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Created August 18, 2016 20:19
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Mithril web-component experimentation
//Given following HTML
// <div class="rating" data-rating="3" data-votes="133"></div>
// <div class="rating" data-rating="2" data-votes="123"></div>
// <div class="rating" data-rating="4" data-votes="62"></div>
// <div class="rating" data-rating="5" data-votes="42"></div>
// .green {color:#2ECC40;}
// .white {color: #fff;}
// .Rating-star {
// transition:all .4s ease-out;
// cursor:pointer;
// display:inline-block;
// padding:2px;
// text-shadow: 0 2px 2px #dedede;
// }
// .Rating-star:hover {
// transform:scale(1.3);
// -webkit-transform:scale(1.3);
// }
'use strict';
var Rating = {};
Rating.controller = function (args) {
return {
rating: m.prop(args.rating),
userSelection: m.prop(args.rating),
votes: m.prop(args.votes)
Rating.view = function (ctrl, args) {
var Rating = m ? m('.Rating', {
config: function config(el, inited) {
if (inited) {
}, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(function (el, i) {
return m('span.Rating-star', {
key: i,
class: el <= ctrl.userSelection() ? 'green' : 'white',
onclick: function onclick() {
alert('rated with ' + ctrl.userSelection());
/* implement m.request */
onmouseover: function onmouseover() {
return ctrl.userSelection(el);
onmouseout: function onmouseout() {
return ctrl.userSelection(ctrl.rating());
}), m('small', ctrl.userSelection())) : null;
return Rating;
/* Mount to the DOM */
var ratingDest = document.querySelectorAll("div.rating");
Array.from(ratingDest).map(function (el, i) {
el ? m.mount(el, m(Rating, el.dataset)) : null;
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