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Last active November 15, 2019 03:47
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  • Save BohemianHacks/5b59de97eee3d26e79657dd857114754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// General approach:
// - Use GT intermediates instead of OC intermediates.
// - Shift most intermediate crafting to assembler / circuit assembler.
// - OC Tier 1 ~= MV
// - OC Tier 2 ~= HV
// - OC Tier 3 ~= EV
// - Nuggets -> foil / fine wire; ingots -> plates / wire or cable;
// - (T1) iron -> annealed copper + red alloy
// - (T2) gold -> rose gold + platinum
// - (T3) diamond -> graphene + osmium -- this seems particularly evil ;-)
// - Copy the iron ingot -> black steel plate change from AE.
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
import crafttweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack;
import mods.gregtech.recipe.RecipeMap;
import mods.jei.JEI;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For my sanity, name all the meta items.
// Components. Not using the non-SMD versions since we're starting at MV.
val diode = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32457> as IItemStack;
val capacitor = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32458> as IItemStack;
val resistor = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32459> as IItemStack;
val transistor = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32460> as IItemStack;
val coil = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32456> as IItemStack;
val mvHull = <gregtech:machine:502> as IItemStack;
val hvHull = <gregtech:machine:503> as IItemStack;
val evHull = <gregtech:machine:504> as IItemStack;
// Silicon components.
val logicChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32477> as IItemStack; // MV
val cpuChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32478> as IItemStack; // MV
val ramChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32485> as IItemStack; // MV
val nandChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32480> as IItemStack; // HV
val norChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32482> as IItemStack; // HV
val picChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32483> as IItemStack; // HV
val lapotronChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32503> as IItemStack; // HV
val asocChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32476> as IItemStack; // EV
val hpicChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32479> as IItemStack; // EV
val nanoChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32481> as IItemStack; // EV
val qbitChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32484> as IItemStack; // EV
val socChip = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32486> as IItemStack; // EV
// Boards, only using a few of them.
val plasticBoard = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32448> as IItemStack; // Tier 1
val epoxyBoard = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32444> as IItemStack; // Tier 2
val multilayerBoard = <gregtech:meta_item_2:32446> as IItemStack; // Tier 3
// Fine wires.
val redAlloyFineWire = <gregtech:meta_item_2:16237> as IItemStack;
val platinumFineWire = <gregtech:meta_item_2:16051> as IItemStack;
val osmiumFineWire = <gregtech:meta_item_2:16047> as IItemStack;
val copperFineWire = <gregtech:meta_item_2:16087> as IItemStack;
// Cables.
val redAlloyCable = <gregtech:cable:5237> as IItemStack;
val platinumCable = <gregtech:cable:5051> as IItemStack;
val osmiumCable = <gregtech:cable:5047> as IItemStack;
// Foils.
val copperFoil = <gregtech:meta_item_1:19087> as IItemStack;
val goldFoil = <gregtech:meta_item_1:19228> as IItemStack;
// graphene -> electrum
val grapheneFoil = <gregtech:meta_item_1:19112> as IItemStack;
val siliconFoil = <gregtech:meta_item_1:19061> as IItemStack;
val ppsFoil = <gregtech:meta_item_1:19934> as IItemStack;
// Plates.
val ironPlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12033> as IItemStack;
val copperPlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12087> as IItemStack;
val goldPlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12228> as IItemStack;
val graphenePlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12205> as IItemStack;
val siliconPlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12061> as IItemStack;
val blackSteelPlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12231> as IItemStack;
val glassPlate = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12209> as IItemStack;
val peSheet = <gregtech:meta_item_1:12141> as IItemStack;
// Rods.
val ironRod = <gregtech:meta_item_1:14033> as IItemStack;
val magIronRod = <gregtech:meta_item_1:14297> as IItemStack;
val magSteelRod = <gregtech:meta_item_1:14298> as IItemStack;
val magNdRod = <gregtech:meta_item_1:14299> as IItemStack;
// Advanced parts
val robotArm = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32651>;
val conveyor = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32631>;
val t1Sensor = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32691>;
val t1Emitter = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32681>;
val t2Sensor = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32692>;
val t2Emitter = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32682>;
val t1Motor = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32601>;
val t2Motor = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32602>;
// OC components.
