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Created March 15, 2016 12:55
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Git command to compare size of file in working tree against index/commit
if [[ $1 == "--help" || $1 == "-h" ]]; then
cat <<USAGE
usage: $(basename $0) FILE [REVISION]
Compare file size between version at REVISION (default: index) and
on disk.
SIZE_OLD=$(git show "$2:$1" | wc -c)
SIZE_NEW=$(cat "$1" | wc -c)
PAD_LENGTH=$(( ${#REV} > 4 ? ${#REV} : 4 ))
printf "Size in $REV: %$(( ${PAD_LENGTH} - ${#REV} ))d\n" "$SIZE_OLD"
printf "Size on file: %$(( ${PAD_LENGTH} - 4 ))d\n" "$SIZE_NEW"
printf "Difference: %+$(( ${PAD_LENGTH} - 4 ))d\n" "$(( $SIZE_NEW - $SIZE_OLD ))"
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