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Last active March 11, 2019 19:56
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# we edit the grades off-line from blackboard
# we assume the combination of Student ID and BU emails as unique and valid identity (either should do)
# group assignment list should be with this script
# Mode 1:
# we input csv files for grade assignments
# Mode 2:
# we input a grade for a group
import csv
import os
import copy as c
# import subprocess
#["cp", "../Downloads/gc_19sprgcascs528_a1_fullgc_2019-02-21-09-51-12.csv","../Downloads/copy.csv"])
def readcsv(csv_file):
content = []
with open(csv_file, 'rb') as csvfile:
f = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in f:
row[0] = str(row[0].decode('utf-8-sig').encode('ascii').replace('\"',''))
return content
def print_choice(choices):
for i in range(len(choices)):
print str(i)+": " + choices[i]
def getcolum(ary2d,i,dlmt):
res = []
for row in ary2d:
return res
def get_group():
group = []
f = open("group_assign.txt",'r')
content = f.readlines()
j = -1
for line in content:
line = line[:-1]
if (line.startswith("group")):
print str(j)+": "+line[6:]
return group
def assign_individual_grade(content,csv_file,person_grade_dict,grade_column):
'''this is N^2 time, my class has 31 people so i dont care'''
with open(csv_file, 'wb') as csvfile:
written = c.copy(person_grade_dict.keys())
f = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',quotechar='\"',quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for row in content:
if(row[2] in person_grade_dict.keys()):
row[grade_column] = person_grade_dict[row[2]]
for i in range(len(row)):
row[i] = str(row[i])
for p in written:
if(p!="Email Address"):
print("we did not write grade for: "+ p)
def assign_grade(content,csv_file,person,grade_column,grade_point):
'''this is N^2 time, my class has 31 people so i dont care'''
with open(csv_file, 'wb') as csvfile:
written = c.copy(person)
f = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',quotechar='\"',quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for row in content:
if(row[2] in person):
row[grade_column] = grade_point
for i in range(len(row)):
row[i] = str(row[i])
for p in written:
print("we did not write grade for: "+ p)
def GEN_IDgrade_dict(ID,grade):
res = {}
if (len(ID)!=len(grade)): print("we dont have the same number of grads and IDs")
for i in range(len(ID)):
return res
print("Choose from the following mode:")
print("1: Grade by cvs individually")
print("2: Grade by hand in groups")
mode = int(input()) # select mode
# mode 1: individual assignments
if (mode ==1):
inputfilenames = os.listdir("../Downloads/")
print("input grade filename:")
grade_f_name = inputfilenames[int(input())]
inputfileName = '../Downloads/'+grade_f_name
inputgrades = readcsv(inputfileName) # get the input grades
# print_choice(inputgrades[0])
# print("Which ID? Choose email!")
# id_col = int(input())
IDs = getcolum(inputgrades,1,'@')
# print("Which Grade? Google form special!(score)")
# grade_col = int(input())
grade = getcolum(inputgrades,2,'/')
fileName = os.listdir("../Downloads/")
print("Grade Center File Name:")
fileName = '../Downloads/'+ fileName[int(input())]
grade_center = readcsv(fileName)
print("grade choice:")
grade_column = int(input())
inputgrade_dict = GEN_IDgrade_dict(IDs,grade)
# mode 2: group assignments
if (mode ==2):
# get group assignments
# select what to grade
# input a grade
# select a group
inputfilenames = os.listdir("../Downloads/")
print("Grading Center filename:")
grade_f_name = inputfilenames[int(input())]
fileName = '../Downloads/'+grade_f_name
grade_center = readcsv(fileName) # get grading sheets
grade_column = -1
while True:
print("grade choice:")
grade_column = int(raw_input() or grade_column) # select what to grade
print("choice: " + str(grade_column))
group = get_group()
print("group number:") # select who to grade
grade_group = int(input())
print("grade point")
grade = float(input())
persons = group[grade_group]
p_emails = []
for p in persons:
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