ;set AVR to SPI Master mode
sbr temp,(1 << DORD) ;use LSB bit order
sbr temp,(1 << SPE) ;enable SPI
out SPCR,temp
;*** set ddr and output on pin lines
sbi HAL_DDR,HAL_REQN ;output on REQN
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;configure output as high // do this first
sbi HAL_DDR,HAL_SCK ;output on SCK
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_MISO ;set pullup on MISO // confg as input
sbi HAL_DDR,HAL_MOSI ;output on MOSI
sbi INT_PORT,HAL_RDYN ;set pullup on RDYN line
sbi HAL_DDR,HAL_RESET ;output on reset
;*** reset nrf8001 ***
ldi count,100
rcall m_delay
;*** delay a little so nRF8001 can get hold of its lines(?)
ldi count,30
rcall m_delay
;initialize USART
ldi temp,high(UBBRvalue) ;baud rate param
sts UBRR0H,temp
ldi temp,low(UBBRvalue)
sts UBRR0L,temp
lds temp,UCSR0A
ori temp,(1 << U2X0) ;set use 2x because %error actual baud > .5
sts UCSR0A,temp
;--- USART register values
ldi temp,(1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0) ;enable transmit and receive
sts UCSR0B,temp
ldi temp,(1 << UCSZ01) | (1 << UCSZ00) ;8 data bits, 1 stop bit
sts UCSR0C,temp
;Enable Interrupt
;use default change on low EICRA ISC00,ISC01 = 0
sbi EIMSK,INT0 ;enable INT0
;********* Main Program **********
start: sei ;enable global interrupt
sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt_rstm ;spin until we get incomming
cli ;disable interrupt while reading
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m ;print whole message first
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;load x reg with pointer to message
ld count,X+
ld temp,X+
cpi temp,DS_EVT
breq dse
;do something here to tell you we didn't get reset message
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp start
dse: ldi zH,high(succ_str << 1)
ldi zL,low(succ_str << 1)
rcall print_s ;success!
adiw xH:xL,2 ;get available buffer number
ld credit,X
;next, send test command
; lower reqn line to ask to send data
wt_req: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN ;wait for nRF8001 to acknowledge request
rjmp wt_req
ldi temp,0x02 ;length byte
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x01 ;test command
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x02 ;DTM over ACI
rcall SPI_tradeByte
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;terminate comm
ldi count,30
rcall m_delay ;delay a little
sei ;wait for response
wt2: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt2
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;load x reg with pointer to message
ld count,X+
ld temp,X+
cpi temp,DS_EVT ;should return with device started event
breq dse2
cpi temp,C_RSP_EVT ;this returns on error
breq cre
;if there is another event opcode start over
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp start
cre: ldi zL,low(cre_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(cre_str << 1)
rcall print_s
adiw xH:xL,2
ld byte_tx,X
rcall transmit ;print out status byte
in_lp: nop
rjmp in_lp ;spin
dse2: ldi zL,low(mode_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(mode_str << 1)
rcall print_s
ld byte_tx,X+
mov temp2,byte_tx
rcall transmit ;print device mode
ldi byte_tx,0x20
rcall transmit
cpi temp2,0x01 ;check if we're in test mode
breq next
rjmp in_lp ;spin if no
next: ldi zL,low(buff_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(buff_str << 1)
rcall print_s
ld byte_tx,X+
ld byte_tx,X
rcall transmit
ldi byte_tx,0x20
rcall transmit
;next send echo command
; lower reqn line to ask to send data
req_lp: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN ;wait for nRF8001 to acknowledge request
rjmp req_lp
ldi temp,0x0d ;length byte
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x02 ;echo command
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi count,0x0c
ldi zL,low(hello << 1)
ldi zH,high(hello << 1)
sd_lp: lpm temp,Z+
rcall SPI_tradeByte
dec count
brne sd_lp
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;terminate comm
ldi count,30
rcall m_delay ;delay a little
sei ;wait for response
wt3: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt3
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;load x reg with pointer to message
ld count,X+
ld temp,X+
cpi temp,ECHO_EVT ;should return with echo event
breq echo_e
cpi temp,C_RSP_EVT ;this returns on error
breq go_cre
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp in_lp
go_cre: rjmp cre
echo_e: ldi zL,low(succ_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(succ_str << 1)
rcall print_s
;*** this is where we initiate setup ***
; lower reqn line to ask to send data
wt4: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN ;wait for nRF8001 to acknowledge request
rjmp wt4
ldi temp,0x02 ;length byte
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x01 ;test command
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0xff ;exit test
rcall SPI_tradeByte
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;terminate comm
ldi count,30
rcall m_delay ;delay a little
sei ;wait for response
wt5: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt5
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;load x reg with pointer to message
ld count,X+
ld temp,X+
