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Last active May 23, 2017 16:54
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Corrupt Congressman

  • Application gives voters a way to view a congressperson’s legislative action and donor information side-by-side
  • Python / Django, JavaScript, Nginx, Gunicorn, Fabric, Digital Ocean
  • interested in using the existing data from APIs to create a visualization of some sort or do some data analysis to create a corruption index for a congressperson (this could also be integrated into a visualization)

Robot with an attitude

  • Watson API to do sentiment analysis on a user input
  • Ruby, JavaScript, Rails, jQuery, RSpec, Watson API.
  • Theres a lot that could be done with this project. Allowing the user to compare data from multiple inputs. Doing the data visualization with D3 would be cool. Adding user accounts and allowing users to save data. Allowing a user to input a url and analyzing what is scraped from that url.

Are we human or are we dancer?

  • Data points on a map that represent ongoing humanitarian response operations
  • THE great framework known as Ruby on Rails
  • I'd like to build a react front end, add some jQuery filters, and add another data set of the flow of humanitarian aid.


  • Water quality monitoring from USGS (geological survey). Shows every station in the U.S. , sorted by state, site type, and water quality param. Viewing a specific station allows one to set days prior of data to see and it populates a graph and data table for each param.
  • Rails/JS/minimal ruby thus far.
  • Viewing water quality between two set dates (currently only days prior to now), adding dynamic statistics to monitoring stations view pages (changing based on the days shown).

Broken Free

  • Broken Free is a Rails application that combines three international data sources on economic freedom, corruption, and international development (pulled from the World Bank API). It is statistically accurate and has a great deal of potential for growth in data analysis - while currently only incorporating one development indicator, there are nearly 50 different world bank indicators that could be used, including everything from percentage of GDP generated from exporting raw materials, environmental indicators, to the percentage of women who are employed or literate.
  • Ruby / Rails
  • I'd like to expose an API using a set of SQL queries (for example, average corruption by region by year) I've written and use a data visualization tool to display that data to the user. I'd like to incorporate more World Bank development indicators and see if there are correlations between economic freedom, corruption, and environmental indicators, political freedom, etc. I'd like to improve the front-end, there's a lot of growth potential because the backend is so solid and enables very interesting data analysis. I'd like to add comparisons, trending graphs, etc.


  • View current Turing mentors through the Mentor Index, Mentors can fill out a profile and say if they are available
  • Rails
  • I'd like to see an app that displays this information in a more user-friendly way as well as having photos of the mentors, and then mentors could go in and update their information as needed. It would also be great if we could allow mentors to indicate how many current students they're meeting with, so students can see who is being underutilized vs. overutilized. But that's obviously a nice-to-have, not a need-to-have. Maybe some google calendar integration as well???
  • Also the front end could use a rewrite, everything is a page load.
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