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Created September 10, 2023 10:37
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -dsuppress-all #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -dno-suppress-type-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-to-file #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fspecialise-aggressively #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdicts-cheap #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdicts-strict #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fmax-worker-args=100 #-}
module Data.Ord.Tuple
( OrdTuple (..)
, OrderBy (..)
, HasComponent (..)
, sortBySpec
) where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Tuple
import GHC.Exts (Proxy#, proxy#)
import GHC.List (List)
import GHC.TypeNats
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MG
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort qualified as Quick
import Data.Coerce
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Quicksort.Parameterised
import qualified Data.Strict.Tuple as Strict
data OrderBy = Up Nat | Down Nat
newtype OrdTuple (ixs :: List OrderBy) (a :: Type) = OrdTuple a
newtype instance U.MVector s (OrdTuple ixs a) = MV_OrdTuple (U.MVector s a)
newtype instance U.Vector (OrdTuple ixs a) = V_OrdTuple (U.Vector a)
deriving instance MG.MVector U.MVector a => MG.MVector U.MVector (OrdTuple ixs a)
deriving instance G.Vector U.Vector a => G.Vector U.Vector (OrdTuple ixs a)
instance U.Unbox a => U.Unbox (OrdTuple ixs a)
newtype instance U.MVector s (Strict.Pair a b) = MV_StrictPair (U.MVector s (a, b))
newtype instance U.Vector (Strict.Pair a b) = V_StrictPair (U.Vector (a, b))
instance U.IsoUnbox (Strict.Pair a b) (a, b)
deriving via (Strict.Pair a b `U.As` (a, b)) instance (U.Unbox a, U.Unbox b)
=> MG.MVector U.MVector (Strict.Pair a b)
deriving via (Strict.Pair a b `U.As` (a, b)) instance (U.Unbox a, U.Unbox b)
=> G.Vector U.Vector (Strict.Pair a b)
instance (U.Unbox a, U.Unbox b) => U.Unbox (Strict.Pair a b)
instance Eq (OrdTuple '[] a) where
(==) = const $ const True
instance Ord (OrdTuple '[] a) where
compare = const $ const EQ
(<=) = const $ const True
(>=) = const $ const True
(<) = const $ const False
(>) = const $ const False
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(HasComponent ix a b, Eq b)
=> Eq (OrdTuple (dir ix ': '[]) a)
OrdTuple a == OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a == getComponent (proxy# @ix) a'
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(HasComponent ix a b, Ord b)
=> Ord (OrdTuple ('Up ix ': '[]) a)
compare (OrdTuple a) (OrdTuple a') =
compare (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a) (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a')
OrdTuple a <= OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a'
OrdTuple a >= OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a'
OrdTuple a < OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a'
OrdTuple a > OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a'
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
(HasComponent ix a b, Ord b)
=> Ord (OrdTuple ('Down ix ': '[]) a)
compare (OrdTuple a) (OrdTuple a') =
compare (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a') (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a)
OrdTuple a <= OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a' <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a
OrdTuple a >= OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a' <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a
OrdTuple a < OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a' <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a
OrdTuple a > OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a' <= getComponent (proxy# @ix) a
(HasComponent ix a b, Eq b, Eq (OrdTuple ixs a))
=> Eq (OrdTuple (dir ix ': ixs) a)
OrdTuple a == OrdTuple a' =
getComponent (proxy# @ix) a == getComponent (proxy# @ix) a'
&& (OrdTuple @ixs a) == OrdTuple a'
(HasComponent ix a b, Ord b, Ord (OrdTuple ixs a))
=> Ord (OrdTuple ('Up ix ': ixs) a)
compare (OrdTuple a) (OrdTuple a') =
compare (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a) (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a')
<> compare (OrdTuple @ixs a) (OrdTuple a')
(HasComponent ix a b, Ord b, Ord (OrdTuple ixs a))
=> Ord (OrdTuple ('Down ix ': ixs) a)
compare (OrdTuple a) (OrdTuple a') =
compare (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a') (getComponent (proxy# @ix) a)
<> compare (OrdTuple @ixs a) (OrdTuple a')
class HasComponent (ix :: Nat) a b | ix a -> b where
getComponent :: Proxy# ix -> a -> b
instance HasComponent 0 (Solo a) a where
getComponent _ (MkSolo a) = a
instance HasComponent 0 (a, b) a where
getComponent _ (a, _) = a
instance HasComponent 0 (Strict.Pair a b) a where
getComponent _ (a Strict.:!: _) = a
instance HasComponent 1 (Strict.Pair a b) b where
getComponent _ (_ Strict.:!: b) = b
instance HasComponent 0 (a, b, c) a where
getComponent _ (a, _, _) = a
instance HasComponent 1 (a, b) b where
getComponent _ (_, b) = b
instance HasComponent 1 (a, b, c) b where
getComponent _ (_, b, _) = b
instance HasComponent 2 (a, b, c) c where
getComponent _ (_, _, c) = c
:: forall v a b.
(Ord b, G.Vector v b, Coercible (v a) (v b))
=> Proxy b
-> v a
-> v a
sortBy _ vs = coerce (Quick.sort (coerce vs :: v b))
:: forall v a (ixs :: [OrderBy]).
(Ord (OrdTuple ixs a), G.Vector v (OrdTuple ixs a), Coercible (v a) (v (OrdTuple ixs a)))
=> Proxy ixs
-> v a
-> v a
sortByOrdTuple _ = sortBy (Proxy :: Proxy (OrdTuple ixs a))
-- {-# SPECIALISE Quick.sortInplace :: U.MVector s (OrdTuple '[Up 1] (Int, Word)) -> ST s () #-}
{-# SPECIALISE sortInplaceFM :: U.Unbox a => Sequential -> Median3or5 (OrdTuple '[Up 1] (a, Word)) -> U.MVector s (OrdTuple '[Up 1] (a, Word)) -> ST s () #-}
sortBySpec :: U.Unbox a => U.Vector (Strict.Pair a Word) -> U.Vector (Strict.Pair a Word)
sortBySpec = sortByOrdTuple (Proxy :: Proxy '[Up 1])
-- {-# SPECIALISE Quick.sortInplace :: U.MVector s (OrdTuple '[Up 1] (Int, Word)) -> ST s () #-}
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