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Created February 12, 2012 21:15
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Save BonsaiDen/1810887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small, simple, JS tokenizer in JS.
* Simple JavaScript tokenizer (not a full parser!!!)
* Portions taken from Narcissus by Brendan Eich <>.
/*jshint evil: true, regexdash: false, regexp: false */
var KEYWORDS = [
'case', 'catch', 'const', 'continue',
'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do',
'else', 'enum',
'false', 'finally', 'for', 'function',
'if', 'in', 'instanceof',
'new', 'null',
'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeof',
'var', 'void',
'while', 'with'
'>>>=': 'ASSIGN_URSH',
'>>=': 'ASSIGN_RSH',
'<<=': 'ASSIGN_LSH',
'+=': 'ASSIGN_PLUS',
'*=': 'ASSIGN_MUL',
'/=': 'ASSIGN_DIV',
'%=': 'ASSIGN_MOD',
',': 'COMMA',
'?': 'HOOK',
':': 'COLON',
'||': 'OR',
'&&': 'AND',
'|': 'BITWISE_OR',
'===': 'STRICT_EQ',
'==': 'EQ',
'=': 'ASSIGN',
'!==': 'STRICT_NE',
'!=': 'NE',
'<<': 'LSH',
'<=': 'LE',
'<': 'LT',
'>>>': 'URSH',
'>>': 'RSH',
'>=': 'GE',
'>': 'GT',
'++': 'INCREMENT',
'--': 'DECREMENT',
'+': 'PLUS',
'-': 'MINUS',
'*': 'MUL',
'/': 'DIV',
'%': 'MOD',
'!': 'NOT',
'.': 'DOT',
'{': 'LEFT_CURLY',
'(': 'LEFT_PAREN',
// Regular Expressions --------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var opMatch = '^';
for (var i in OPERATORS) {
if (opMatch !== '^') {
opMatch += '|^';
opMatch += i.replace(/[?|^&(){}\[\]+\-*\/\.]/g, '\\$&');
var opRegExp = new RegExp(opMatch),
fpRegExp = /^\d+\.\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?|^\d+(?:\.\d*)?[eE][-+]?\d+|^\.\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/,
reRegExp = /^\/((?:\\.|\[(?:\\.|[^\]])*\]|[^\/])+)\/([gimy]*)/,
intRegExp = /^0[xX][\da-fA-F]+|^0[0-7]*|^\d+/,
multiCommentRegExp = /^\/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*\//m,
commentRegExp = /^\/\/.*/,
identRegExp = /^[$_\w]+/,
wsRegExp = /^[\ \t]+/,
strRegExp = /^'([^'\\]|\\.)*'|^"([^"\\]|\\.)*"/;
// Token Class ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Token() {
this.col = 1;
this.line = 1; = {
indent: 0,
before: 0,
after: 0,
trailing: 0
this.type = null;
this.value = null;
this.plain = null;
Token.prototype.toString = function() {
return '[' + (this.type + ' ').substr(0, 13) + ' '
+ '[' + + ':' + + ']' + this.line
+ ':' + this.col + '[' + + ':' +
+ ']' + ': ' + this.value + ']';
// Main Tokenizer function ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function tokenize(input, tabWidth) {
var cursor = 0,
line = 1,
col = 0,
spaceBefore = 0,
indentation = 0,
tabExpand = new Array((tabWidth || 4)).join(' '),
token = new Token(),
lastToken = null,
list = [];
// Grab the inputs
while(cursor < input.length) {
// Save the last non-whitespace token
if (token.type !== 'WHITESPACE') {
lastToken = token;
// Get the rest
// We also grab the rest of the line here for regexps
var sub = input.substring(cursor),
subline = sub.substring(0, sub.indexOf('\n')),
m = null;
// Create next token
token = new Token();
token.line = line;
token.col = col; = indentation; = lastToken.type === 'NEWLINE' ? 0 : spaceBefore;
// Reset whitespace
spaceBefore = 0;
// Newlines
if (sub[0] === '\n') { =; = 0;
token.type = 'NEWLINE';
token.value = '\\n';
token.plain = sub[0];
col = 0;
// Multi line comments
// don't ask how this regexp works just pray that it will never fail
} else if ((m = sub.match(multiCommentRegExp ))) {
