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Created December 16, 2018 12:04
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tic-tac-toe game in haskell [Literate Programming]

Building a tic-tac-toe game

This are all the imports in the Main.hs file:

module Main where

import Control.Monad (forever, when)
import Data.Bool     (bool)
import Data.Char     (digitToInt)
import Data.List     (isSubsequenceOf)
import Data.Maybe    (isJust, isNothing)
import System.Exit   (exitSuccess)
import System.IO     (hFlush, stdout)
import System.Random (randomRIO)

This is the main execution block of the program:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let board = freshBoard
  runGame board

A player can either be a human or a computer. A 3x3 board is also defined

newtype Board = Board [Maybe Player]
data Player = Human | Computer deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Show Board where
  show (Board cs) = foldr spaceEachThird [] . withIndicesFrom 1 . fmap showCell $ withIndicesFrom 1 cs
    where spaceEachThird a = (++) (bool (snd a) (snd a ++ "\n") (fst a `rem` 3 == 0))

freshBoard :: Board
freshBoard = Board $ replicate 9 Nothing

The game play:

gameOver :: Board -> IO ()
gameOver board@(Board b) =
  when ( all isJust b) $ do
      print board
      putStrLn "Draw!"

runGame :: Board -> IO ()
runGame board = forever $ do
  gameOver board
  print board
  putStr "Your move: "
  hFlush stdout
  n <- getLine
  case n of
    [c] ->
      if [c] `elem` map show [(1::Integer)..9]
      then do
        let n' = digitToInt c
        if openCell board n'
          then handleInput board n' >>= compTurn >>= runGame
          else putStrLn "That's taken!"
      else putStrLn "1-9 only please"
    _ -> putStrLn "Only one digit allowed!"

Defining some useful helper functions

withIndicesFrom :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int, a)]
withIndicesFrom n = zip [n..]

showCell :: (Int, Maybe Player)-> String
showCell (n, Nothing)         = " " ++ show n ++ " "
showCell (_, (Just Human))  = " X "
showCell (_, (Just Computer)) = " O "

openCell :: Board -> Int -> Bool
openCell (Board b) n = isNothing $ b !! (n - 1)

playCell :: Board -> Int -> Player -> Board
playCell (Board b) n m = Board $ take (n - 1) b ++ [Just m] ++ drop n b

winStates :: [[Int]]
winStates = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]]

checkWin :: Board -> Player -> IO ()
checkWin board@(Board b) m =
    bi = withIndicesFrom 0 b
    plays = map fst . filter ((Just m ==) . snd) $ bi
    when (foldr ((||) . flip isSubsequenceOf plays) False winStates) $ do
       -- End the game!
       print board
       putStrLn $ show m ++ " won!"

compTurn :: Board -> IO Board
compTurn board@(Board b) = do
  let options = filter (isNothing . snd) . withIndicesFrom 1 $ b
  r <- randomRIO (0, length options - 1)
  let play = (fst $ options !! r)
  let b2   = playCell board play Computer
  putStrLn $ "Computer plays " ++ show play
  checkWin b2 Computer
  return b2

handleInput :: Board -> Int -> IO Board
handleInput board n = do
  let b = playCell board n Human
  checkWin b Human
  gameOver b
  return b

Finally, the main file





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