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Created June 12, 2019 10:07
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  • Save BoyetDgte/396c7dc52f4d9681b9f618a8f154fc45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BoyetDgte/396c7dc52f4d9681b9f618a8f154fc45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Apple script for emailing multiple accounts in Mac Mail
set {firstName, eAddress} to getData()
repeat with i from 1 to count firstName
tell application "Mail"
set mymail to make new outgoing message at the beginning of outgoing messages with properties {subject:"Great new! We are now offering Radio Mobile Apps for Android and iOS here at Internet Radio Cast on VPS"}
tell mymail
make new to recipient at beginning of to recipients with properties {address:item i of eAddress}
delay 5
set content to "Hi " & item i of firstName & "
We are excited to inform you guys that we are now offering radio mobile apps for Android and iOS at $69 and $99 respectively for a one time fee only.
Please visit our site for more info!
Internet Radio Cast on VPS
end tell
--show message window (otherwise it's hidden)
set visible of mymail to true
--bring Mail to front
send mymail
end tell
end repeat
on getData()
set colA to {}
set colB to {}
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell active sheet
set lastRow to first row index of (get end (last cell of column 1) direction toward the top)
repeat with i from 3 to lastRow
set end of colA to (value of range ("A" & i))
set end of colB to (value of range ("B" & i))
end repeat
end tell
end tell
return {colA, colB}
end getData
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Is there a way to have this add an attachment? I have found this works brilliantly except when I try to add an attachment; what I included above "set content" is make new attachment with properties {{file name, "Macintosh HD:User:Desktop:file name)}
but this screws up the rest of the script. any ideas?

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