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Last active February 9, 2023 18:48
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#version 460 core
#define PI 3.14159265
#define EPSILON 0.001
#extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture : require
#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector : enable
#ifdef GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector
#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : require
layout(binding = 0, rgba16f) restrict uniform image3D ImgResult;
#ifndef GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector
layout(binding = 1, r32ui) restrict uniform uimage3D ImgResultR;
layout(binding = 2, r32ui) restrict uniform uimage3D ImgResultG;
layout(binding = 3, r32ui) restrict uniform uimage3D ImgResultB;
struct Material
sampler2D AlbedoAlpha;
sampler2D Normal;
sampler2D Roughness;
sampler2D Specular;
sampler2D Emissive;
struct Light
vec3 Position;
float Radius;
vec3 Color;
float _pad0;
struct PointShadow
samplerCube Texture;
samplerCubeShadow ShadowTexture;
mat4 ProjViewMatrices[6];
float NearPlane;
float FarPlane;
int LightIndex;
float _pad0;
layout(std430, binding = 5) restrict readonly buffer MaterialSSBO
Material Materials[];
} materialSSBO;
layout(std140, binding = 1) uniform ShadowDataUBO
#define GLSL_MAX_UBO_POINT_SHADOW_COUNT 16 // used in shader and client code - keep in sync!
int PointCount;
} shadowDataUBO;
layout(std140, binding = 2) uniform LightsUBO
#define GLSL_MAX_UBO_LIGHT_COUNT 256 // used in shader and client code - keep in sync!
int Count;
} lightsUBO;
layout(std140, binding = 5) uniform VoxelizerDataUBO
mat4 OrthoProjection;
vec3 GridMin;
float _pad0;
vec3 GridMax;
float _pad1;
} voxelizerDataUBO;
in InOutVars
centroid vec3 FragPos;
centroid vec2 TexCoord;
centroid vec3 Normal;
flat uint MaterialIndex;
flat float EmissiveBias;
} inData;
vec3 GetDirectLighting(Light light, vec3 albedo, vec3 sampleToLight);
float Visibility(PointShadow pointShadow, vec3 lightToSample);
ivec3 WorlSpaceToVoxelImageSpace(vec3 worldPos);
void main()
ivec3 voxelPos = WorlSpaceToVoxelImageSpace(inData.FragPos);
Material material = materialSSBO.Materials[inData.MaterialIndex];
vec4 albedoAlpha = texture(material.AlbedoAlpha, inData.TexCoord);
vec3 emissive = (texture(material.Emissive, inData.TexCoord).rgb * EMISSIVE_MATERIAL_MULTIPLIER + inData.EmissiveBias) * albedoAlpha.rgb;
vec3 directLighting = vec3(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < shadowDataUBO.PointCount; i++)
PointShadow pointShadow = shadowDataUBO.PointShadows[i];
Light light = lightsUBO.Lights[i];
vec3 sampleToLight = light.Position - inData.FragPos;
directLighting += GetDirectLighting(light, albedoAlpha.rgb, sampleToLight) * Visibility(pointShadow, -sampleToLight);
for (int i = shadowDataUBO.PointCount; i < lightsUBO.Count; i++)
Light light = lightsUBO.Lights[i];
vec3 sampleToLight = light.Position - inData.FragPos;
directLighting += GetDirectLighting(light, albedoAlpha.rgb, sampleToLight);
const float ambient = 0.03;
directLighting += albedoAlpha.rgb * ambient;
directLighting += emissive;
#ifdef GL_NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector
imageAtomicMax(ImgResult, voxelPos, f16vec4(directLighting, 1.0));
// Those only work on pre 22.7.1 drivers
// imageAtomicMax(ImgResultR, voxelPos, floatBitsToUint(directLighting.r));
// imageAtomicMax(ImgResultG, voxelPos, floatBitsToUint(directLighting.g));
// imageAtomicMax(ImgResultB, voxelPos, floatBitsToUint(directLighting.b));
// This still works
imageStore(ImgResultR, voxelPos, uvec4(floatBitsToUint(directLighting.r)));
imageStore(ImgResultG, voxelPos, uvec4(floatBitsToUint(directLighting.g)));
imageStore(ImgResultB, voxelPos, uvec4(floatBitsToUint(directLighting.b)));
imageStore(ImgResult, voxelPos, uvec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
vec3 GetDirectLighting(Light light, vec3 albedo, vec3 sampleToLight)
float sampleToLightLength = length(sampleToLight);
vec3 lightDir = sampleToLight / sampleToLightLength;
float cosTerm = dot(inData.Normal, lightDir);
if (cosTerm > 0.0)
vec3 diffuse = light.Color * cosTerm * albedo;
vec3 attenuation = light.Color / (4.0 * PI * sampleToLightLength * sampleToLightLength);
return diffuse * attenuation;
return vec3(0.0);
float Visibility(PointShadow pointShadow, vec3 lightToSample)
float lightToFragLength = length(lightToSample);
float twoDist = lightToFragLength * lightToFragLength;
float twoNearPlane = pointShadow.NearPlane * pointShadow.NearPlane;
float twoFarPlane = pointShadow.FarPlane * pointShadow.FarPlane;
const float MIN_BIAS = EPSILON;
const float MAX_BIAS = 1.5;
float twoBias = mix(MAX_BIAS * MAX_BIAS, MIN_BIAS * MIN_BIAS, max(dot(inData.Normal, lightToSample / lightToFragLength), 0.0));
// Map from [nearPlane, farPlane] to [0.0, 1.0]
float mapedDepth = (twoDist - twoBias - twoNearPlane) / (twoFarPlane - twoNearPlane);
float shadowFactor = texture(pointShadow.ShadowTexture, vec4(lightToSample, mapedDepth));
return shadowFactor;
ivec3 WorlSpaceToVoxelImageSpace(vec3 worldPos)
vec3 ndc = (voxelizerDataUBO.OrthoProjection * vec4(worldPos, 1.0)).xyz;
ivec3 voxelPos = ivec3((ndc * 0.5 + 0.5) * imageSize(ImgResult));
return voxelPos;
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