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Last active July 21, 2016 14:30
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Webpack + Angular2 Workflow


Splitting bundles

Webpack + Angular2 + Typescript Workflow

Setup Project

  1. Install Angular2 deps using npm
  2. Try to directly use import { Stuff } from '@angular/core'

Setup Typescript

  1. npm i typescript typings --save-dev
  2. typings search core-js for example to find typing definitions for Core-js polyfill
  3. Install typings with typings install --global --save dt~core-js for example
  4. typings.json should be created at root level
  5. Add to package.json a scripts.postinstall typings install
  6. We can now transpile code using tsc --rootDir app --outDir dist and make a npm.script out of it

Setup Webpack (

  1. Webpack doesnt understand SystemJS and it needs commonjs
  2. npm i webpack ts-loader --save-dev
  3. create webpack.config.js it's a node module using commonjs format
  4. require('webpack') and then module.exports = { [..conf..] }
  5. entry: string with the entry point (eg ./src/main.ts)
  6. output: out configuration object
  7. output.path: out folder (eg: ./dist)
  8. output.filename: complete out name
  9. Since we use TS we need a loader for this, add a loader to the module object
  10. module.loaders: array of loader objects
  11. module.loaders[].test: regexp matching files to apply loader onto (eg /\.ts$/)
  12. module.loaders[].loader: string with the name of the loader (eg ts-loader)
  13. resolve.extensions: array of extensions to be loaded by webpack (eg: ['', '.js', '.ts'])
  14. To start bundling webpack --progress
  15. Stuff that is not explicitly imported in our file like reflect-metadata is not automatically bundled so it may be worth importing this stuff manually in our entry-point file (eg import 'zone.js/dist/zone')

Webpack Templating

  1. npm i html-webpack-plugin --save-dev
  2. In webpack.config.js you can require('html-webpack-plugin')
  3. plugins: array of * containing plugin configuration
  4. new Plugin({ template: './src/index.html' })
  5. Now you can avoid manually including the bundle in the index.html

Webpack Optimizations

  1. webpack --progress -p produces a production build

Webpack DevServer

  1. npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server
  2. webpack-dev-server --progress --inline inline allows auto-reload, there are other ways
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