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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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AngularJS Test: Directive with ngModel
/* jshint -W117, -W030 */
describe('LineItemType', function() {
var scope, compileDirective, spy;
beforeEach(module('app.lineItem', function($provide) {
$provide.service('lineItemType', mockData.lineItemTypeService());
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
var $controller = $injector.get('$controller');
var $compile = $injector.get('$compile');
var $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
scope = $rootScope.$new();
lineItemType = $injector.get('lineItemType');
spy = sinon.spy(lineItemType, 'getAll');
compileDirective = function (html) {
var el = $compile(html)(scope);
return el;
describe('Directive', function() {
it('should be created and populated when dataset arrives from service', function() {
var dir = compileDirective('<line-item-type></line-item-type>');
scope.$digest(); // the controller does the call and waits for response
var resolvedData = [mockData.getLineItemType(), mockData.getLineItemType()];
lineItemType.$$resolve('getAll', resolvedData);
scope.$digest(); // the controller gets the response
it('should have default values', function() {
var dir = compileDirective('<line-item-type></line-item-type>');
it('should update model when writing input', function() {
var dir = compileDirective('<line-item-type></line-item-type>');
var isolated = dir.isolateScope();
isolated.typeForm.typeWriter.$setViewValue('bolza', 'input');
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