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Last active January 2, 2016 18:29
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Setting up your Django Environment

Setting up your dev environment

The instructions that I've laid out below should handle most of the process, but if you get confused (or want to validate that something is correct), check out this awesome tutorial for setting up a Django environment --

Whenever you see a white background with red text coloring in the sections below, that is a bash command to be run in your terminal.

Start by installing the following:

  • Command Line Tools for Xcode or Xcode - Available at the Apple Dev Center. Command Line Tools for Xcode is a smaller package but is only available for OS X Lion or higher, if you don't have it, download and install Xcode.
  • Homebrew - Download and install at Please follow the instructions carefully and place your Brew directory (/usr/local/bin by default) at the beginning of your $PATH.
  • Sublime Text 2 - Sublime Text 2 is a program to help edit text files. Download the latest version from

Brew packages to install

Homebrew is a package installer for Mac that makes it easy to install things like MySQL and Git. It's not necessary (you can install these packages manually) but you should try to use it. When you install Homebrew packages, make sure to read all terminal output to see if there are additional instructions. Note that some of the packages below may install others from the list automatically, so don't worry if something already exists on your computer when you try to install it.

  • MySQL -- brew install mysql (Make sure to follow the brew caveats and don't set a password, i.e. leave the password field blank)
  • Git - brew install git

Setting up virtualenv with pip

The main point here is that pip is a tool for installing Python packages (libraries) -- including Django

Setting up Git

Git is a version control system (basically allows us to see how our code has changed over time and restore older versions or merge our work with others). You will want to set up a account if you do not have one already.

Setting up your MySQL Database

Make sure you have a clean database called [name of your project]

mysql -u root -e"drop database if exists [name of your project]; create database [name of your project];"

Everything is installed, time to create your project

Additional helpful resources

Some optional things that are helpful but not necessary:

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