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class Helper:
encoding = 'utf-8'
def __init__(self, udid, it_pro):
self.udid = udid
self.itpro = it_pro
def employee_id(self):
sql = "select emplid from emplid_to_alphaname where alphaname = (%s);", (self.udid, )
BosnaZmaj /
Created March 23, 2018 13:42 — forked from antoine-briand/
Interactive ImapSync tool written in python 3. Useful to sync imap accounts across different mail servers. Python 3 and imapsync must be installed on the machine.
# coding: utf8
import os, csv
print("Welcome to the ImapSync interactive")
mode = input("Interactive mode or Read CSV file ? (1/2) ")
if mode == "2":
file = input("File path : ")
if file:
print("Reading file")