cpi temp,DS_EVT ;should return with device started event
breq dse3
cpi temp,C_RSP_EVT ;this returns on error
breq go_cre2
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp in_lp
rjmp cre
ldi zL,low(mode_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(mode_str << 1)
rcall print_s
ld byte_tx,X+
mov temp2,byte_tx
rcall transmit ;print device mode
ldi byte_tx,0x20
rcall transmit
cpi temp2,0x02 ;check if we're in setup mode
breq next2
rjmp in_lp ;spin if no
;**** START SETUP ****
.def count2 = r22
next2: ldi zL,low(setup_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(setup_str << 1)
rcall print_s
ldi count,SETUP_M
ldi zL,low(s_data << 1)
ldi zH,high(s_data << 1)
; lower reqn line to ask to send data
wt6: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN ;wait for nRF8001 to acknowledge request
rjmp wt6
lpm temp,Z+ ;length byte
mov count2,temp ;use for inner loop
rcall SPI_tradeByte
sin_lp: lpm temp,Z+
rcall SPI_tradeByte ;second byte is test command
dec count2
brne sin_lp
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;terminate comm
sei ;wait for response
wt7: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt7
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;load x reg with pointer to message
ld temp,X+ ;first byte length
ld temp,X+
cpi temp,C_RSP_EVT ;should return with command response event
breq cre2
rjmp in_lp
cre2: ld byte_tx,X+ ;opcode of response
rcall transmit
ld byte_tx,X+
rcall transmit ;status code
cpi byte_tx,0x01 ;transaction continue
breq cnt2
cpi byte_tx,0x02 ;transaction complete
breq tr_cmp
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp in_lp
cnt2: dec count
brne s_lp
;finished without transaction complete
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rcall prt_m
rjmp in_lp
;next should receive device started event
wt8: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt8
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf)
ld count,X+
ld temp,X+
cpi temp,DS_EVT
breq dse4
;didn't get device started event
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp in_lp
dse4: ld temp,X+
cpi temp,0x03 ;standby mode
breq success
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
rjmp in_lp
ldi zH,high(succ_str << 1)
ldi zL,low(succ_str << 1)
rcall print_s ;success!
ld temp,X+ ;cause of restart
ld credit,X ;available buffers
ldi zL,low(buff_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(buff_str << 1)
rcall print_s
mov r24,credit ;register for t_htoa
rcall t_htoa
;next, send OpenAdvPipe command
;eventually put leak logic here and broadcast when ready
; lower reqn line to ask to send data
wt9: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN ;wait for nRF8001 to acknowledge request
rjmp wt9
ldi temp,0x09 ;length byte
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,C_OpenAdvPipe
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x02 ;service pipe bitmap
rcall SPI_tradeByte ;0200 0000 0000 0000
ldi count,7
pp_lp: ldi temp,0x00
rcall SPI_tradeByte
dec count
brne pp_lp
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;terminate comm
sei ;wait for response
wt10: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt10
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf)
ld temp,X+ ;length byte
ld temp,X+ ;command, should be 0x81
ld temp,X+ ;reponse command, should be 0x1b
cpi temp,0x1b
breq cont
rjmp nope
cont: ld temp,X+ ;status, should be 0x00 success
breq cont2
rjmp nope
cont2: cbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;set local data
wt11: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN
rjmp wt11
ldi temp,0x03
rcall SPI_tradeByte ;length byte
ldi temp,C_SetLocalData
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x01 ;service pipe number
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x4C ;local data 'L'
rcall SPI_tradeByte
;edit: shortened data to one byte nrfgo setting?
sbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;terminate
sei ;wait for response
wt12: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt12
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG) ;got message
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf)
ld temp,X+
ld temp,X+
ld temp,X+ ;response command, should be 0x0d
breq cont3
rjmp nope
cont3: ld temp,X+ ;status, should be 0x00 success
cpi temp,0x00
breq brdcst
nope: ldi zL,low(err_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(err_str << 1)
rcall print_s
in_lp2: nop
rjmp in_lp2
;*** finally the broadcast command ***
cbi HAL_PORT,HAL_REQN ;ask to send data
wt13: sbic INT_PIN,HAL_RDYN
rjmp wt13
ldi temp,0x05 ;length byte first
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,C_Broadcast
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0xb4 ;timeout LSB
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x00 ;timeout = 180 sec
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x00 ;adv interval LSB
rcall SPI_tradeByte
ldi temp,0x02 ;adv interval MSB
rcall SPI_tradeByte
sei ;terminate comm and wait
wt14: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt14
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG)
rcall prt_m
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf)
ld temp,X+ ;first byte length
ld temp,X+ ;second byte command
