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Last active July 2, 2020 14:59
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Install/Verify Java (Mac OS)

You will need Java installed if you want to:

  • run the current version of the Fabric Installer
  • use MultiMC
  • change the default “JAVA EXECUTABLE” to other than the bundled Java runtime in a Minecraft Launcher “Installation”

Step 1: Verify if Java is already installed

Open launchpad by pressing F4 and type in terminal.
Alternatively, you could also do it with Spotlight by pressing Command + space.
I Spotlight image
I Launchpad image

Next, type in the following command I Java version command.
Most newer macs ship Java 8, so you should see something like this.
I Java 8 version
If not, you might find an older version of java.
I Java 6 version

Step 2: Uninstall any older version of Java

This process is not necessary, but if you would like to uninstall any older version of java that came with your mac, for example Java 5 or 6, you can use the Java Uninstall Tool provided by Oracle to help uninstall them.

Step 3: Install java

To download the Java installer, go here
I AdoptOpenJdk site
For better compatibility pick Version 8 of Java, and the HotSpot JVM, and then download the .pkg installer for the JRE. Open the installer that you just downloaded.
I Introduction page

Click on the Continue button until you reach the Installation Type page. Here, you can change the installation disk. It is recommended to install java on the same disk as your operating system.

While installing, you should see an alert box. You will need administrator privelages to install.
I Administrator privelages
Type in an Administrator's username and password to continue.

If you've done everything correctly, you should see something like this I Intallation successful
Finish the installation, choose whether to delete the installer or not, and then go back to Step 1 to verify that Java was installed correctly.
I Second Java version command

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