val ocCable = <opencomputers:cable> as IItemStack;
val pcb = <opencomputers:material:4> as IItemStack;
val cardBase = <opencomputers:material:5> as IItemStack;
val ocTransistor = <opencomputers:material:6> as IItemStack;
val t1Chip = <opencomputers:material:7> as IItemStack;
val t2Chip = <opencomputers:material:8> as IItemStack;
val t3Chip = <opencomputers:material:9> as IItemStack;
val arithLogicUnit = <opencomputers:material:10> as IItemStack;
val controlUnit = <opencomputers:material:11> as IItemStack;
val platter = <opencomputers:material:12> as IItemStack;
val interweb = <opencomputers:material:13> as IItemStack;
val t1TabletCase = <opencomputers:material:17> as IItemStack;
val t2TabletCase = <opencomputers:material:18> as IItemStack;
val t1MicroCase = <opencomputers:material:20> as IItemStack;
val t2MicroCase = <opencomputers:material:21> as IItemStack;
val t1DroneCase = <opencomputers:material:23> as IItemStack;
val t2DroneCase = <opencomputers:material:24> as IItemStack;
val t1CPU = <opencomputers:component> as IItemStack;
val t2CPU = <opencomputers:component:1> as IItemStack;
val t3CPU = <opencomputers:component:2> as IItemStack;
val t1Bus = <opencomputers:component:3> as IItemStack;
val t2Bus = <opencomputers:component:4> as IItemStack;
val t3Bus = <opencomputers:component:5> as IItemStack;
val t1RAM = <opencomputers:component:6> as IItemStack;
val t15RAM = <opencomputers:component:7> as IItemStack;
val t2RAM = <opencomputers:component:8> as IItemStack;
val t25RAM = <opencomputers:component:9> as IItemStack;
val t3RAM = <opencomputers:component:10> as IItemStack;
val t35RAM = <opencomputers:component:11> as IItemStack;
val t1Server = <opencomputers:component:13> as IItemStack;
val t2Server = <opencomputers:component:14> as IItemStack;
val t3Server = <opencomputers:component:15> as IItemStack;
val t1APU = <opencomputers:component:16> as IItemStack;
val t2APU = <opencomputers:component:17> as IItemStack;
val termServer = <opencomputers:component:19> as IItemStack;
val floppyDrive = <opencomputers:component:20> as IItemStack;
val t1GfxCard = <opencomputers:card:1> as IItemStack;
val t2GfxCard = <opencomputers:card:2> as IItemStack;
val t3GfxCard = <opencomputers:card:3> as IItemStack;
val t1redstoneCard = <opencomputers:card:4> as IItemStack;
val t2redstoneCard = <opencomputers:card:5> as IItemStack;
val netCard = <opencomputers:card:6> as IItemStack;
val t1WifiCard = <opencomputers:upgrade:31> as IItemStack;
val t2WifiCard = <opencomputers:card:7> as IItemStack;
val inetCard = <opencomputers:card:8> as IItemStack;
val linkedCard = <opencomputers:card:9> as IItemStack;
val t1DataCard = <opencomputers:card:10> as IItemStack;
val t2DataCard = <opencomputers:card:11> as IItemStack;
val t3DataCard = <opencomputers:card:12> as IItemStack;
val eeprom = <opencomputers:storage> as IItemStack;
val floppy = <opencomputers:storage:1> as IItemStack;
val t1Disk = <opencomputers:storage:2> as IItemStack;
val t2Disk = <opencomputers:storage:3> as IItemStack;
val t3Disk = <opencomputers:storage:4> as IItemStack;
val t1Screen = <opencomputers:screen1> as IItemStack;
val t2Screen = <opencomputers:screen2> as IItemStack;
val t3Screen = <opencomputers:screen3> as IItemStack;
// Misc additions
val glassLens = <gregtech:meta_item_1:15209> as IItemStack;
val diamondLens = <gregtech:meta_item_1:15111> as IItemStack;
val tinRing = <gregtech:meta_item_1:18071> as IItemStack;
val magNdDust = <gregtech:meta_item_1:2299> as IItemStack;
val t1Rotor = <gregtech:meta_item_2:18183> as IItemStack;
val t2Rotor = <gregtech:meta_item_2:18072> as IItemStack;
val evEmitter = <gregtech:meta_item_1:32683> as IItemStack;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions.
