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Created November 22, 2014 13:44
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Save BobBurns/474f044242363bc78542 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AVR Assembly program using adc, the multiplexer, and sram for variable data
;Night Light program from p.148
;example program using adc, mux, and sram variable storage
;compile with gavrasm serial_assembly.asm
;flash with avrdude -c avrisp -p m168 -P /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 -b 19200 -U flash:w:serial_assembly.hex
;program to utilize adc mux
.device atmega 168
rjmp start
l_thresh: .byte 2
s_val: .byte 2
.org 0
.def temp = r16
.def temp2 = r17
;--- Inits ---
start: lds temp,ADMUX
ori temp,(1 << REFS0)
sts ADMUX,temp
lds temp,ADCSRA
ori temp,(1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0) | (1 << ADEN)
sts ADCSRA,temp
ldi temp,0xff
out DDRB,temp
loop: lds temp,ADMUX
andi temp,0xf0
ori temp,3 ;pot sensor channel PC3 = 3
sts ADMUX,temp
lds temp,ADCSRA
ori temp,(1 << ADSC) ;start adc
sts ADCSRA,temp
wait: lds temp,ADCSRA
sbrc temp,ADSC
rjmp wait
lds temp,ADCL
ldi r26,low(l_thresh)
ldi r27,high(l_thresh) ;load X with address of l-thresh
st X+,temp
lds temp,ADCH
st X,temp
;read sensor value and store in s_val
lds temp,ADMUX
andi temp,0xf0
ori temp,0 ;light sensor PC0
sts ADMUX,temp
sts ADMUX,temp
lds temp,ADCSRA
ori temp,(1 << ADSC)
sts ADCSRA,temp
wait2: lds temp,ADCSRA
sbrc temp,ADSC
rjmp wait2
lds temp,ADCL
ldi r28,low(s_val)
ldi r29,high(s_val)
st Y+,temp
lds temp,ADCH
st Y,temp
;compare readings
ld temp,X ;high byte of pot reading
ld temp2,Y ;high byte of sensor reading
cp temp,temp2
brge setLed
ld temp,-X
ld temp2,-Y
cp temp,temp2 ;low pot compare low sensor
brge setLed
ldi temp,0x00
out PORTB,temp
rjmp loop
setLed: ldi temp,0xff
out PORTB,temp
rjmp loop
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