ld temp,X+ ;third byte response cmd, should be C_Broadcast
cpi temp,C_Broadcast
breq cont4
rjmp nope
cont4: ld temp,X+ ;status should be 0x00
cpi temp,0x00
breq woot
rjmp nope
woot: ldi zL,low(brd_str << 1)
ldi zH,high(brd_str << 1)
rcall print_s
;we should get a DisconnectedEvent (0x86) after broadcast has timed out
wt15: sbrs flags,MSG_FLG
rjmp wt15
cbr flags,(1 << MSG_FLG) | (1 << RD_FLG)
rcall prt_m
rjmp timeout
;****** Subroutines ******
;print out message
push count
ldi xL,low(in_buf)
ldi xH,high(in_buf) ;load x reg with pointer to message
ld count,X+
mov byte_tx,count
rcall transmit
p_lp: ld byte_tx,X+
rcall transmit
dec count
brne p_lp
pop count
.def byte_tx = r19
;---- function to transmit byte ----
;transmit byte from r19 over usart
lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0
rjmp transmit
sts UDR0,byte_tx
;print string function
;takes Z loaded with pointer to string with first byte being length
;uses r16,r17,r19
lpm count,Z+
for1: lpm byte_tx,Z+
wait: lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0 ;wait for Tx buffer to be empty
rjmp wait ;not ready
sts UDR0,byte_tx;
dec count
brne for1
;-------- delay subroutines ------------
;takes count in reg r17 * 200 milliseconds
ldi delayH,high(dlp_init)
ldi delayL,low(dlp_init)
dlp: sbiw delayH:delayL,1
nop ;makes 4 clock cycles
brne dlp
dec count
brne delay
;millisecond delay *** takes count (r17) as msecond value
ldi temp,0xfa
md_lp: nop
dec temp
brne md_lp ;4 clock cycles times 250 = 1000us (1000000 f_cpu)
dec count
brne m_delay
;----- SPI routines -----
;uses temp r16 as tx byte and returns with rx byte in temp
out SPDR,temp
lp1: in temp2,SPSR
sbrs temp2,SPIF
rjmp lp1
in temp,SPDR
;send ascii representation of one byte over serial
;byte to convert in r24
;uses r24 as low nibble to send and r25 for high nibble
lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0
rjmp t_htoa
ldi temp,0x30 ;ascii offset
mov r25,r24
lsr r25
lsr r25
lsr r25
lsr r25
cpi r25,0x0A
brlt no_e
ldi temp,0x37 ;extended hex
no_e: add r25,temp
sts UDR0,r25
t_2: lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0
rjmp t_2
ldi temp,0x30 ;ascii offset
andi r24,0x0f ;low nibble
cpi r24,0x0a
brlt no_e2
ldi temp,0x37
no_e2: add r24,temp ;add 0x30 to get ascii representation
sts UDR0,r24
err_str: .db 36,0x0d,0x0a,"*** not what we were expecting ***",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
succ_str: .db 20,0x0d,0x0a,"*** Success! ***",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
cre_str: .db 24,"command response event: ",0x00
mode_str: .db 5,"mode:"
buff_str: .db 8,"buffers:",0x00
hello: .db "hello world!"
brd_str: .db 22,"*** we are live! ***",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
setup_str: .db 32,"Setup mode! starting set up...",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
;***** setup data generated from nrfgo studio ******
s_data: .db 0x07,0x06,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x02,0x41,0xfe
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x01,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x03
.db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x10,0x1c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x90,0x00,0xff
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x10,0x38,0xff,0xff,0x02,0x58,0x0a,0x05
.db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x10,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x05,0x06,0x10,0x54,0x00,0x00
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x20,0x00,0x04,0x04,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x01
.db 0x28,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x18,0x04,0x04,0x05,0x05,0x00
.db 0x02,0x28,0x03,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x2a,0x04,0x04,0x14
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x20,0x1c,0x03,0x00,0x03,0x2a,0x00,0x01
.db 0x42,0x4f,0x42,0x64,0x69,0x63,0x73,0x65,0x6d,0x69
.db 0x2e,0x63,0x6f,0x6d,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x04
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x20,0x38,0x05,0x05,0x00,0x04,0x28,0x03
.db 0x01,0x02,0x05,0x00,0x01,0x2a,0x06,0x04,0x03,0x02
.db 0x00,0x05,0x2a,0x01,0x01,0x34,0x12,0x04,0x04,0x05,0x05,0x00
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x20,0x54,0x06,0x28,0x03,0x01,0x02,0x07
.db 0x00,0x04,0x2a,0x06,0x04,0x09,0x08,0x00,0x07,0x2a
.db 0x04,0x01,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x04,0x04
.db 0x1f,0x06,0x20,0x70,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x08,0x28,0x00
.db 0x01,0x01,0x18,0x04,0x04,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x09,0x28
.db 0x00,0x01,0x46,0x00,0x04,0x04,0x05,0x05,0x00,0x0a,0x28,0x03
.db 0x14,0x06,0x20,0x8c,0x01,0x02,0x0b,0x00,0x46,0x00
.db 0x04,0x04,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x0b,0x00,0x46,0x01,0x55,0x00,0x0d
.db 0x06,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x46,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x04,0x00,0x0b,0x00
.db 0x00,0x06,0x06,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
.db 0x06,0x06,0xf0,0x00,0x03,0x81,0xc2,0x00
in_buf: .byte 0x40 ;should never be more than 32 * 2 bytes in buffer
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