// The arg ordering of output, input may seem strange but it makes the
// recipes below more readable, IMO.
// Again for my sanity.
function secs(s as int) as int {
return s * 20;
// circuit creates three circuit assembler recipes for output:
// - One using 72mb * fluidMultiplier of solder
// - One using 144mb * fluidMultiplier of tin
// - One using 288mb * fluidMultiplier of lead
function circuit(
output as IItemStack,
input as IIngredient[],
fluidMultiplier as int,
EUt as int,
ticks as int
) {
val asm = RecipeMap.getByName("assembler");
asm.recipeBuilder().inputs(input).fluidInputs([<liquid:soldering_alloy> * (72 * fluidMultiplier)]).outputs([output]).EUt(EUt).duration(ticks).buildAndRegister();
asm.recipeBuilder().inputs(input).fluidInputs([<liquid:tin> * (144 * fluidMultiplier)]).outputs([output]).EUt(EUt).duration(ticks).buildAndRegister();
// assembler replaces a crafting recipe with an assembler recipe with less typing.
function assembler(
output as IItemStack,
input as IIngredient[],
fluid as ILiquidStack[],
EUt as int,
ticks as int
) {
val asm = RecipeMap.getByName("assembler");
// Components are all made in the circuit assembler at 60 EU/t, 4s.
function component(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 1, 60, secs(4));
// Tier 1 circuit assembler recipes are 120 EU/t MV, 4s.
function t1Circuit(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 1, 120, secs(4));
// Tier 1.5 RAM takes 1.5x as long.
function t15Circuit(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 1, 120, secs(6));
// Tier 1 assembler recipes are 60 EU/t for 4 * multiplier seconds.
function t1Assembler(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[], multiplier as int) {
assembler(output, input, [<liquid:soldering_alloy> * 72], 60, secs(4*multiplier));
// Tier 2 circuit assembler recipes are 480 EU/t MV, 4s.
function t2Circuit(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 2, 480, secs(4));
// Tier 2.5 RAM takes 1.5x as long.
function t25Circuit(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 2, 480, secs(6));
// Tier 2 assembler recipes are 240 EU/t for 4 * multiplier seconds.
function t2Assembler(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[], multiplier as int) {
assembler(output, input, [<liquid:soldering_alloy> * 144], 240, secs(4*multiplier));
// Tier 3 circuit assembler recipes are 1920 EU/t MV, 4s.
function t3Circuit(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 4, 1920, secs(4));
// Tier 3.5 RAM takes 1.5x as long.
function t35Circuit(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[]) {
circuit(output, input, 4, 1920, secs(6));
// Tier 3 assembler recipes are 960 EU/t for 4 * multiplier seconds.
function t3Assembler(output as IItemStack, input as IIngredient[], multiplier as int) {
assembler(output, input, [<liquid:soldering_alloy> * 288], 960, secs(4*multiplier));
function applyTransforms(tr as IIngredient[IIngredient], recipeList as IItemStack[]) {
for recipe in recipeList {
for from, to in tr {
recipes.replaceAllOccurences(from, to, recipe);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Onto the recipes.
// These intermediates are completely replaced with GT ones.
JEI.removeAndHide(<opencomputers:material>); // Cutting Wire
JEI.removeAndHide(<opencomputers:material:2>); // Raw PCB
JEI.removeAndHide(<opencomputers:material:29>); // Diamond Chip
// Cable gets "special" treatment.
