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Created December 2, 2019 08:55
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Script to clear git branches without upstream
Used to clean branches in git repo.
Script to clean branches without upstream in git repo. Uses git commands to work with repo.
Prevent script from doing any real actions.
Remove branches without upstream even if they are not merged. Use with care!
.PARAMETER noPruneOrigin
Do not prune origins before cleaning local branches.
Do not fetch all before cleaning local branches.
git status | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to execute git command. Not a git repository?"
return 1
if (!$noFetch)
git fetch --all | Out-Null
$remotes = git remote
if ($remotes -is [array])
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Found $($remotes.Length) remotes, expected 1. Exiting."
return 2
$originName = $remotes
if (-not $noPruneOrigin)
git remote prune $originName | Out-Null
$localBranches = git branch | %{ $_.Trim() } | %{ if ($_.StartsWith('* ')) { $_.Substring(2) } else { $_ } }
if ($localBranches.Length -eq 0)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "No local branches found. Exiting. "
return 3
$remoteBranches = git branch -r | %{ $_.Trim() } | %{ if ($_.IndexOf('/') -gt 0) { $_.Substring($_.IndexOf('/') + 1) } else { $_ } }
$mergedBranches = git branch --merged dev | %{ $_.Trim() }
$orphaned = 0
$notMerged = 0
$removed = 0
foreach ($branch in $localBranches)
$remoteBranch = $remoteBranches | ?{ $_ -ieq $branch }
if (!$remoteBranch)
$mergedBranch = $mergedBranches | ?{ $_ -ieq $branch }
if (!$mergedBranch)
if ($dryRun)
if ($mergedBranch)
Write-Host $branch
elseif (!$force)
Write-Host -NoNewline $branch
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ' Not merged!'
$isRemoved = $false
if ($force)
if ($mergedBranch)
git branch -d $branch | Out-Null
$isRemoved = $true
git branch -D $branch | Out-Null
$isRemoved = $true
if ($isRemoved)
Write-Host "Removed branch $($branch)"
if (!$force -or $mergedBranch)
if ($dryRun)
Write-Host -NoNewline "Orphaned branches total: $($orphaned)"
if (!$force)
Write-Host -NoNewline ", not merged: $($notMerged)"
Write-Host ''
Write-Host "Total branches removed: $($removed)"
return 0
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