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# Advanced Django 1.3.x+ Logging
# Author:
# Jason Giedymin < jasong _[_a-t_]_ apache d-o-t org >
# Description:
# A Django 1.3.x+ snippet with Advanced logging formatters using RFC 2822,
# TimedRotatingFileHandler, and a WatchedFileHandler.
# NOTES: Levels are set to DEBUG! Change them or programmatically do switching (if x: LOGGING=LOGGING_DEV).
# The TimedRotatingFileHandler won't rotate unless your app is restarted.
# Use WatchedFileHandler instead, and rotate logs with a cron job or with some other program.
#... somewhere in or imported ...
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': True,
'formatters': {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s',
'datefmt': '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z',
'simple': {
'format': '[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - %(message)s',
'datefmt': '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z',
'django-default-verbose': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
'common-logging-v2': {
'format': '[%(asctime)s] - %(message)s',
'datefmt': '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z',
'parsefriendly': {
'format': '[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - M:%(module)s, P:%(process)d, T:%(thread)d, MSG:%(message)s',
'datefmt': '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z',
'handlers': {
'null': {
'formatter': 'simple'
'formatter': 'verbose'
'log-file': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler',
'formatter': 'verbose',
#consider: 'filename': '/var/log/<myapp>/app.log',
#will need perms at location below:
'filename': '/var/log/app.log',
'mode': 'a', #append+create
'timed-log-file': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler', # Python logging lib
'formatter': 'parsefriendly',
#consider: 'filename': '/var/log/<myapp>/app.log',
#will need perms at location below:
'filename': '/var/log/app-timed.log',
'when': 'midnight',
#'backupCount': '30', #approx 1 month worth
'watched-log-file': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler',
'formatter': 'parsefriendly',
#consider: 'filename': '/var/log/<myapp>/app.log',
#will need perms at location below:
'filename': '/var/log/app-watched.log',
'mode': 'a', #append+create
'loggers': {
'django': {
'handlers':['console', 'watched-log-file'],
'propagate': True,
'django.request': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'handlers': ['console', 'watched-log-file'],
'propagate': False,
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