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# Name: Did you mean 'python spell check'?
# Purpose: Correct the spelling of an input string.
# Author: Alex Lavin
# Created: 17/08/2014
# Copyright: (c) Lavin 2014
import re, string, operator
from collections import Counter
from math import log10
## Process the input text database
sample_text = file('big.txt').read()
def tokens(text):
"List all word tokens of text, normalized to lowercase."
return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower())
VOCAB = Counter(tokens(sample_text))
## Text analysis functions
def edits_1(word):
"Return all string that are one edit away from word."
splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word)+1)] # all possible splits of word
insertions = [a+b+c for a,b in splits for c in string.ascii_lowercase]
deletions = [a+b[1:] for a,b in splits if b] # at each split, delete the first character of 'b'
substitutions = [a+c+b[1:] for a,b in splits for c in string.ascii_lowercase if b] # same as deletion, but additionally insert 'c'
transpositions = [a+b[1]+b[0]+b[2:] for a,b in splits if len(b)>1]
return set(insertions + deletions + substitutions + transpositions)
def edits_2(word): # call edit function twice -> edit distance two
"Return all string that are two edits away from word."
return set(e2 for e1 in edits_1(word) for e2 in edits_1(e1))
def known(words):
"Return subset of words that appear in the dictionary."
return filter(VOCAB.get, words)
def correct(word, version=0):
"Return the best spelling correction of word."
if version==1: # Prefer edit distances of 0, 1, then 2, and then default to original word.
candidates = (known({word}) or
known(edits_1(word)) or
known(edits_2(word)) or
return max(candidates, key=VOCAB.get)
candidates = edits(word).items()
c, edit = max(candidates, key=lambda (c,e): Pedit(e) * P1w(c))
return c
def correct_text(text):
"Return the correct spelling of all words in text."
return re.sub('[a-zA-Z]+', correct_match, text)
def correct_match(match):
"Correct the spelling of match, first making it lowercase and calling correct(), then putting in the proper case."
word =
return case(word)(correct(word.lower()))
def case(text):
"Return the case function for text."
return(str.upper if text.isupper() else
str.lower if text.islower() else
str.title if text.istitle() else
## Probability distribution
class Pdist(dict):
"A probability distribution estimated from counts in datafile."
def __init__(self, data=[], N=None, smoothingfn=None):
for key,count in data:
self[key] = self.get(key, 0) + int(count)
self.N = float(N or sum(self.itervalues()))
self.smoothingfn = smoothingfn or (lambda k, N: 1./N)
def __call__(self, key):
if key in self: return self[key]/self.N
else: return self.smoothingfn(key, self.N)
def Laplace(counter, c=1):
N = sum(counter.values())
Nnew = N + c * (len(counter)+1)
return lambda w: (counter[w]+c) / Nnew
def cPw(word, prev):
"Conditional probability of word, given previous word."
bigram = prev + ' ' + word
if P2w(bigram)>0 and P1w(prev)>0:
return P2w(bigram) / P1w(prev)
else: # average the back-off value and zero
return P1w(word) / 2
def Pedit(edit):
"Returns the probability of an edit."
if edit == '': return (1. - p_error)
return p_error*product(P1edit(e) for e in edit.split('+'))
## Segmentation
def memo(f):
"Memoize function f, whose args must all be hashable."
cache = {}
def fmemo(*args):
if args not in cache:
cache[args] = f(*args)
return cache[args]
fmemo.cache = cache
return fmemo
def segment(text, prev='<S>'):
"Return best segmentation of text; words and their logP."
if not text: return 0.0, []
candidates = (combine(log10(cPw(first,prev)), first, segment(rest, first)) # log10 to avoid underflow
for first,rest in splits(text))
return max(candidates)
L = max(map(len, VOCAB)) # longest word we've seen
def splits(text, L=20):
"""Return a list of all (first, rest) pairs of the text,
where start<=len(first)<=L+2."""
return [(text[:i+1], text[i+1:])
for i in range(min(len(text),L+2))]
def combine(Pfirst, first, (Prest, rest)):
"Combine first and rest into words/probability."
return Pfirst+Prest, [first]+rest
## From Norvig
def edits(word, d=2):
"Return a dict of {correct: edit} pairs within d edits of word."
results = {}
def editsR(hd, tl, d, edits):
def ed(L,R): return edits+[R+'|'+L]
C = hd+tl
if C in P1w:
e = '+'.join(edits)
if C not in results: results[C] = e
else: results[C] = max(results[C], e, key=Pedit)
if d <= 0: return
extensions = [hd+c for c in string.ascii_lowercase if hd+c in PREFIXES]
p = (hd[-1] if hd else '<') ## previous character
## Insertion
for h in extensions:
editsR(h, tl, d-1, ed(p+h[-1], p))
if not tl: return
## Deletion
editsR(hd, tl[1:], d-1, ed(p, p+tl[0]))
for h in extensions:
if h[-1] == tl[0]: ## Match
editsR(h, tl[1:], d, edits)
else: ## Replacement
editsR(h, tl[1:], d-1, ed(h[-1], tl[0]))
## Transpose
if len(tl)>=2 and tl[0]!=tl[1] and hd+tl[1] in PREFIXES:
editsR(hd+tl[1], tl[0]+tl[2:], d-1,
ed(tl[1]+tl[0], tl[0:2]))
## Body of edits:
editsR('', word, d, [])
return results
## Helper functions
def count_data(name, sep='\t'):
with open(name) as f:
for line in f:
yield line.split(sep)
def product(numbers):
"Return the product of a sequence of numbers."
return reduce(operator.mul, numbers, 1)
## Run program
N = 1024908267229 # Number of tokens in 'big.txt'
P1w = Pdist(count_data('unigram counts.txt'), N)
P2w = Pdist(count_data('bigram counts.txt'), N)
p_error = 1./10. # assume spelling error every 10 words
PREFIXES = set(w[:i] for w in P1w for i in range(len(w) + 1)) # Norvig code
P1edit = Pdist(count_data('count_1edit.txt')) # Probabilities of single edits
tests = ['mimosa brunhc resterants', 'Where is teh Golden Gtae Birdge?', 'mimosa brunhc resterants near teh Goldengate Birdge?']
for test in tests:
new = correct_text(test)
print test, '-> Did you mean "', new, '"?'
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Thanks, I used it in my text editor.

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