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Last active October 23, 2020 10:26
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Create outline (cut edges and silk) of d1 mini
# execfile(r'[ENTER YOUR PATH]\')
import os
import sys
import pcbnew
# Cut the Edges of a typical d1 mini board
board = pcbnew.GetBoard()
aLayerCuts = board.GetLayerID('Edge.Cuts')
aSilkFront = board.GetLayerID('F.SilkS')
aSilkBack = board.GetLayerID('B.SilkS')
def ArcLayer(cx, cy, sx, sy, a, aLayer, aWidth):
Draw an arc based on centre, start and angle
@param cx: the x coordinate of the arc centre
@param cy: the y coordinate of the arc centre
@param sx: the relative x coordinate of the arc start point
@param sy: the relative y coordinate of the arc start point
@param a: the arc's central angle (in deci-degrees)
@param aLayer: the layer id to draw on
@param aWidth: the width of the drawing
center = pcbnew.wxPoint(pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(cx), pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(cy))
start = pcbnew.wxPoint(pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(cx + sx), pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(cy + sy))
arc = pcbnew.DRAWSEGMENT(board)
def LineLayer(sx, sy, ex, ey, aLayer, aWidth):
Draw a line based on absolute start en end
@param sx: the x coordinate of the starting point
@param sy: the y coordinate of the starting point
@param ex: the x coordinate of the ending point
@param ey: the y coordinate of the ending point
@param aLayer: the layer id to draw on
@param aWidth: the width of the drawing
start = pcbnew.wxPoint(pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(sx), pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(sy))
end = pcbnew.wxPoint(pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(ex), pcbnew.Millimeter2iu(ey))
line = pcbnew.DRAWSEGMENT(board)
def Arc(cx, cy, sx, sy, a, inside):
Draw an arc based on centre, start and angle
@param cx: the x coordinate of the arc centre
@param cy: the y coordinate of the arc centre
@param sx: the relative x coordinate of the arc start point
@param sy: the relative y coordinate of the arc start point
@param a: the arc's central angle (in deci-degrees)
@param inside: 1 for inside and -1 for outside
ArcLayer(cx, cy, sx, sy, a, aLayerCuts, 0.05)
if sx > 0:
sx = sx - inside * SILK_TO_EDGE
if sx < 0:
sx = sx + inside * SILK_TO_EDGE
if sy > 0:
sy = sy - inside * SILK_TO_EDGE
if sy < 0:
sy = sy + inside * SILK_TO_EDGE
ArcLayer(cx, cy, sx, sy, a, aSilkFront, 0.1524)
ArcLayer(cx, cy, sx, sy, a, aSilkBack, 0.1524)
def Line(sx, sy, ex, ey, ox, oy):
Draw a line based on absolute start en end
@param sx: the x coordinate of the starting point
@param sy: the y coordinate of the starting point
@param ex: the x coordinate of the ending point
@param ey: the y coordinate of the ending point
LineLayer(sx, sy, ex, ey, aLayerCuts, 0.05)
if ox != 0 or oy != 0:
LineLayer(sx + ox, sy + oy, ex + ox, ey + oy, aSilkFront, 0.1524)
LineLayer(sx + ox, sy + oy, ex + ox, ey + oy, aSilkBack, 0.1524)
def d1mini(rx, ry):
Draw outline of d1 mini
@param rx: the x coordinate of the left-top
@param ry: the y coordinate of the left-top
# width and height
w = 25.6 # 25.4 + 0.2
h = 34.2
at = 2.64 # 2.54 + 0.1 arc at top
ab = 0.508 # choose your number: small arc at bottom
asm = 2*0.254 # small arc
hrst = 7.38 - 0.376 # some extra distance to pin
hrst2 = 6.50 # 0.88 space
wrst = 2.54 # 2.54 space
# left-top arc
Arc(rx + at, ry + at, 0, -at, -90, 1)
# right-top arc
Arc(rx + (w - at), ry + at, at, 0, -90, 1)
# line between
Line(rx + at, ry, rx + (w - at), ry, 0, SILK_TO_EDGE)
# Left
Line(rx, ry + at, rx, ry + (h - hrst - asm), SILK_TO_EDGE, 0) # vertical
Arc(rx + asm, ry + (h - hrst - asm), -asm, 0, -90, 1) # bending inside
Line(rx + asm, ry + (h - hrst), rx + (wrst - (hrst-hrst2)), ry + (h - hrst), 0, -SILK_TO_EDGE) # horizontal
Arc(rx + (wrst - (hrst - hrst2)), ry + (h - hrst2), (hrst-hrst2), 0, -90, -1) # bending back to down
Line(rx + wrst, ry + (h - hrst2), rx + wrst, ry + (h - ab), SILK_TO_EDGE, 0) # vertical
Arc(rx + wrst + ab, ry + (h - ab), -ab, 0, -90, 1) # bending to bottom
# Right
Line(rx + w, ry + at, rx + w, ry + (h - ab), -SILK_TO_EDGE, 0)
Arc(rx + (w - ab), ry + (h - ab), 0, ab, -90, 1)
# Bottom
Line(rx + wrst + ab, ry + h, rx + (w - ab), ry + h, 0, -SILK_TO_EDGE)
# reference points
rx = 50
ry = 0
d1mini(rx, ry)
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