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Created December 9, 2013 08:36
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A PowerShell script by Leniel Macaferi to add a header to all .cs files in a directory
param($target = "C:\MyProject", $companyname = "My Company", $date = (Get-Date))
$header = "//-----------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file=""{0}"" company=""{1}"">
// Copyright (c) {1}. All rights reserved.
// <author>Leniel Macaferi</author>
// <date>{2}</date>
// </copyright>
function Write-Header ($file)
$content = Get-Content $file
$filename = Split-Path -Leaf $file
$fileheader = $header -f $filename,$companyname,$date
Set-Content $file $fileheader
Add-Content $file $content
Get-ChildItem $target -Recurse | ? { $_.Extension -like ".cs" } | % `
Write-Header $_.PSPath.Split(":", 3)[2]
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