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Last active July 12, 2023 00:31
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  • Save Bogyie/0a09a5f68bff6f42c3ea5b1dac326d75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Bogyie/0a09a5f68bff6f42c3ea5b1dac326d75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install startship
brew install awscli
brew install bat
brew install asdf
brew install terraform
brew install ansible
brew install sops
brew install gh
brew install lsd
brew install lazygit
brew install fzf
brew install blackhole-2ch
brew install --cask fig
brew install --cask iterm2
brew install --cask keybase
brew install --cask slack
brew install --cask stats
brew install --cask keepingyouawake // alt caffeine
brew install --cask openlens
# lguctl
brew tap u-cto-devops/lguctl
brew install lguctl
curl -o docker.tgz $DOCKER_MAC_ARM \
&& tar -xvzf docker.tgz \
&& sudo chown root:wheel ./docker/docker \
&& sudo mv ./docker/docker /usr/local/bin/docker
&& rm -rf ./docker && rm ./docker.tgz
brew install colima
aws configure
lguctl init
fig doctor
# Fig pre block. Keep at the top of this file.
[[ -f "$HOME/.fig/shell/zshrc.pre.zsh" ]] && builtin source "$HOME/.fig/shell/zshrc.pre.zsh"
export PATH=$PATH:~/local/bin
# Fig post block. Keep at the bottom of this file.
[[ -f "$HOME/.fig/shell/" ]] && builtin source "$HOME/.fig/shell/"
eval "$(starship init zsh)"
# Uplus DAX
# alias
alias lazy=lazygit
alias fd=fzf --preview 'cat {}'
alias ll=lsd
alias ls=lsd
alias vi=nvim
alias vim=nvim
alias cat=bat
alias tf=terraform
alias tflock="terraform providers lock -platform=linux_arm64 -platform=linux_amd64 -platform=darwin_amd64 -platform=windows_amd64"
alias sops-dax="sops -e -i $DAX_SOPS_KMS+$DAX_SOPS_ROLE"
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