// 7.5s @ 8EU/t is copied from other cable assembler recipes.
var rubbers = [
<liquid:rubber> * 144,
<liquid:styrene_butadiene_rubber> * 108,
<liquid:silicon_rubber> * 72,
] as ILiquidStack[];
for rubber in rubbers {
assembler(ocCable, [copperFineWire*4, ppsFoil], [rubber], 8, 150);
// Higher-level intermediates
component(arithLogicUnit, [logicChip, transistor*4, redAlloyFineWire*2, siliconFoil]);
component(controlUnit, [<minecraft:clock>, transistor*4, redAlloyFineWire*2, siliconFoil]);
component(cardBase, [coil*2, transistor, diode, resistor, capacitor, plasticBoard]);
t1Circuit(t1Bus, [cpuChip*2, controlUnit, redAlloyFineWire*4, copperFoil*2, plasticBoard]);
t2Circuit(t2Bus, [picChip*2, controlUnit*2, redAlloyFineWire*4, goldFoil*2, epoxyBoard]);
t3Circuit(t3Bus, [nanoChip*2, controlUnit*4, redAlloyFineWire*4, grapheneFoil*2, multilayerBoard]);
t1Circuit(t1CPU, [arithLogicUnit*2, controlUnit, cpuChip*4, redAlloyFineWire*8, copperFoil*4]);
t2Circuit(t2CPU, [arithLogicUnit*4, controlUnit*2, picChip*4, platinumFineWire*8, goldFoil*4]);
t3Circuit(t3CPU, [arithLogicUnit*8, controlUnit*4, nanoChip*4, osmiumFineWire*8, grapheneFoil*4]);
t2Circuit(t1APU, [t2CPU, t1GfxCard, t1Bus, picChip*2, goldFoil*4]);
t3Circuit(t2APU, [t3CPU, t2GfxCard, t2Bus, nanoChip*2, grapheneFoil*4]);
// RAM (one ramChip == 64 KB)
t1Circuit( t1RAM, [ramChip*3, siliconFoil, redAlloyFineWire*4, copperFoil*2, plasticBoard]);
t15Circuit(t15RAM, [ramChip*4, logicChip, redAlloyFineWire*6, copperFoil*2, plasticBoard]);
t2Circuit( t2RAM, [ramChip*6, logicChip*2, platinumFineWire*12, goldFoil*2, epoxyBoard]);
t25Circuit(t25RAM, [ramChip*8, lapotronChip, platinumFineWire*16, goldFoil*2, epoxyBoard]);
t3Circuit( t3RAM, [ramChip*12, socChip, osmiumFineWire*24, grapheneFoil*2, multilayerBoard]);
t35Circuit(t35RAM, [ramChip*16, asocChip, osmiumFineWire*32, grapheneFoil*2, multilayerBoard]);
// Cards
t1Circuit(t1GfxCard, [arithLogicUnit, cpuChip*2, t1RAM, cardBase]);
t2Circuit(t2GfxCard, [arithLogicUnit*2, picChip*2, t2RAM, cardBase]);
t3Circuit(t3GfxCard, [arithLogicUnit*4, nanoChip*2, t3RAM, cardBase]);
t1Circuit(t1redstoneCard, [<minecraft:redstone_torch>, cpuChip, redAlloyFineWire*4, cardBase]);
t1Circuit(netCard, [ocCable, cpuChip, cardBase]);
t1Circuit(t1WifiCard, [ocCable, t1Sensor, t1Emitter, cpuChip, cardBase]);
t2Circuit(t2WifiCard, [ocCable, t2Sensor, t2Emitter, picChip, cardBase]);
t25Circuit(inetCard, [ocCable, interweb, picChip, cardBase]);
// NOTE: This forces people to craft two linked cards separately and then
// use the shapeless recipe to craft them together for linking.