token.type = 'MULTI_COMMENT';
token.plain = m[0];
token.value = m[0].slice(2, -2);
var lines = token.plain.split('\n');
line += lines.length - 1;
col = lines[lines.length - 1].length - m[0].length + 1;
// Comment
} else if ((m = subline.match(commentRegExp))) {
token.type = 'COMMENT';
token.plain = m[0];
token.value = m[0].substr(2);
// Float
} else if ((m = sub.match(fpRegExp))) {
token.type = 'FLOAT';
token.plain = m[0];
token.value = parseFloat(m[0]);
// Integer
} else if ((m = sub.match(intRegExp))) {
token.type = 'INTEGER';
token.plain = m[0];
token.value = parseInt(m[0]);
// String
} else if ((m = sub.match(strRegExp))) {
token.type = 'STRING';
token.plain = m[0];
token.value = eval(m[0]); // simpelst way to get the actual js string value, don't beat me, taken from narcissus!
// Identifier
} else if ((m = sub.match(identRegExp))) {
token.value = m[0];
token.type = KEYWORDS.indexOf(token.value) !== -1 ? 'KEYWORD' : 'IDENTIFIER';
// Regexp, matches online on the same line and only if we didn't encounter a identifier right before it
} else if (lastToken.type !== 'IDENTIFIER' && (m = subline.match(reRegExp))) {
token.type = 'REGEXP';
token.plain = m[0];
token.value = m[1];
token.flags = m[2];
// Operator
} else if ((m = sub.match(opRegExp))) {
// Check for assignments
var op = OPERATORS[m[0]];
if (op.substring(0, 6) === 'ASSIGN') {
token.type = 'ASSIGN';
if (op === 'ASSIGN') {
token.operator = null;
} else {
token.operator = op.substring(7);
} else {
token.type = op;
token.value = m[0];
// Whitespace handling
} else if ((m = sub.match(wsRegExp))) {
token.type = 'WHITESPACE';
// Provide meta information about whitespacing
spaceBefore = m[0].replace(/\t/g, ' ').length;
if (col === 1) {
indentation = spaceBefore;
} else { = spaceBefore;
// If we ever hit this... we suck
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected: ' + sub[0] + ' on :');
// Add non-whitespace tokens to stream
if (token.type !== 'WHITESPACE') {
// Advance cursor by match length
var len = 1;
if (m) {
len = m[0].length + m.index;
cursor += len;
col += len;
// Return some API for ya
var tokenPos = -1;
return {
peek: function() {
return list[tokenPos + 1];
next: function() {
return list[++tokenPos];
get: function() {
return list[tokenPos];
all: function() {
return list;
at: function(pos) {
return list[pos];
reset: function() {
tokenPos = 0;
module.exports = tokenize;
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Anujndls commented Sep 2, 2018

Is Brutaflam 120mg tab causes gastritis on chronic use

when i am passing this string it showing error:
Error: Unexpected:   on :
at tokenize (tokenizer.js:295)_

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adminy commented Feb 17, 2020

multi-line comment followed by a single line comment, it doesn't recognize the single-line comment and instead it pushes tokens SLASH SLASH ...

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camilow commented Jan 30, 2021

Not sure how to do this. there is a bug with multiline comments placed anywhere other than the first line. Everything before the comment is thrown away. The fix is to make sure that the comment is at the beginning of the current token stream:
// Multi line comments
// don't ask how this regexp works just pray that it will never fail
} else if ( (m = sub.match(multiCommentRegExp )) && m.index===0 ) {

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