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Created December 27, 2021 23:46
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  • Save BomberFish/b8153d32fbad8704b9b8d1406892c6ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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The QR code generator I made some time ago, except it accepts files.
#importing pip like this will fail in the future, should be replaced.
for n in range(1):
import pip
except ImportError as missing:
print("You don't have pip. Exiting...")
#install package function
def install(package):
pip.main(['install', package])
#qrcode module checker & install
for n in range(1):
import qrcode
except ImportError as missing:
if input("You don't have the qrcode module. Install it now? [Y/n]").lower() == "y":
print("Please run the program again for changes to apply.")
#data prompt
data = input("Enter the full or relative path of the PLAINTEXT file you want to convert: ")
file = open(data, "r")
#convert to qr code
output = qrcode.make(
#ask filename to save as
saveas = input("What do you want the file to be called? ")
#save file + ".png")
#print filename
print("Saved as " + saveas + ".png")
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