t15Circuit(t1DataCard, [arithLogicUnit, t1CPU, t15RAM, cardBase]);
t25Circuit(t2DataCard, [arithLogicUnit*2, t2CPU, t25RAM, cardBase]);
t35Circuit(t3DataCard, [arithLogicUnit*4, t3CPU, t35RAM, cardBase]);
// Cases
t1Assembler(<opencomputers:case1>, [copperPlate*8, redAlloyCable*2], 4);
t2Assembler(<opencomputers:case2>, [goldPlate*8, platinumCable*2], 4);
t3Assembler(<opencomputers:case3>, [graphenePlate*8, osmiumCable*2], 4);
t25Circuit(t1TabletCase, [t2Screen, t2Bus, nandChip*4, epoxyBoard, peSheet*2]);
t35Circuit(t2TabletCase, [t3Screen, t3Bus, nandChip*8, socChip, multilayerBoard, peSheet*2]);
t1Assembler(t1MicroCase, [cpuChip*2, copperFoil*8, redAlloyFineWire*4], 1);
t2Assembler(t2MicroCase, [picChip*2, goldFoil*8, platinumFineWire*4], 1);
t15Circuit(t1DroneCase, [t1Sensor, t1Rotor*4, t1MicroCase, t1Bus, t1Motor*4]);
t25Circuit(t2DroneCase, [t2Sensor, t2Rotor*4, t2MicroCase, t2Bus, t2Motor*4]);
t15Circuit(t1Server, [t1Bus, t15RAM, cpuChip*4, plasticBoard, blackSteelPlate*8]);
t25Circuit(t2Server, [t2Bus, t25RAM, picChip*4, epoxyBoard, blackSteelPlate*8]);
t35Circuit(t3Server, [t3Bus, t35RAM, nanoChip*4, multilayerBoard, blackSteelPlate*8]);
// Not really cases, but other rackmount bits...
t1Circuit(floppyDrive, [t1Bus, logicChip*2, controlUnit, plasticBoard, blackSteelPlate*4]);
// Screens
t1Assembler(t1Screen, [mvHull, <minecraft:glowstone_dust>*2, glassPlate*4], 2);
t2Assembler(t2Screen, [hvHull, <minecraft:glowstone_dust>*2, glassPlate*4], 2);
t3Assembler(t3Screen, [evHull, <minecraft:glowstone_dust>*2, glassPlate*4], 2);
// Disks / Storage
// Wikipedia says glass platters and cobalt alloys! Yay realism ;-)
assembler(platter, [glassLens, magNdDust], [<liquid:cobalt_brass> * 144], 60, secs(4));
component(eeprom, [logicChip*2, copperFineWire*2, plasticBoard]);
component(floppy, [platter, peSheet*2, tinRing]);
t1Circuit(t1Disk, [platter, magIronRod, cpuChip*2, plasticBoard, blackSteelPlate*2]);
t2Circuit(t2Disk, [platter*2, magSteelRod, picChip*2, epoxyBoard, blackSteelPlate*2]);
t3Circuit(t3Disk, [platter*4, magNdRod, nanoChip*2, multilayerBoard, blackSteelPlate*2]);
// Misc tools.
component(<opencomputers:tool>, [logicChip*2, cpuChip, redAlloyCable*2, plasticBoard]);
recipes.addShaped(<opencomputers:wrench>, [
[ironRod, null, ironRod],
[null, controlUnit, null],
[null, ironPlate, null]]);
// Recipe transformations: I got lazy.
// For ... reasons ... we can't use variables as keys here :(
var transforms = {
<minecraft:iron_ingot>: blackSteelPlate,
<minecraft:gold_ingot>: goldPlate,
<minecraft:iron_nugget>: blackSteelPlate,
<minecraft:gold_nugget>: goldFoil,
<minecraft:paper>: siliconFoil,
<ore:craftingPiston>: robotArm,
<minecraft:hopper>: conveyor,
<minecraft:ender_eye>: t1Sensor,
} as IIngredient[IIngredient];
transforms[t1Chip] = cpuChip;
transforms[t3Chip] = nanoChip;
transforms[pcb] = mvHull;
// The OC transistor is also used in the block called "capacitor".
// In this case maybe we should use a capacitor instead?
