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Created November 22, 2014 19:50
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AVR Interrupts. Assembly version of Elliot Williams helloInterrupts.c
;Interrupt 0 Example
; Flashes LED0 at a fixed rate, interrupting whenever button is pressed
.device atmega 168
.def temp = r16
.def temp2 = r17
.org 0
;Interrupt Vector Table
jmp reset
jmp chg_btn ;int0
;Interrupt code overlaps the IVT b/c its not used
sbic PIND,PD2
rjmp b_set
b_set: sbi PORTB,PB1
;Start of program
ldi temp,high(RAMEND)
out SPH,temp
ldi temp,low(RAMEND)
out SPL,temp ;stack init required for interrupts
sbi EIMSK,INT0 ;enable int0
lds temp,EICRA
sbr temp,ISC00
sts EICRA,temp ;set external interrupt control register to interrupt change
sei ;set global interrupt
sbi PORTD,PD2 ;set pullup on button pin
ldi temp,0xff
out DDRB,temp ;set led's active
.equ d_cnt = 50000
ldi r24,low(d_cnt)
ldi r25,high(d_cnt)
delay: sbiw r25:r24,1
brne delay
in temp,PORTB
ldi temp2,0b00000001
eor temp,temp2
out PORTB,temp
rjmp loop
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