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Last active December 11, 2016 21:47
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Solutions to Google Code Jam Qualification Round 2010 Africa Problems
Below are the solutions to the three problems of the Google Code Jam Qualification Round of 2010 in Africa.
def unscramble(sentence):
unscramble_sent = [] # array placeholder for unscrambled sentence
sentence_array = sentence.split() # split sentence into array of words
for j in range(len(sentence_array) - 1, -1, -1): # iterates backwards through indices including 0
unscramble_sent.append(sentence_array[j]) # adds words to sentence backwards
final_sent = ' '.join(unscramble_sent) # joins words in array to make one space separated sentence
return final_sent
def Reverse_Words():
'''Reads sentences from a given input file, and writes each word in each sentence backwards onto a new output file.'''
file = open('','r')
written_file = open('Reverse_Words_final.txt', 'w')
iterations = file.readline() # reads number of total iterations of lines from input file
for i in range(0, int(iterations)):
scrambled_sent = file.readline()
final_unscramble_sent = unscramble(scrambled_sent) # variable holding unscrambled sentence
written_file.write("Case #{0}: {1}\n".format(i + 1, final_unscramble_sent))
def two_sub_arrays(arr):
outermost_array = [] # holds all subarrays
sum_array = [] # holds all sums
for i in range(0, len(arr) - 1): # first pointer always starting from 0 index omitting last index
for j in range(1, len(arr)): # 2nd pointer starting from 1 index include last index
if i == j: # omits duplicates of indicies
outermost_array.append([arr[i],arr[j]]) # appends length 2 lists
return outermost_array
def sum_subarrays(arr):
sum_dict = {} # arrays of sums placeholder
for number in range(0, len(arr)): # for each subarray in a larger array
sum_dict[number] = sum(arr[number]) # adds sum of each subarray to a sum dictionary keeping track of indices
return sum_dict
def Store_Credit():
'''Reads file of inputs provided by Google, and writes the indices of the two products that add up to the amount of given store credit to a new output file.'''
file = open('','r')
written_file = open('Store_credit_output.txt','w')
iterations = file.readline() # reads first line of file to determine number of iterations
for i in range(0, int(iterations)):
credit = file.readline() # C value
num_items = file.readline() # Number of items in store
items_list = file.readline().split() # list of item prices separated by their spaces
for q in range(0,len(items_list)): # converts all string numbers to int numbers
items_list[q] = int(items_list[q])
doubles_list = two_sub_arrays(items_list) # list of all possible two item combinations
total_price_dict = sum_subarrays(doubles_list) # dictionary of all combined prices and their corresponding indicies
for index, sums in total_price_dict.items():
if int(sums) == int(credit):
credit_sum_list = doubles_list[index] # correct two prices that equal credit
case_1 = items_list.index(credit_sum_list[0])
items_list[case_1] = 0 # replaces already found cases with 0 to avoid duplicates
case_2 = items_list.index(credit_sum_list[1])
written_file.write("Case #{0}: {1} {2}\n".format(i + 1, case_1 + 1, case_2 + 1)) # add 1 to nullify zero base
break # to stop duplicates
def T9_Spelling():
'''Reads a Latin based alphabet sentence and converts each letter to its alpha-numeric equivalent and writes each interation to a file.'''
alpha_num_dict = {'a':'2', 'b':'22', 'c':'222', 'd':'3', 'e':'33', 'f':'333', 'g':'4', 'h':'44', 'i':'444', 'j':'5', 'k':'55', 'l':'555', 'm':'6', 'n':'66', 'o':'666', 'p':'7', 'q':'77', 'r':'777', 's':'7777', 't':'8', 'u':'88', 'v':'888', 'w':'9', 'x':'99', 'y':'999', 'z':'9999', ' ':'0'}
file = open("", "r")
written_file = open("T9_output.txt", "w")
iterations = int(file.readline())
num = 0 # number of input lines being read
while num < iterations:
letters_array = list(file.readline())
numeric_string = ''
for index in range(0, len(letters_array)):
current_string_nums = alpha_num_dict[letters_array[index]] # number string values of specified letter keys
numeric_string += current_string_nums # concatenates to a continuous empty string
next_string_nums = alpha_num_dict[letters_array[index + 1]]
if current_string_nums[0] in next_string_nums:
numeric_string += ' '
num += 1 # move to next line of file
written_file.write("Case #{0}: {1}\n".format(num, numeric_string))
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