// The assembler/charger have a T2 chip in it but gate most of the mod.
transforms[t2Chip] = logicChip;
transforms[ocTransistor] = capacitor;
applyTransforms(transforms, [<opencomputers:capacitor>, <opencomputers:assembler>, <opencomputers:charger>]);
transforms[t2Chip] = picChip;
transforms[ocTransistor] = transistor;
// Blocks to be transformed.
var blocks = [
] as IItemStack[];
applyTransforms(transforms, blocks);
// Recipe transformations for items / upgrades.
// These aren't blocks, so use tiered component bus for PCB.
transforms[pcb] = t1Bus;
// Differentiate materials a bit more for the tiers
transforms[<minecraft:iron_nugget>] = copperFoil;
transforms[<minecraft:gold_nugget>] = copperFoil;
transforms[<minecraft:iron_ingot>] = copperPlate;
transforms[<minecraft:gold_ingot>] = copperPlate;
transforms[<ore:plankWood>] = blackSteelPlate;
var t1Upgrades = [
<opencomputers:material:26>, // Empty ink cart
<opencomputers:tool:2>, // Remote terminal
<opencomputers:tool:4>, // Manual
<opencomputers:upgrade:1>, // T1 Battery
<opencomputers:upgrade:5>, // T1 Card Container
<opencomputers:upgrade:8>, // T1 Upgrade Container
<opencomputers:upgrade:12>, // T1 Database
<opencomputers:upgrade:17>, // Inventory Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:20>, // Piston Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:21>, // Sign Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:23>, // Tank Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:27>, // T1 Hover
] as IItemStack[];
applyTransforms(transforms, t1Upgrades);
// Tier 2 now.
transforms[pcb] = t2Bus;
transforms[<minecraft:iron_nugget>] = goldFoil;
transforms[<minecraft:gold_nugget>] = goldFoil;
transforms[<minecraft:iron_ingot>] = goldPlate;
transforms[<minecraft:gold_ingot>] = goldPlate;
// Special case for the hover upgrade :-)
transforms[<minecraft:feather>] = t1Rotor;
transforms[<ore:oc:stoneEndstone>] = t2Rotor;
var t2Upgrades = [
<opencomputers:upgrade>, // Angel Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:2>, // T2 Battery
<opencomputers:upgrade:6>, // T2 Card Container
<opencomputers:upgrade:9>, // T2 Upgrade Container
<opencomputers:upgrade:11>, // Crafting Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:13>, // T2 Database
<opencomputers:upgrade:16>, // Generator Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:18>, // Inventory Controller
<opencomputers:upgrade:19>, // Navigation Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:22>, // Solar Gen Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:24>, // Tank Controller
<opencomputers:upgrade:28>, // T2 Hover
<opencomputers:upgrade:29>, // Trading Upgrade
] as IItemStack[];
applyTransforms(transforms, t2Upgrades);
// And tier 3...
transforms[pcb] = t3Bus;
transforms[<minecraft:iron_nugget>] = grapheneFoil;
transforms[<minecraft:gold_nugget>] = grapheneFoil;
transforms[<minecraft:iron_ingot>] = graphenePlate;
transforms[<minecraft:gold_ingot>] = graphenePlate;
transforms[<minecraft:ender_eye>] = t2Sensor;
// T3 battery is the last thing with a diamond chip in it :-/
transforms[<opencomputers:material:29>] = lapotronChip;
var t3Upgrades = [
<opencomputers:upgrade:3>, // T3 Battery
<opencomputers:upgrade:4>, // Chunkloader Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:7>, // T3 Card Container
<opencomputers:upgrade:10>, // T3 Upgrade Container
<opencomputers:upgrade:14>, // T3 Database
<opencomputers:upgrade:15>, // Experience Upgrade
<opencomputers:upgrade:30>, // MFU
] as IItemStack[];
applyTransforms(transforms, t3Upgrades);
// Tractor Beam also gets special cases!
transforms[<ore:craftingPiston>] = t2Emitter;
applyTransforms(transforms, [<opencomputers:upgrade:25>]);
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