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Created January 6, 2016 08:22
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Test using CO to replace wait.for
var express = require('express');
var http = require('http');
var path = require('path');
var app = express();
var co = require('co');
var lodash = require('lodash');
// This is a standard JS async function (the last param is a completion callback that is called with err, result)
function nap(time, callback)
console.log("Napping for %s ms", time);
if (time === 0)
callback(new Error("Time was zero"));
callback(null, time); // return amount of time waited
}, time);
// Example of a generator function (to show that you can yield a generator function - may get deprecated because Promises)
function * takeTwoNaps()
yield waitFor(nap, 100);
yield waitFor(nap, 200);
// Example of a generator with no yield (to show that you can yield to such a generator)
function * takeNoNaps()
console.log("Not taking any naps");
// Example of an async function wrapped in a promise to show that we can yield a Promise (because Promises)
function promiseToTakeNap(time)
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
console.log("Napping for %s ms", time);
resolve(time); // return amount of time waited
}, time);
// Our waitFor wrapper which returns a "thunk" (to show that you can yield a thunk - may get deprecated because Promises)
function waitFor(asyncFn)
// Remove the asyncFn from the args (since we're going to pass the rest of them to asyncFn when we call it)
var args =;
return function(done)
args.push(done); // add the callback to the args
asyncFn.apply(this, args);
// A version of waitFor that uses a Promise wrapper around a Node async function (because Promises)
// This is functionally identically to the non-Promise waitFor above (it takes a Node async fn and params, supplies it's own
// completion callback, which when called, fullfils the Promise and satisfies the yield used to call waitForPromise). The
// only difference is that it uses a Promise wrapper instead of a thunk, which is more polically correct and maybe an easier
// transition to async/await, which awaits Promises.
function waitForUsingPromise(asyncFn)
// Remove the asyncFn from the args (since we're going to pass the rest of them to asyncFn when we call it)
var args =;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
// Add a callback to the supplied params (the Node async function expects it)
args.push(function(err, result)
// When the async function calls the callback, that's when we fullfil the Promise
if (err)
asyncFn.apply(this, args);
// This is our main function that is doing async processing (what would have been run in a fiber)
function * processRequest(req, res)
// Shows result from async function being returned
console.log("Before nap");
var naptime = yield waitFor(nap, 50);
console.log("After napping for: %j", naptime);
// Shows error from async function being thrown/caught
yield waitFor(nap, 0);
catch (err)
console.log("Nap Error (expected):", err);
// Shows we can yield to a generator that doesn't yield
yield takeNoNaps();
console.log("Done taking no naps");
// Shows we can yield to a generator that does itself yield
yield takeTwoNaps();
console.log("Done taking two naps");
// Shows we can yield a Promise wrapped around an async function
console.log("promiseToTakeNap: ", yield promiseToTakeNap(69));
// Shows we can yield a Promise wrapped around a passed-in async function and params
console.log("waitForPromise: ", yield waitForUsingPromise(nap, 75));
console.log("Response sent");
app.get('/', function(req,res)
console.log("Launching request processor");
co(processRequest, req, res);
// The function above will exit before it's done running itself. Seeing the log line below is our indication that Node went
// on his way, and the subsequent logging of stuff happing in processRequest shows that we're asynchronously processing the
// request without blocking Node.
console.log("Done launching request processor");
var server = http.createServer(app);
server.listen(5000, function()
console.log('App listening on port ' + this.address().port + ", node version: " + process.version);
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